226 research outputs found

    Spring alfalfa leaf diseases in 2001

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    The cool temperatures this spring have slowed alfalfa growth and slow alfalfa growth can delay the buildup of foliar diseases. We checked alfalfa fields in Ames this weekend and observed foliar diseases on the bottom leaves of plants in some fields. The levels of these diseases were not high, but they may increase before the first cutting. Cool temperatures and frequent spring rains are favorable for the development of foliar diseases in Iowa

    Alfalfa leaf diseases appearing

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    Alfalfa is reportedly in good condition throughout the state with little winter injury and surprisingly few reports of leaf disease problems. But frequent April rains provided good conditions for leaf disease development, and significant levels of spring black stem and leaf spot were reported last week by extension field specialist Brian Lang in northeastern Iowa. The ISU Plant Disease Clinic also has received several samples with either spring black stem, common leaf spot, bacterial leaf spot, or stem blight

    Alfalfa leaf diseases reported

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    Alfalfa is turning green early in this warmer-than-usual spring and the frequent rains have promoted foliar diseases in parts of Iowa. Last week, ISU extension field specialists-crops Brian Lang (northeast) and Virgil Schmitt (east) reported spring black stem, and Mark Carlton (south central) reported Leptosphaerulina leaf spot

    Planting date affects crop diseases

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    Planting date can affect many crop diseases; early planting increases the risk of seedling disease and some other soilborne pathogens, but for some diseases there is a risk of greater yield loss with late planting. Increased risks associated with late planting occur because plants are at an earlier growth stage at the onset of disease. Plants infected earlier in their development suffer greater yield reductions. It can pay to be aware of how specific diseases are affected by planting date

    Spring alfalfa diseases in 2002

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    It is time to check for diseases in first crop alfalfa because cool temperatures and frequent spring rains are favorable for the development leaf diseases in Iowa alfalfa. Knowing the level of leaf diseases in early May can help in making management decisions. Severe diseases can cause early defoliation, so scouts should watch for the following diseases that occur in spring

    Responses to Selection for Partial Resistance to Crown Rust in Oat

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    Crown rust, caused by the fungal pathogen, Puccinia coronata Corda var. avenae W.P. Fraser Ledingham, reduces kernel quality and grain yield in oat (Avena sativa L.). Partial resistance is considered to be a durable form of rust resistance. This study sought to evaluate the feasibility of simultaneously improving partial resistance to crown rust, grain yield, and seed weight in an oat population, and to estimate predicted and realized heritabilities for area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) and genetic correlations between AUDPC and agronomic traits in both crown rust-inoculated and fungicide-treated plots. A single cycle of selection for partial resistance to crown rust was performed. The initial (C0) and selected (C1) generations were evaluated in a field experiment in 2001 and 2002 at two Iowa locations. Selection on an index increased the levels of crown rust resistance, grain yield, and seed weight in crown rust−inoculated plots, and seed weight in fungicide-treated plots. However, the change for the grain yield in fungicide-treated plots was not significant. In both C0 and C1 populations, AUDPC was highly heritable (H = 0.77 and 0.78 respectively), and was favorably correlated with grain yield, seed weight, and test weight measured in inoculated plots. Realized heritabilities for all traits except grain yield under fungicide treatment were consistent with predicted heritabilities. Our results suggested that index selection could increase levels of crown rust resistance, grain yield, and seed weight simultaneously

    Cytomolecular identification of individual wheat-wheat chromosome arm associations in wheat-rye hybrids

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    Chromosome pairing in the meiotic metaphase I of wheatrye hybrids has been characterized by sequential genomic and fluorescent in situ hybridization allowing not only the discrimination of wheat and rye chromosomes, but also the identification of the individual wheat and rye chromosome arms involved in the chromosome associations. The majority of associations (93.8%) were observed between the wheat chromosomes. The largest number of wheat-wheat chromosome associations (53%) was detected between the A and D genomes, while the frequency of B-D and A-B associations was significantly lower (32 and 8%, respectively). Among the A-D chromosome associations, pairing between the 3AL and 3DL arms was observed with the highest frequency, while the most frequent of all the chromosome associations (0.113/ cell) was found to be the 3DS-3BS. Differences in the pairing frequency of the individual chromosome arms of wheat-rye hybrids have been discussed in relation to the homoeologous relationships between the constituent genomes of hexaploid wheat

    Genetic Relationships of Crown Rust Resistance, Grain Yield, Test Weight, and Seed Weight in Oat

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    Integrating selection for agronomic performance and quantitative resistance to crown rust, caused by Puccinia coronata Corda var. avenae W.P. Fraser & Ledingham, in oat (Avena sativa L.) requires an understanding of their genetic relationships. This study was conducted to investigate the genetic relationships of crown rust resistance, grain yield, test weight, and seed weight under both inoculated and fungicide-treated conditions. A Design II mating was performed between 10 oat lines with putative partial resistance to crown rust and nine lines with superior grain yield and grain quality potential. Progenies from this mating were evaluated in both crown rust-inoculated and fungicide-treated plots in four Iowa environments to estimate genetic effects and phenotypic correlations between crown rust resistance and grain yield, seed weight, and test weight under either infection or fungicide-treated conditions. Lines from a random-mated population derived from the same parents were evaluated in three Iowa environments to estimate heritabilities of, and genetic correlations between, these traits. Resistance to crown rust, as measured by area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), was highly heritable (H = 0.89 on an entry-mean basis), and was favorably correlated with grain yield, seed weight, and test weight measured in crown rust-inoculated plots. AUDPC was unfavorably correlated or uncorrelated with grain yield, test weight, and seed weight measured in fungicide-treated plots. To improve simultaneously crown rust resistance, grain yield, and seed weight under both lower and higher levels of crown rust infection, an optimum selection index can be developed with the genetic parameters estimated in this stud

    Agronomic Management of Indigenous Mycorrhizas

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    Many of the advantages conferred to plants by arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) are associated to the ability of AM plants to explore a greater volume of soil through the extraradical mycelium. Sieverding (1991) estimates that for each centimetre of colonized root there is an increase of 15 cm3 on the volume of soil explored, this value can increase to 200 cm3 depending on the circumstances. Due to the enhancement of the volume of soil explored and the ability of the extraradical mycelium to absorb and translocate nutrients to the plant, one of the most obvious and important advantages resulting from mycorrhization is the uptake of nutrients. Among of which the ones that have immobilized forms in soil, such as P, assume particular significance. Besides this, many other benefits are recognized for AM plants (Gupta et al, 2000): water stress alleviation (Augé, 2004; Cho et al, 2006), protection from root pathogens (Graham, 2001), tolerance to toxic heavy metals and phytoremediation (Audet and Charest, 2006; Göhre and Paszkowski, 2006), tolerance to adverse conditions such as very high or low temperature, high salinity (Sannazzaro et al, 2006), high or low pH (Yano and Takaki, 2005) or better performance during transplantation shock (Subhan et al, 1998). The extraradical hyphae also stabilize soil aggregates by both enmeshing soil particles (Miller e Jastrow, 1992) and producing a glycoprotein, golmalin, which may act as a glue-like substance to adhere soil particles together (Wright and Upadhyaya, 1998). Despite the ubiquous distribution of mycorrhizal fungi (Smith and Read, 2000) and only a relative specificity between host plants and fungal isolates (McGonigle and Fitter, 1990), the obligate nature of the symbiosis implies the establishment of a plant propagation system, either under greenhouse conditions or in vitro laboratory propagation. These techniques result in high inoculum production costs, which still remains a serious problem since they are not competitive with production costs of phosphorus fertilizer. Even if farmers understand the significance of sustainable agricultural systems, the reduction of phosphorus inputs by using AM fungal inocula alone cannot be justified except, perhaps, in the case of high value crops (Saioto and Marumoto, 2002). Nurseries, high income horticulture farmers and no-agricultural application such as rehabilitation of degraded or devegetated landscapes are examples of areas where the use of commercial inoculum is current. Another serious problem is quality of commercial available products concerning guarantee of phatogene free content, storage conditions, most effective application methods and what types to use. Besides the information provided by suppliers about its inoculum can be deceiving, as from the usually referred total counts, only a fraction may be effective for a particular plant or in specific soil conditions. Gianinazzi and Vosátka (2004) assume that progress should be made towards registration procedures that stimulate the development of the mycorrhizal industry. Some on-farm inoculum production and application methods have been studied, allowing farmers to produce locally adapted isolates and generate a taxonomically diverse inoculum (Mohandas et al, 2004; Douds et al, 2005). However the inocula produced this way are not readily processed for mechanical application to the fields, being an obstacle to the utilization in large scale agriculture, especially row crops, moreover it would represent an additional mechanical operation with the corresponding economic and soil compaction costs. It is well recognized that inoculation of AM fungi has a potential significance in not only sustainable crop production, but also environmental conservation. However, the status quo of inoculation is far from practical technology that can be widely used in the field. Together a further basic understanding of the biology and diversity of AM fungi is needed (Abbott at al, 1995; Saito and Marumoto, 2002). Advances in ecology during the past decade have led to a much more detailed understanding of the potential negative consequences of species introductions and the potential for negative ecological consequences of invasions by mycorrhizal fungi is poorly understood. Schwartz et al, (2006) recommend that a careful assessment documenting the need for inoculation, and the likelihood of success, should be conducted prior to inoculation because inoculations are not universally beneficial. Agricultural practices such as crop rotation, tillage, weed control and fertilizer apllication all produce changes in the chemical, physical and biological soil variables and affect the ecological niches available for occupancy by the soil biota, influencing in different ways the symbiosis performance and consequently the inoculum development, shaping changes and upset balance of native populations. The molecular biology tools developed in the latest years have been very important for our perception of these changes, ensuing awareness of management choice implications in AM development. In this context, for extensive farming systems and regarding environmental and economic costs, the identification of agronomic management practices that allow controlled manipulation of the fungal community and capitalization of AM mutualistic effect making use of local inoculum, seem to be a wise option for mycorrhiza promotion and development of sustainable crop production

    Equal opportunities: Do shareable interfaces promote more group participation than single users displays?

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    Computers designed for single use are often appropriated suboptimally when used by small colocated groups working together. Our research investigates whether shareable interfaces–that are designed for more than one user to inter-act with–can facilitate more equitable participation in colocated group settings compared with single user displays. We present a conceptual framework that characterizes Shared Information Spaces (SISs) in terms of how they constrain and invite participation using different entry points. An experiment was conducted that compared three different SISs: a physical-digital set-up (least constrained), a multitouch tabletop (medium), and a laptop display (most constrained). Statistical analyses showed there to be little difference in participation levels between the three conditions other than a predictable lack of equity of control over the interface in the laptop condition. However, detailed qualitative analyses revealed more equitable participation took place in the physical-digital condition in terms of verbal utterances over time. Those who spoke the least contributed most to the physical design task. The findings are discussed in relation to the conceptual framework and, more generally, in terms of how to select, design, and combine different display technologies to support collaborative activities