269 research outputs found

    Structure is lost incrementally during the unfolding of barstar

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    Coincidental equilibrium unfolding transitions observed by multiple structural probes are taken to justify the modeling of protein unfolding as a two-state, N⇋U, cooperative process. However, for many of the large number of proteins that undergo apparently two-state equilibrium unfolding reactions, folding intermediates are detected in kinetic experiments. The small protein barstar is one such protein. Here the two-state model for equilibrium unfolding has been critically evaluated in barstar by estimating the intramolecular distance distribution by time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) methods, in which fluorescence decay kinetics are analyzed by the maximum entropy method (MEM). Using a mutant form of barstar containing only Trp 53 as the fluorescence donor and a thionitrobenzoic acid moiety attached to Cys 82 as the fluorescence acceptor, the distance between the donor and acceptor has been shown to increase incrementally with increasing denaturant concentration. Although other probes, such as circular dichroism and fluorescence intensity, suggest that the labeled protein undergoes two-state equilibrium unfolding, the TR-FRET probe clearly indicates multistate equilibrium unfolding. Native protein expands progressively through a continuum of native-like forms that achieve the dimensions of a molten globule, whose heterogeneity increases with increasing denaturant concentration and which appears to be separated from the unfolded ensemble by a free energy barrier

    Saninha: mulher adúltera na Belle Époque

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    Ana Emília Ribeiro (1876-1951) responsabilizada pela sociedade brasileira pelo homicídio de seu esposo Euclides da Cunha, viveu como julgada e condenada, talvez por não ter se subjugado ao imaginário de mulher do projeto político dos primeiros anos da República Brasileira. Em sua trajetória, Saninha, como Ana Emília era conhecida, nos serve de exemplo para refletir sobre as duras penas sofridas por uma mulher que desrespeitasse as imposições da sociedade na Belle Époque carioca. Na luta pelo que acreditava ser o melhor para sua vida esta mulher foi rejeitada, exilada, exposta em sua intimidade publicamente por toda alta sociedade do período. Traída e abandonada por aquele a quem dedicou o seu grande amor, morreu solitária sem nunca ter se defendido publicamente

    Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization hydrogen/deuterium exchange studies to probe peptide conformational changes

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    AbstractHydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange chemistry monitored by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry is used to study solution phase conformational changes of bradykinin, α-melanocyte stimulating hormone, and melittin as water is added to methanol-d4, acetonitrile, and isopropanol-d8 solutions. The results are interpreted in terms of a preference for the peptides to acquire more compact conformations in organic solvents as compared to the random conformations. Our interpretation is supported by circular dichroism spectra of the peptides in the same solvent systems and by previously published structural data for the peptides. These results demonstrate the utility of MALDI-TOF as a method to monitor the H/D exchange chemistry of peptides and investigations of solution-phase conformations of biomolecules

    Introducing the Mechanical Forces in Biochemistry Special Issue

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