13 research outputs found

    Effects of parenting style upon psychological well-being of young adults: Exploring the relations among parental care, locus of control, and depression.

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    The current study explores the relations among parenting styles and depression among a representative longitudinal sample of 642 young Dutch adults. We assumed that if parents show their involvement during the first sixteen years of the lives of their children, these children are more likely to develop an internal locus of control. In turn, children with an internal locus of control would be less likely to experience feelings of depression later in life. Additionally, we examined the reverse relation, namely that depression leads to a shift away from the internal pole of the locus of control dimension. These notions were tested using structural equation models. The results indicated that our expectations were largely tenable. However, while the effects of mother's and father's involvement upon the development of an internal locus of control seemed to differ, for depression feelings we did not find much difference. Implications of the study are discussed. © 1997 OPA(Overseas Publishers Association)

    An optical observational cluster mass function at z1z\sim1 with the ORELSE survey

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    International audienceWe present a new mass function of galaxy clusters and groups using optical/near-infrared (NIR) wavelength spectroscopic and photometric data from the Observations of Redshift Evolution in Large-Scale Environments (ORELSE) survey. At z ∼ 1, cluster mass function studies are rare regardless of wavelength and have never been attempted from an optical/NIR perspective. This work serves as a proof of concept that z ∼ 1 cluster mass functions are achievable without supplemental X-ray or Sunyaev-Zel’dovich data. Measurements of the cluster mass function provide important contraints on cosmological parameters and are complementary to other probes. With ORELSE, a new cluster finding technique based on Voronoi tessellation Monte Carlo (VMC) mapping, and rigorous purity and completeness testing, we have obtained ∼240 galaxy overdensity candidates in the redshift range 0.55 < z < 1.37 at a mass range of 13.6 < log (M/M_⊙) < 14.8. This mass range is comparable to existing optical cluster mass function studies for the local universe. Our candidate numbers vary based on the choice of multiple input parameters related to detection and characterization in our cluster finding algorithm, which we incorporated into the mass function analysis through a Monte Carlo scheme. We find cosmological constraints on the matter density, Ωm, and the amplitude of fluctuations, σ_8, of |Ωm=0.2500.099+0.104\Omega _{m} = 0.250^{+0.104}_{-0.099}| and |σ8=1.1500.163+0.260\sigma _{8} = 1.150^{+0.260}_{-0.163}|⁠. While our Ω_m value is close to concordance, our σ_8 value is ∼2σ higher because of the inflated observed number densities compared to theoretical mass function models owing to how our survey targeted overdense regions. With Euclid and several other large, unbiased optical surveys on the horizon, VMC mapping will enable optical/NIR cluster cosmology at redshifts much higher than what has been possible before

    The progeny of a Cosmic Titan: a massive multi-component proto-supercluster in formation at z=2.45z=2.45 in VUDS

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    International audienceWe unveil the complex shape of a proto-supercluster at z ∼ 2.45 in the COSMOS field exploiting the synergy of both spectroscopic and photometric redshifts. Thanks to the spectroscopic redshifts of the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS), complemented by the zCOSMOS-Deep spectroscopic sample and high-quality photometric redshifts, we compute the three-dimensional (3D) overdensity field in a volume of ∼100 × 100 × 250 comoving Mpc3 in the central region of the COSMOS field, centred at z ∼ 2.45 along the line of sight. The method relies on a two-dimensional (2D) Voronoi tessellation in overlapping redshift slices that is converted into a 3D density field, where the galaxy distribution in each slice is constructed using a statistical treatment of both spectroscopic and photometric redshifts. In this volume, we identify a proto-supercluster, dubbed “Hyperion” for its immense size and mass, which extends over a volume of ∼60 × 60 × 150 comoving Mpc3 and has an estimated total mass of ∼4.8 × 1015 M⊙. This immensely complex structure contains at least seven density peaks within 2.4 ≲ z ≲ 2.5 connected by filaments that exceed the average density of the volume. We estimate the total mass of the individual peaks, Mtot, based on their inferred average matter density, and find a range of masses from ∼0.1 × 1014 M⊙ to ∼2.7 × 1014 M⊙. By using spectroscopic members of each peak, we obtain the velocity dispersion of the galaxies in the peaks, and then their virial mass Mvir (under the strong assumption that they are virialised). The agreement between Mvir and Mtot is surprisingly good, at less than 1−2σ, considering that (almost all) the peaks are probably not yet virialised. According to the spherical collapse model, these peaks have already started or are about to start collapsing, and they are all predicted to be virialised by redshift z ∼ 0.8−1.6. We finally perform a careful comparison with the literature, given that smaller components of this proto-supercluster had previously been identified using either heterogeneous galaxy samples (Lyα emitters, sub-mm starbursting galaxies, CO emitting galaxies) or 3D Lyα forest tomography on a smaller area. With VUDS, we obtain, for the first time across the central ∼1 deg2 of the COSMOS field, a panoramic view of this large structure, that encompasses, connects, and considerably expands in a homogeneous way on all previous detections of the various sub-components. The characteristics of this exceptional proto-supercluster, its redshift, its richness over a large volume, the clear detection of its sub-components, together with the extensive multi-wavelength imaging and spectroscopy granted by the COSMOS field, provide us the unique possibility to study a rich supercluster in formation.Key words: galaxies: clusters: general / galaxies: high-redshift / cosmology: observations / large-scale structure of Universe⋆ Based on data obtained with the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope, Paranal, Chile, under Large Program 185.A-0791

    The ALPINE-ALMA [C ii] survey: Investigation of 10 galaxies at z ∼ 4.5 with [O ii] and [C ii] line emission − ISM properties and [O ii]−SFR relation

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    International audienceWe present 10 main-sequence ALPINE galaxies (log (M/M_⊙) = 9.2−11.1 and SFR=23−190M⊙yr−1⁠) at z ∼ 4.5 with optical [O ii] measurements from Keck/MOSFIRE spectroscopy and Subaru/MOIRCS narrow-band imaging. This is the largest such multiwavelength sample at these redshifts, combining various measurements in the ultraviolet, optical, and far-infrared including [C ii]158 μm line emission and dust continuum from ALMA and H α emission from Spitzer photometry. For the first time, this unique sample allows us to analyse the relation between [O ii] and total star-formation rate (SFR) and the interstellar medium (ISM) properties via [O ii]/[C ii] and [O ii]/H α luminosity ratios at z ∼ 4.5. The [O ii]−SFR relation at z ∼ 4.5 cannot be described using standard local descriptions, but is consistent with a metal-dependent relation assuming metallicities around 50 per cent solar. To explain the measured dust-corrected luminosity ratios of log(L[OII]/L[CII])∼0.98+0.21−0.22 and log(L[OII]/LHα)∼−0.22+0.13−0.15 for our sample, ionization parameters log (U) 6. The latter may be slightly higher than expected given the galaxies’ specific SFR. The analysis of this pilot sample suggests that typical log (M/M⊙) > 9 galaxies at z ∼ 4.5 to have broadly similar ISM properties as their descendants at z ∼ 2 and suggest a strong evolution of ISM properties since the epoch of reionization at z > 6

    The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey: Circumgalactic medium pollution and gas mixing by tidal stripping in a merging system at z 3c4.57

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    We present ALMA observations of a merging system at z 3c 4.57, observed as a part of the ALMA Large Program to INvestigate [CII] at Early times (ALPINE) survey. Combining ALMA [CII]158\u3bcm and far-infrared continuum data with multi-wavelength ancillary data, we find that the system is composed of two massive (M 17 1010M\ub7) star-forming galaxies experiencing a major merger (stellar mass ratio rmass 0.9) at close spatial ( 3c13 kpc; projected) and velocity (\u394v &lt; 300kms-1) separations, and two additional faint narrow [CII]-emitting satellites. The overall system belongs to a larger scale protocluster environment and is coincident to one of its overdensity peaks. Additionally, ALMA reveals the presence of [CII] emission arising from a circumgalactic gas structure, extending up to a diameter-scale of 3c30 kpc. Our morpho-spectral decomposition analysis shows that about 50% of the total flux resides between the individual galaxy components, in a metal-enriched gaseous envelope characterised by a disturbed morphology and complex kinematics. Similarly to observations of shock-excited [CII] emitted from tidal tails in local groups, our results can be interpreted as a possible signature of interstellar gas stripped by strong gravitational interactions, with a possible contribution from material ejected by galactic outflows and emission triggered by star formation in small faint satellites. Our findings suggest that mergers could be an efficient mechanism of gas mixing in the circumgalactic medium around high-z galaxies, and thus play a key role in the galaxy baryon cycle at early epochs

    The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey - Circumgalactic medium pollution and gas mixing by tidal stripping in a merging system at z ∼ 4.57

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    International audienceWe present ALMA observations of a merging system at z ∼ 4.57, observed as a part of the ALMA Large Program to INvestigate [CII] at Early times (ALPINE) survey. Combining ALMA [CII]158 μm and far-infrared continuum data with multi-wavelength ancillary data, we find that the system is composed of two massive (M⋆ ≳ 1010 M⊙) star-forming galaxies experiencing a major merger (stellar mass ratio rmass ≳ 0.9) at close spatial (∼13 kpc; projected) and velocity (Δv <  300 km s−1) separations, and two additional faint narrow [CII]-emitting satellites. The overall system belongs to a larger scale protocluster environment and is coincident to one of its overdensity peaks. Additionally, ALMA reveals the presence of [CII] emission arising from a circumgalactic gas structure, extending up to a diameter-scale of ∼30 kpc. Our morpho-spectral decomposition analysis shows that about 50% of the total flux resides between the individual galaxy components, in a metal-enriched gaseous envelope characterised by a disturbed morphology and complex kinematics. Similarly to observations of shock-excited [CII] emitted from tidal tails in local groups, our results can be interpreted as a possible signature of interstellar gas stripped by strong gravitational interactions, with a possible contribution from material ejected by galactic outflows and emission triggered by star formation in small faint satellites. Our findings suggest that mergers could be an efficient mechanism of gas mixing in the circumgalactic medium around high-z galaxies, and thus play a key role in the galaxy baryon cycle at early epochs.Key words: galaxies: evolution / galaxies: formation / galaxies: high-redshift / galaxies: ISM / galaxies: interactions / intergalactic medium⋆ Deceased