1,529 research outputs found

    The effects of the geosynchronous energetic particle radiation environment on spacecraft charging phenomena

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    The energetic electron environment at the geosynchronous orbit is responsible for a variety of adverse charging effects on spacecraft components. The most serious of these is the degradation and failure of a complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) electronic components as a result of internal charge-buildup induced by the energetic electrons. Efforts to accurately determine the expected lifetime of these components in this orbit are hampered by the lack of detailed knowledge of the electron spectrum and intensity, particularly of the more penetrating energies greater than 1.5 MeV. This problem is illustrated through the calculation of the dose received by a CMOS device from the energetic electrons and associated bremsstrahlung as a function of aluminum shielding thickness using the NASA AE-6 and the Aerospace measured electron environments. Two computational codes which were found to be in good agreement were used to perform the calculations. For a given shielding thickness the dose received with the two radiation environments differ by as much as a factor of seven with a corresponding variation in lifetime of the CMOS

    Forts Robidoux and Kit Carson in Northeastern Utah

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    Archaeological Finds in Northeastern Utah

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    The main centers of ancient occupation in this area, so far as investigations now show, are Ashley and Dry Fork Valleys and the Brush Creek-Greendale region, near Vernal, Nine Mile (Minnie Maud Creek) Canyon, east of Price, and Hill Canyon, forty miles south of Ouray (including some sites on Willow Creek and along Green River). The investigations also further show that four somewhat successive people have occupied the region, as follows

    Traditions of the Hoh and Quillayute Indians

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    "Albert B. Reagan, who collected these Indian traditions, is now in the Indian Field Service at Ouray, Utah. He was for a number of years in charge of the work among the Quillayutes at La Push… These traditions are part of a larger work he has now in preparation.

    Various Uses of Plants by West Coast Indians

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    "Bearberry, Kinnikinick, is much used by the West Coast Indians as an intoxicant and as medicine…The West Coast Indians use the Cascara sagrada…

    Utilization of the Navajo Country

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    The Navajo Country occupies northeastern Arizona and parts of Utah and New Mexico. The eastern boundary of the region is the 108th meridian. The boundaries on the other three sides are the valleys of the large rivers - the San Juan, the Colorado, and the Little Colorado and Puerco, natural boundaries that have long been recognized by the native tribes, the whole area lying approximately between parallels 34° 55\u27 and 37° 17\u27 and meridians 108° 45\u27 and 111° 45\u27. The region thus outlined contains approximately 25,725 square miles, or an area a little larger than Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Vermont, and the Panama Canal Zone combined. Of this vast area, 22,400 square miles, an area nearly as large as the Netherlands and Turkey in Europe combined, are held in reserve for the Navajos and Hopi Indians, though the Navajos extend their range to the very limits of the whole region

    Analysis of high resolution satellite data for cosmic gamma ray bursts

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    Cosmic gamma ray bursts detected a germanium spectrometer on the low altitude satellite 1972-076B were surveyed. Several bursts with durations ranging from approximately 0.032 to 15 seconds were found and are tabulated. The frequency of occurrence/intensity distribution of these events was compared with the S to the -3/2 power curve of confirmed events. The longer duration events fall above the S to the -3/2 power curve of confirmed events, suggesting they are perhaps not all true cosmic gamma-ray bursts. The narrow duration events fall closely on the S to the -3/2 power curve. The survey also revealed several counting rate spikes, with durations comparable to confirmed gamma-ray bursts, which were shown to be of magnetospheric origin. Confirmation that energetic electrons were responsible for these bursts was achieved from analysis of all data from the complete payload of gamma-ray and energetic particle detectors on board the satellite. The analyses also revealed that the narrowness of the spikes was primarily spatial rather than temporal in character

    Access and use of health care services by mothers and children in the Texas-Mexico border region: preliminary findings from the 2006 Rio Grande Valley health survey

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    Background: Latino/a children have the highest rate of uninsurance among all ethnic/racial groups. There is some evidence that patterns of health care use between parents and their children are interrelated. Children are also more likely to have health insurance coverage if their parents are insured but public insurance programs do not cover all parents of participating children. The objective of this study was to assess whether there is a relation between patterns of health care utilization between Latina mothers and their children who reside in the South Texas- Mexico border region. Survey data on 495 Latina women with children from the 2006 Rio Grande Valley Health Survey were used to estimate bivariate probit models of the determinants of five health care access and utilization indicators. Patterns of health care utilization between Latina mothers and their children were positively related for having a usual place of care, visiting a doctor, visiting an emergency room, and having delayed health care needed. Both desirable and undesirable parental and child health care access/utilization patterns for Latinos/as are interrelated. Interventions that promote good health care utilization behavior for Latina mothers seem to spillover to their children. Public health insurance programs that focus on covering uninsured children but leave their parents uninsured may end up not taking full advantage of the positive spillover effects of health care access/utilization from mothers to their children