3,394 research outputs found

    Structure and Strategy, How Do They Match in the Netherlands?

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    Farm organization, and the balance between the household and the farm have changed. This paper explores the relation between the organizational form and strategy of Dutch farmers and shows that strategy and structure are related. Legal persons and partnerships with multiple households can be especially found among the farmers focusing on economies of scale. One-man businesses and the one household partnerships more often show diversification strategies. One-man businesses are relatively more encountered amongst the life style farmers, whilst one household partnerships are stronger present amongst rural entrepreneurs.family farm, household, legal form, strategy, typology, Farm Management,

    Een operationele analyse van enige wachtmodellen

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    This paper presents the MicroWave approach that has been developed to improve the process of modeling in the context of micro simulation. It leads to a more efficient model development, better quality of models and their output and improvement in knowledge management. A conceptual framework has been developed and translated into a hierarchical structure of GAMS program code. Besides, several software applications and other tools have been developed for support. These products are presented and some examples illustrate how MicroWave can be applied. MicroWave is especially useful in interdisciplinary research in which different persons are involved in the modeling process and when different models have to be combined.Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Informatienet 2003 in zicht: Totstandkoming en kwaliteit van de steekproef land- en tuinbouwbedrijven van het Bedrijven- Informatienet

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    The EU Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) requires the Netherlands to yearly sent bookkeeping data of 1,500 farms to Brussels. This task is carried out by LEI and CEI. The data send to Brussels mainly involves technical and financial economic information. For national policy purposes additional data is collected, such as pesticide use, manure production, nature management, non-farm income and rural development. This report explains the background of the farm sample for the year 2003. The report mainly focuses on the Dutch contribution to the European Farm Accountancy Data Network. All phases from the determination of the selection plan, the recruitment of farms to the quality control of the final sample are described in this report. Mede voor de Europese Unie organiseren het CEI en het LEI jaarlijks de verzameling van technische en financieel-economische gegevens van circa 1.500 bedrijven in de akkerbouw, tuinbouw en veehouderij. Voor nationaal beleidsgericht onderzoek wordt die informatie aangevuld met gegevens over bijvoorbeeld milieubelasting, natuurbeheer en plattelandsontwikkeling. Alle gegevens worden vastgelegd in het Bedrijven-Informatienet. In dit rapport wordt verantwoording afgelegd over de steekproef 2003, toegespitst op de Nederlandse bijdrage aan het Farm Accountancy Data Network van de Europese Unie. De diverse fasen, van het opstellen van het selectieplan, het werven van de bedrijven tot het beoordelen van de kwaliteit van de resulterende steekproef worden beschreven.Agricultural Finance,

    «Formula Flexibility»

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    Antizyklische Regelmechanismen für den Staatssektor («formula flexibility») werden mit diskretionärer staatlicher Konjunkturpolitik verglichen. Damit wird der häufig anzutreffende Vergleich vermieden, bei dem die kontroversen Strategien sich ausserdem durch die Zielsetzung unterscheiden oder mit unterschiedlichen Annahmen über die Funktionsmechanismen der Wirtschaft konfrontiert werden. Sowohl theoretische Überlegungen als auch anhand empirischer Beispiele belegte Ergebnisse (Indikatorvorschläge aus den USA, Gesamtindikator des Sachverständigenrats und Bestersscher Indikatorvorschlag aus der BRD) lassen «formula flexibility» als völlig ungeeignet zur Lösung konjunkturpolitischer Probleme erscheinen


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