66 research outputs found

    Fictitious fluxes in doped antiferromagnets

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    In a tight binding model of charged spin-1/2 electrons on a square lattice, a fully polarized ferromagnetic spin configuration generates an apparent U(1) flux given by 2π2\pi times the skyrmion charge density of the ferromagnetic order parameter. We show here that for an antiferromagnet, there are two ``fictitious'' magnetic fields, one staggered and one unstaggered. The staggered topological flux per unit cell can be varied between πΦπ-\pi\le\Phi\le\pi with a negligible change in the value of the effective nearest neighbor coupling constant whereas the magnitude of the unstaggered flux is strongly coupled to the magnitude of the second neighbor effective coupling.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages including 4 figure

    Passive scalar turbulence in high dimensions

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    Exploiting a Lagrangian strategy we present a numerical study for both perturbative and nonperturbative regions of the Kraichnan advection model. The major result is the numerical assessment of the first-order 1/d1/d-expansion by M. Chertkov, G. Falkovich, I. Kolokolov and V. Lebedev ({\it Phys. Rev. E}, {\bf 52}, 4924 (1995)) for the fourth-order scalar structure function in the limit of high dimensions dd's. %Two values of the velocity scaling exponent ξ\xi have been considered: %ξ=0.8\xi=0.8 and ξ=0.6\xi=0.6. In the first case, the perturbative regime %takes place at d30d\sim 30, while in the second at d25d\sim 25, %in agreement with the fact that the relevant small parameter %of the theory is 1/(d(2ξ))\propto 1/(d (2-\xi)). In addition to the perturbative results, the behavior of the anomaly for the sixth-order structure functions {\it vs} the velocity scaling exponent, ξ\xi, is investigated and the resulting behavior discussed.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 4 figure

    Singular Laplacian Growth

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    The general equations of motion for two dimensional Laplacian growth are derived using the conformal mapping method. In the singular case, all singularities of the conformal map are on the unit circle, and the map is a degenerate Schwarz-Christoffel map. The equations of motion describe the motions of these singularities. Despite the typical fractal-like outcomes of Laplacian growth processes, the equations of motion are shown to be not particularly sensitive to initial conditions. It is argued that the sensitivity of this system derives from a novel cause, the non-uniqueness of solutions to the differential system. By a mechanism of singularity creation, every solution can become more complex, even in the absence of noise, without violating the growth law. These processes are permitted, but are not required, meaning the equation of motion does not determine the motion, even in the small.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, 4 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Critical Scaling in a Moderately Doped Antiferromagnet

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    Using high temperature expansions for the equal time correlator S(q)S(q) and static susceptibility χ(q)\chi(q) for the t-J model, we present evidence for quantum critical (QC), z ⁣= ⁣1z\!=\!1, behavior at intermediate temperatures in a broad range of t/Jt/J ratio, doping, and temperatures. We find that the dynamical susceptibility is very close to the universal scaling function computable for the asymptotic QC regime, and that the dominant energy scale is temperature. Our results are in excellent agreement with measurements of the spin-echo decay rate, 1/T2G1/T_{\rm 2G}, in La2_2CuO4_4, and provide qualitative understanding of both 1/T11/T_1 and 1/T2G1/T_{\rm 2G} nuclear relaxation rates in doped cuprates.Comment: 11 pages, REVTeX v3.0, PostScript file for 3 figures is attached, UIUC-P-93-07-068. In this revised version, we calculate the scaling functions and thus present new and more direct evidence in favor of our original conclusion

    Onset of Collective Oscillation in Chemical Turbulence under Global Feedback

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    Preceding the complete suppression of chemical turbulence by means of global feedback, a different universal type of transition, which is characterized by the emergence of small-amplitude collective oscillation with strong turbulent background, is shown to occur at much weaker feedback intensity. We illustrate this fact numerically in combination with a phenomenological argument based on the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with global feedback.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Systematic 1/S study of the 2D Hubbard model at half-filling

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    The 2D Hubbard model is extended by placing 2S orbitals at each lattice site and studied in a systematic 1/S expansion. The 1/S results for the magnetic susceptibility and the spectra of spin-wave excitations at half-filling are consistent with the large S calculations for the Heisenberg antiferromagnet. The 1/S corrections to the fermionic spectrum lift the degeneracy along the edge of the magnetic Brillouin zone yielding minima at (+- pi/2, +- pi/2). Relation to previous papers on the subject is discussed.Comment: 18 pages, emTex version 3.

    Passive Sliders on Growing Surfaces and (anti-)Advection in Burger's Flows

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    We study the fluctuations of particles sliding on a stochastically growing surface. This problem can be mapped to motion of passive scalars in a randomly stirred Burger's flow. Renormalization group studies, simulations, and scaling arguments in one dimension, suggest a rich set of phenomena: If particles slide with the avalanche of growth sites (advection with the fluid), they tend to cluster and follow the surface dynamics. However, for particles sliding against the avalanche (anti-advection), we find slower diffusion dynamics, and density fluctuations with no simple relation to the underlying fluid, possibly with continuously varying exponents.Comment: 4 pages revtex

    Crossover and scaling in a nearly antiferromagnetic Fermi liquid in two dimensions

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    We consider two-dimensional Fermi liquids in the vicinity of a quantum transition to a phase with commensurate, antiferromagnetic long-range order. Depending upon the Fermi surface topology, mean-field spin-density-wave theory predicts two different types of such transitions, with mean-field dynamic critical exponents z=1z=1 (when the Fermi surface does not cross the magnetic zone boundary, type AA) and z=2z=2 (when the Fermi surface crosses the magnetic zone boundary, type BB). The type AA system only displays z=1z=1 behavior at all energies and its scaling properties are similar (though not identical) to those of an insulating Heisenberg antiferromagnet. Under suitable conditions precisely stated in this paper, the type BB system displays a crossover from relaxational behavior at low energies to type AA behavior at high energies. A scaling hypothesis is proposed to describe this crossover: we postulate a universal scaling function which determines the entire, temperature-, wavevector-, and frequency-dependent, dynamic, staggered spin susceptibility in terms of 4 measurable, T=0T=0, parameters (determining the distance, energy, and order parameter scales, plus one crossover parameter). The scaling function contains the full scaling behavior in all regimes for both type AA and BB systems. The crossover behavior of the uniform susceptibility and the specific heat is somewhat more complicated and is also discussed. Explicit computation of the crossover functions is carried out in a large NN expansion on a mean-field model. Some new results for the critical properties on the ordered side of the transition are also obtained in a spin-density wave formalism. The possible relevance of our results to the doped cuprate compounds is briefly discussed.Comment: 20 pages, REVTeX, 6 figures (uuencoded compressed PostScript file for figures is appended

    On the Nagaoka polaron in the t-J model

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    It is widely believed that a single hole in the two (or three) dimensional t-J model, for sufficiently small exchange coupling J, creates a ferromagnetic bubble around itself, a finite J remnant of the ferromagnetic groundstate at J=0 (the infinite U Hubbard model), first established by Nagaoka. We investigate this phenomenon in two dimensions using the density matrix renormalization group, for system sizes up to 9x9. We find that the polaron forms for J/t<0.02-0.03 (a somewhat larger value than estimated previously). Although finite-size effects appear large, our data seems consistent with the expected 1.1(J/t)^{-1/4} variation of polarion radius. We also test the Brinkman-Rice model of non-retracing paths in a Neel background, showing that it is quite accurate, at larger J. Results are also presented in the case where the Heisenberg interaction is dropped (the t-J^z model). Finally we discuss a "dressed polaron" picture in which the hole propagates freely inside a finite region but makes only self-retracing excursions outside this region.Comment: 7 pages, 9 encapsulated figure

    Anomalous scaling of a passive scalar in the presence of strong anisotropy

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    Field theoretic renormalization group and the operator product expansion are applied to a model of a passive scalar field, advected by the Gaussian strongly anisotropic velocity field. Inertial-range anomalous scaling behavior is established, and explicit asymptotic expressions for the n-th order structure functions of scalar field are obtained; they are represented by superpositions of power laws with nonuniversal (dependent on the anisotropy parameters) anomalous exponents. In the limit of vanishing anisotropy, the exponents are associated with tensor composite operators built of the scalar gradients, and exhibit a kind of hierarchy related to the degree of anisotropy: the less is the rank, the less is the dimension and, consequently, the more important is the contribution to the inertial-range behavior. The leading terms of the even (odd) structure functions are given by the scalar (vector) operators. For the finite anisotropy, the exponents cannot be associated with individual operators (which are essentially ``mixed'' in renormalization), but the aforementioned hierarchy survives for all the cases studied. The second-order structure function is studied in more detail using the renormalization group and zero-mode techniques.Comment: REVTEX file with EPS figure