516 research outputs found

    Phenomenological model for a novel melt-freeze phase of sliding bilayers

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    Simulations show that sliding bilayers of colloidal particles can exhibit a new phase, the ``melt-freeze'' phase, where the layers stochastically alternate between solidlike and liquidlike states. We introduce a mean field phenomenological model with two order parameters to understand the interplay of two adjacent layers while the system is in this remarkable phase. Predictions from our numerical simulations of a system in the melt-freeze phase include the tendency of two adjacent layers to be in opposite states (solid and liquid) and the difference between the fluctuation of the order parameter in one layer while the other layer is in the same phase compared to the fluctuation while the other layer is in the opposite phase. We expect this behavior to be seen in future simulations and experiments.Comment: 6 Pages, 6 figure

    Who Likes to be Reachable? Availability Preferences, Weak Ties, and Bridging Social Capital

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    In this paper, we investigate how individual differences in availability preferences are related to (1) self-reported quality of interaction with strong and weak ties and (2) perceptions of bridging social capital. We employed experience sampling methods and collected data over the course of two weeks—combined with surveys at baseline and endpoint, from a random sample of college students (N = 154). We show that individuals who prefer to be more available to others report more rewarding interactions with weak ties. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the quality of weak tie interactions mediates a positive relationship between availability preferences and bridging social capital. We conclude by discussing the relationships between availability, interaction quality, and bridging social capital. We propose availability preferences as a key construct to be considered in future research

    Estimating the potential impact of the Australian government's reformulation targets on household sugar purchases

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    BACKGROUND: Countries around the world are putting in place sugar reformulation targets for packaged foods to reduce excess sugar consumption. The Australian government released its voluntary sugar reformulation targets for nine food categories in 2020. We estimated the potential impact of these targets on household sugar purchases and examined differences by income. For comparison, we also modelled the potential impact of the UK sugar reduction targets on per capita sugar purchases as the UK has one of the most comprehensive sugar reduction strategies in the world. METHODS: Grocery purchase data from a nationally representative consumer panel (n=7,188) in Australia was linked with a large database (FoodSwitch) with product-specific sugar content information for packaged foods (n=25,261); both datasets were collected in 2018. Potential reductions in per capita sugar purchases were calculated overall and by food category. Differences in sugar reduction across income level were assessed by analysis of variance. RESULTS: In 2018, the total sugar acquired from packaged food and beverage purchases consumed at-home was 56.1 g/day per capita. Australia's voluntary reformulation targets for sugar covered 2,471/25,261 (9.8%) unique products in the FoodSwitch dataset. Under the scenario that all food companies adhered to the voluntary targets, sugar purchases were estimated to be reduced by 0.9 g/day per capita, which represents a 1.5% reduction in sugar purchased from packaged foods. However, if Australia adopted the UK targets, over twice as many products would be covered (n=4,667), and this would result in a more than four times greater reduction in sugar purchases (4.1 g/day per capita). It was also estimated that if all food companies complied with Australia's voluntary sugar targets, reductions to sugar would be slightly greater in low-income households compared with high-income households by 0.3 g/day (95%CI 0.2 - 0.4 g/day, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Sugar-reduction policies have the potential to substantially reduce population sugar consumption and may help to reduce health inequalities related to excess sugar consumption. However, the current reformulation targets in Australia are estimated to achieve only a small reduction to sugar intakes, particularly in comparison to the UK's sugar reduction program

    Massive Parallel Quantum Computer Simulator

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    We describe portable software to simulate universal quantum computers on massive parallel computers. We illustrate the use of the simulation software by running various quantum algorithms on different computer architectures, such as a IBM BlueGene/L, a IBM Regatta p690+, a Hitachi SR11000/J1, a Cray X1E, a SGI Altix 3700 and clusters of PCs running Windows XP. We study the performance of the software by simulating quantum computers containing up to 36 qubits, using up to 4096 processors and up to 1 TB of memory. Our results demonstrate that the simulator exhibits nearly ideal scaling as a function of the number of processors and suggest that the simulation software described in this paper may also serve as benchmark for testing high-end parallel computers.Comment: To appear in Comp. Phys. Com

    Retrospective Study Comparing Topography-Guided and Wavefront-Optimized LASIK Procedures in a Single Center

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    Sheri L Rowen,1 Tom Tooma,1 Ngoc Trieu,1 Brad Hall2 1Nvision Eye Centers, Newport Beach, CA, USA; 2Sengi, Penniac, NB, CanadaCorrespondence: Sheri L Rowen, Nvision Eye Centers, 4220 Von Karman &num;100, Newport Beach, CA, 92660, USA, Tel +1-877-455-9942, Email [email protected]: To compare visual outcomes of eyes that had laser refractive surgery with the Contoura Phorcides treatment plan and eyes that had laser refractive surgery with the wavefront-optimized treatment plan using the same laser.Methods: Retrospective chart review of clinical outcomes of eyes that had either Contoura with Phorcides (CP) or wavefront-optimized (WFO) corneal refractive procedures using the Wavelight EX500 (Alcon Vision, LLC). Data were collected and compared for uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), refraction, change in postoperative UDVA compared to preoperative CDVA, and change in postoperative CDVA compared to preoperative CDVA.Results: Total eyes included were 348, with 227 in the CP Group and 121 in the WFO Group. Post-operatively, there was a significantly higher percentage of eyes in the CP Group that were 20/16 or better compared to the WFO Group (57%, 129 eyes, and 17%, 21 eyes, respectively; p < 0.001). The percentage of eyes that gained 1 or more Snellen lines of UDVA compared to preoperative CDVA was higher in the CP Group (47%; 107 eyes) compared to the WFO Group (12%; 14 eyes), which was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Differences in refraction were statistically significant.Conclusion: Topography-guided and wavefront-optimized treatment profiles both provided excellent refractive results. A higher percentage of eyes that were treated using Contoura with Phorcides achieved 20/16 or better unaided distance vision compared to eyes receiving a wavefront-optimized treatment plan.Plain Language Summary: Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is a common procedure performed to reshape the cornea (transparent part of the eye) and provide clear, spectacle-free vision. There are many different technologies available for surgeons to choose a treatment plan. One of the most popular is called wavefront-optimized LASIK (WFO), which takes into account the curvature of the cornea. Recently, topography-guided LASIK treatment plans that incorporate a proprietary planning software (Contoura Phorcides) have been available that can factor in the individualized surface elevation characteristics of the cornea. The purpose of this study was to compare visual outcomes in patients that had LASIK with the Contoura Phorcides treatment plan to patients that had LASIK with the WFO treatment plan. The results of this study suggest that both treatment profiles both provided excellent refractive results. In addition, a higher percentage of eyes that were treated using Contoura with Phorcides achieved 20/16 or better unaided distance vision compared to eyes receiving a WFO treatment plan.Keywords: topography-guided LASIK, wavefront-optimized LASIK, Phorcides, Contour

    Switching the World's Salt Supply—Learning from Iodization to Achieve Potassium Enrichment

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    Sodium is an essential dietary component, but excess sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Many national and international bodies, including the World Health Organization, have advocated for population-wide sodium reduction interventions. Most have been unsuccessful due to inadequate sodium reduction by food industry and difficulties in persuading consumers to add less salt to food. Recent research highlights potassium-enriched salt as a new, feasible, acceptable, and scalable approach to reducing the harms caused by excess sodium and inadequate potassium consumption. Modeling shows that a global switch from regular salt to potassium-enriched salt has the potential to avert millions of strokes, heart attacks, and premature deaths worldwide each year. There will be many challenges in switching the world's salt supply to potassium-enriched salt, but the success of universal salt iodization shows that making a global change to the manufacture and use of salt is a tractable proposition. This in-depth review of universal salt iodization identified the importance of a multisectoral effort with strong global leadership, the support of multilateral organizations, engagement with the salt industry, empowered incountry teams, strong participation of national governments, understanding the salt supply chain, and a strategic advocacy and communication plan. Key challenges to the implementation of the iodization program were costs to government, industry, and consumers, industry concerns about consumer acceptability, variance in the size and capabilities of salt producers, inconsistent quality control, ineffective regulation, and trade-related regulatory issues. Many of the opportunities and challenges to universal salt iodization will likely also be applicable to switching the global salt supply to iodized and potassium-enriched salt

    Development of a Forced Oscillation System for Measuring Dynamic Derivatives of Fluidic Vehicles

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    A new Forced Oscillation System (FOS) has been designed and built at NASA Langley Research Center that provides new capabilities for aerodynamic researchers to investigate the dynamic derivatives of vehicle configurations. Test vehicles may include high performance and general aviation aircraft, re-entry spacecraft, submarines and other fluidic vehicles. The measured data from forced oscillation testing is used in damping characteristic studies and in simulation databases for control algorithm development and performance analyses. The newly developed FOS hardware provides new flexibility for conducting dynamic derivative studies. The design is based on a tracking principle where a desired motion profile is achieved via a fast closed-loop positional controller. The motion profile for the tracking system is numerically generated and thus not limited to sinusoidal motion. This approach permits non-traditional profiles such as constant velocity and Schroeder sweeps. Also, the new system permits changes in profile parameters including nominal offset angle, waveform, and associated parameters such as amplitude and frequency. Most importantly, the changes may be made remotely without halting the FOS and the tunnel. System requirements, system analysis, and the resulting design are addressed for a new FOS in the 12-Foot Low-Speed Wind Tunnel (LSWT). The overall system including mechanical, electrical, and control subsystems is described. The design is complete, and the FOS has been built and installed in the 12-Foot LSWT. System integration and testing have verified design intent and safe operation. Currently it is being validated for wind-tunnel operations and aerodynamic testing. The system is a potential major enhancement to forced oscillation studies. The productivity gain from the motion profile automation will shorten the testing cycles needed for control surface and aircraft control algorithm development. The new motion capabilities also will serve as a test bed for researchers to study and to improve and/or alter future forced oscillation testing techniques

    Salt-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors (KABs) among Victorian adults following 22-Months of a consumer awareness campaign

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    The Australian population consumes more salt than recommended and this increases the risk of raised blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. In 2015, a state-wide initiative was launched in the Australian state of Victoria to reduce population salt intake. This study examines whether salt-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors (KABs) of Victorian adults changed following the first 22 months of a consumer awareness campaign targeting parents. Repeated cross-sectional surveys of adults (18-65 years) recruited from research panels. Analyses were weighted to reflect the Victorian population. In both surveys mean age of participants (1584 in 2015 and 2141 in 2018) was 41 years, and 51% were female. This includes 554 parents/caregivers in 2015 and 799 in 2018. Most indicators of KAB remained unchanged. Among parents/caregivers the percentage who agreed limiting salt in their child's diet was important increased by 8% (p = 0.001), and there was a 10% reduction in the percentage who reported placing a saltshaker on the table and a 9% reduction in those who reported their child added salt at the table (both p < 0.001). Some small adverse effects on other indicators were also observed. During the first 22 months of a salt reduction consumer awareness campaign, there were limited changes in KAB overall, however the target audience reported positive changes regarding their children, which aligned with the campaign messages

    Outcomes of a state-wide salt reduction initiative in adults living in Victoria, Australia

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    Purpose: To assess any effects of a state-wide sodium reduction intervention on sodium intake, sources of dietary sodium and discretionary salt use at a population level. Methods: Data (24-h urinary sodium excretion, self-report survey, a 24-h dietary recall) were collected cross-sectionally at baseline (2016/2017) and follow-up (2020) from adults in Victoria, Australia. Intervention activities included consumer awareness advertising campaign, public debate generation via mass media, strengthening existing policy initiatives and supporting food innovation with industry. Results: There were 339 participants at baseline and 211 at follow-up, with 144 and 90 of participants completing a 24-h dietary recall, respectively. There was no difference in adjusted 24-h urinary sodium excretion between baseline and follow-up (134 vs 131 mmol/24 h; p = 0.260). There were no differences in the percentage of participants adding salt during cooking (63% vs 68%; p = 0.244), adding salt at the table (34% vs 37%; p = 0.400) or regularly taking action to control salt/sodium intake (22% vs 21%; p = 0.793). There were large differences in the quantity of dietary sodium sourced from retail stores (57% vs 77%, p < 0.001), and less sodium was sourced from foods at fresh food markets (13% vs 2%; p ≤ 0.001) at follow-up. No large differences were apparent for foods with different levels of processing or for food groups. Conclusion: There was no clear population-level effect of the 4-year multi-component Victorian Salt Reduction Intervention on sodium intake with Victorian adults continuing to consume sodium above recommended levels. The findings indicate that more intensive and sustained efforts aiming at the retail and food industry with national level support are likely to be required to achieve a measurable improvement in sodium intake at a state level
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