32 research outputs found

    Unusual giant magnetostriction in the ferrimagnet Gd2/3_{2/3}Ca1/3_{1/3}MnO3_3

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    We report an unusual giant linear magnetostrictive effect in the ferrimagnet Gd2/3_{2/3}Ca1/3_{1/3}MnO3_3 (Tc≈T_{c} \approx80 K). Remarkably, the magnetostriction, negative at high temperature (T≈TcT \approx T_{c}), becomes positive below 15 K when the magnetization of the Gd sublattice overcomes the magnetization of the Mn sublattice. A rather simple model where the magnetic energy competes against the elastic energy gives a good account of the observed results and confirms that Gd plays a crucial role in this unusual observation. Unlike previous works in manganites where only striction associated with 3dd Mn orbitals is considered, our results show that the lanthanide 4ff orbitals related striction can be very important too and it cannot be disregarded.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Solid phase lanthanide luminescence detection in liquid chromatography

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    Terbium ions are immobilized on silica gel through ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) or diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) ligands. The resulting materials are utilized as solid-phase detection systems in liquid chromatography. Terbium(III) luminescence is observed when organic compounds that can transfer energy to Tb(III) by an intramolecular process are present. Peak tailing caused by slow dissociation of transferring compounds from the Tb(III) is significantly reduced if potassium acetate is added to the mobile phase. The solid phases slowly turn a bluish-green color unless triethylenetetraamine is added to the mobile phase. The color change is believed to be caused by bonding of trace amounts of transition metal ions to the solid phase. Detection of carboxylic acid-containing compounds such as indole-2-carboxylic acid, indole-3-acetic acid, 5-methoxyindole-2-carboxylic acid, kynurenic acid, and quinolinic acid is more sensitive with the Tb-DTPA phase than the Tb-EDTA phase, whereas detection of salicylic acid is more sensitive with Tb-EDTA than with Tb-DTPA. The use of time-resolved detection methods significantly enhances the sensitivity. Linearity, reproducibility, limits of detection, and chromatographic separations are examined for several compounds

    Heat Capacity Studies Of Ce And Rh Site Substitution In The Heavy-fermion Antiferromagnet Cerhin5: Short-range Magnetic Interactions And Non-fermi-liquid Behavior

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    In heavy fermion materials superconductivity tends to appear when long-range magnetic order is suppressed by chemical doping or applying pressure. Here we report heat capacity measurements on diluted alloys of the heavy fermion superconductor CeRhIn5. Heat capacity measurements have been performed on CeRh1-yIryIn5 (y≤0.10) and Ce1-xLaxRhIn5 (x≤0.50) in applied fields up to 90 kOe to study the effect of doping and magnetic field on the magnetic ground state. The magnetic phase diagram of CeRh09Ir 0.1Ir5 is consistent with the magnetic structure of CeRhIn5 being unchanged by Ir doping. Doping of Ir in small concentrations is shown to slightly increase the antiferromagnetic transition temperature TN (TN=3.8 K in the undoped sample). La doping which causes disorder on the Ce sublattice is shown to lower T N with no long-range order observed above 0.34 K for Ce 0.50La0.50RhIn5. Measurements on Ce 0.50La0.50RhIn5 show a coexistence of short-range magnetic order and non-Fermi-liquid behavior. This dual nature of the Ce 4f electrons is very similar to the observed results on CeRhIn 5 when long-range magnetic order is suppressed at high pressure.692244191244198Steglich, F., Aarts, J., Bredl, C.D., Lieke, W., Meschede, D., Franz, W., Schäfer, H., (1979) Phys. Rev. Lett., 43, p. 1892Jaccard, D., Behina, K., Sierro, J., (1992) Phys. Lett. A, 163, p. 475Movshovich, R., Graf, T., Mandrus, D., Thompson, J.D., Smith, J.L., Fisk, Z., (1996) Phys. Rev. B, 53, p. 8241Grosche, F.M., Julian, S.R., Mathur, N.D., Lonzarich, G.G., (1996) Physica B, 223-224, p. 50Mathur, N.D., Grosche, F.M., Julian, S.R., Walker, I.R., Freye, D.M., Haselwimmer, R.K., Lonzarich, G.G., (1998) Nature (London), 394, p. 39Hegger, H., Petrovic, C., Moshopoulou, E.G., Hundley, M.F., Sarrao, J.L., Fisk, Z., Thompson, J.D., (2000) Phys. Rev. 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