463 research outputs found

    Radio-frequency dressed lattices for ultracold alkali atoms

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    Ultracold atomic gases in periodic potentials are powerful platforms for exploring quantum physics in regimes dominated by many-body effects as well as for developing applications that benefit from quantum mechanical effects. Further advances face a range of challenges including the realization of potentials with lattice constants smaller than optical wavelengths as well as creating schemes for effective addressing and manipulation of single sites. In this paper we propose a dressed-based scheme for creating periodic potential landscapes for ultracold alkali atoms with the capability of overcoming such difficulties. The dressed approach has the advantage of operating in a low-frequency regime where decoherence and heating effects due to spontaneous emission do not take place. These results highlight the possibilities of atom-chip technology in the future development of quantum simulations and quantum technologies, and provide a realistic scheme for starting such an exploration

    Inflammation and changes in cytokine levels in neurological feline infectious peritonitis.

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    Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a progressive, fatal, predominantly Arthus-type immune-mediated disease that is triggered when cats are infected with a mutant enteric coronavirus. The disease presents variably with multiple organ failure, seizures, generalized effusion, or shock. Neurological FIP is clinically and pathologically more homogeneous than systemic 'wet' or 'dry' FIP; thus, comparison of cytokine profiles from cats with neurological FIP, wet FIP, and non-FIP neurological disease may provide insight into some baseline characteristics relating to the immunopathogenesis of neurological FIP. This study characterizes inflammation and changes in cytokines in the brain tissue of FIP-affected cats. Cellular infiltrates in cats with FIP included lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils, macrophages, and eosinophils. IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-12, IL-18, TNF-alpha, macrophage inhibitory protein (MIP)-1 alpha, and RANTES showed no upregulation in the brains of control cats, moderate upregulation in neurological FIP cats, and very high upregulation in generalized FIP cats. Transcription of IFN-gamma appeared upregulated in cats with systemic FIP and slightly downregulated in neurological FIP. In most cytokines tested, variance was extremely high in generalized FIP and much less in neurological FIP. Principal components analysis was performed in order to find the least number of 'components' that would summarize the cytokine profiles in cats with neurological FIP. A large component of the variance (91.7%) was accounted for by levels of IL-6, MIP-1 alpha, and RANTES. These findings provide new insight into the immunopathogenesis of FIP and suggest targets for immune therapy of this disease

    Induction of adenocarcinoma from hamster pancreatic islet cells treated with N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine in vitro

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    Our previous studies in the hamster pancreatic cancer model have indicated that pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas derive not only from ductal/ductular cells but also from islets. To verify the presence of carcinogen-responsive cells within islets, we tested the effect of the pancreatic carcinogen N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine (BOP) on recently established continuous hamster pancreatic islet culture. Isolated pure pancreatic islets of hamsters were treated in vitro with BOP at a concentration of 0.25 mM three times a week for 19 weeks. Each treatment week was designed as a stage. The growth of these cells, designated KL5B, was compared with untreated cultured islets, designated KL5N. As in our previous study, between 14 and 21 days of culture, exocrine and intermediary cells developed within both KL5N and KL5B islets, which were then replaced by undifferentiated cells. No differences were found in the growth patterns of KL5N and KL5B until stage 4, when KL5B cells showed accelerated cell growth and cell pleomorphism, which increased gradually at later stages of treatment. Anchorage-independent and in vivo growth did not appear until stage 19. Mutation of c-Ki-ras at codon 12 (GGT→GAT) was detected in KL5B cells but not in KL5N cells. In vivo KL5B cells formed anaplastic invasive cancer with areas of glandular formation, overexpressed TGF-α and EGFR, expressed cytokeratin, vimentin, laminin and α-1 antitrypsin and reacted strongly with L-phytohemagglutinin and tomato lectin. Some cells within islets are responsive to the carcinogenic effects of BOP. Whether these cells represent islet cell precursors (stem cells) or malignant transdifferentiated islet cells remains to be see

    Ten steps or climbing a mountain: A study of Australian health professionals' perceptions of implementing the baby friendly health initiative to protect, promote and support breastfeeding

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    Background: The Baby Friendly Hospital (Health) Initiative (BFHI) is a global initiative aimed at protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding and is based on the ten steps to successful breastfeeding. Worldwide, over 20,000 health facilities have attained BFHI accreditation but only 77 Australian hospitals (approximately 23%) have received accreditation. Few studies have investigated the factors that facilitate or hinder implementation of BFHI but it is acknowledged this is a major undertaking requiring strategic planning and change management throughout an institution. This paper examines the perceptions of BFHI held by midwives and nurses working in one Area Health Service in NSW, Australia. Methods: The study used an interpretive, qualitative approach. A total of 132 health professionals, working across four maternity units, two neonatal intensive care units and related community services, participated in 10 focus groups. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Three main themes were identified: ‘Belief and Commitment’; ‘Interpreting BFHI’ and ‘Climbing a Mountain’. Participants considered the BFHI implementation a high priority; an essential set of practices that would have positive benefits for babies and mothers both locally and globally as well as for health professionals. It was considered achievable but would take commitment and hard work to overcome the numerous challenges including a number of organisational constraints. There were, however, differing interpretations of what was required to attain BFHI accreditation with the potential that misinterpretation could hinder implementation. A model described by Greenhalgh and colleagues on adoption of innovation is drawn on to interpret the findings. Conclusion: Despite strong support for BFHI, the principles of this global strategy are interpreted differently by health professionals and further education and accurate information is required. It may be that the current processes used to disseminate and implement BFHI need to be reviewed. The findings suggest that there is a contradiction between the broad philosophical stance and best practice approach of this global strategy and the tendency for health professionals to focus on the ten steps as a set of tasks or a checklist to be accomplished. The perceived procedural approach to implementation may be contributing to lower rates of breastfeeding continuation

    Adherence to Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Patients With Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation: A Cross-National Comparison in Six European Countries (2008–2015)

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    Anticoagulants; Europe; Non valvular atrial fibrillationAnticoagulants; Europa; Fibril·laciĂł auricular no valvularAnticoagulantes; Europa; FibrilaciĂłn auricular no valvularAims: To describe and compare the adherence to different direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in eight European databases representing six countries. Methods: Longitudinal drug utilization study of new users (≄18 years) of DOACs (dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban) with a diagnosis of non-valvular atrial fibrillation (2008–2015). Adherence was examined by estimating persistence, switching, and discontinuation rates at 12 months. Primary non-adherence was estimated in BIFAP and SIDIAP databases. Results: The highest persistence rate was seen for apixaban in the CPRD database (81%) and the lowest for dabigatran in the Mondriaan database (22%). The switching rate for all DOACs ranged from 2.4 to 13.1% (Mondriaan and EGB databases, respectively). Dabigatran had the highest switching rate from 5.0 to 20.0% (Mondriaan and EGB databases, respectively). The discontinuation rate for all DOACs ranged from 16.0 to 63.9% (CPRD and Bavarian CD databases, respectively). Dabigatran had the highest rate of discontinuers, except in the Bavarian CD and AOK NORDWEST databases, ranging from 23.2 to 64.6% (CPRD and Mondriaan databases, respectively). Combined primary non-adherence for examined DOACs was 11.1% in BIFAP and 14.0% in SIDIAP. There were differences in population coverage and in the type of drug data source among the databases. Conclusion: Despite the differences in the characteristics of the databases and in demographic and baseline characteristics of the included population that could explain some of the observed discrepancies, we can observe a similar pattern throughout the databases. Apixaban was the DOAC with the highest persistence. Dabigatran had the highest proportion of discontinuers and switchers at 12 months in most databases (EMA/2015/27/PH).The project has received support from the European Medicines Agency under the Framework service contract (nr EMA/2015/27/PH) with regard to the reopening of competition no. 3. K. Janhsen (Witten/Herdecke University, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50, 58448 Witten, Germany (UW/GH)) and A. Heeke (AOK NORDWEST, Kopenhagener Straße 1, 44269 Dortmund, Germany). R. Gerlach and M. Tauscher (National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of Bavaria, Elsenheimerstr. 39, MD-80687 Munich, Germany). The authors from the BIFAP database would like to acknowledge the excellent collaboration of the primary care general practitioners and pediatricians, and also the support of the regional governments to the database. This study is based in part on data from the ‘base de datos para la investigaciĂłn FarmacoepidemiolĂłgica en AtenciĂłn Primaria’ (BIFAP) fully financed by the Spanish Agency on Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS). The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the EMA (European Medicines Agency) or one of its committees or working parties, or AEMPS (Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios). The authors thank Alethea Charlton for her support reviewing and editing the English. The authors thank SIDIAP (Sistema d’informaciĂł per al Desenvolupament de InvestigaciĂł en AtenciĂł PrimĂ ria) for providing the data with respect to CPRD, approval of the study protocol was granted by the Independent Scientific Advisory Committee of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (protocol 17_089R)

    A comparative study on the analysis of hemodynamics in the athlete's heart

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    The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the development of the athlete's heart are still poorly understood. To characterize the intracavitary blood flows in the right ventricle (RV) and right-ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) in 2 healthy probands, patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and 2 endurance athletes, we performed 4D-MRI flow measurements to assess differences in kinetic energy and shear stresses. Time evolution of velocity magnitude, mean kinetic energy (MKE), turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and viscous shear stress (VSS) were measured both along the whole RV and in the RVOT. RVOT regions had higher kinetic energy values and higher shear stresses levels compared to the global averaging over RV among all subjects. Endurance athletes had relatively lower kinetic energy and shear stresses in the RVOT regions compared to both healthy probands and ARVC patients. The athlete's heart is characterized by lower kinetic energy and shear stresses in the RVOT, which might be explained by a higher diastolic compliance of the R

    Trapped ions in optical lattices for probing oscillator chain models

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    We show that a chain of trapped ions embedded in microtraps generated by an optical lattice can be used to study oscillator models related to dry friction and energy transport. Numerical calculations with realistic experimental parameters demonstrate that both static and dynamic properties of the ion chain change significantly as the optical lattice power is varied. Finally, we lay out an experimental scheme to use the spin degree of freedom to probe the phase space structure and quantum critical behavior of the ion chain
