714 research outputs found

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation, appendix A

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    A generic computer simulation for manipulator systems (ROBSIM) was implemented and the specific technologies necessary to increase the role of automation in various missions were developed. The specific items developed were: (1) Capability for definition of a manipulator system consisting of multiple arms, load objects, and an environment; (2) Capability for kinematic analysis, requirements analysis, and response simulation of manipulator motion; (3) Postprocessing options such as graphic replay of simulated motion and manipulator parameter plotting; (4) Investigation and simulation of various control methods including manual force/torque and active compliance control; (5) Evaluation and implementation of three obstacle avoidance methods; (6) Video simulation and edge detection; and (7) Software simulation validation. This appendix is the user's guide and includes examples of program runs and outputs as well as instructions for program use

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation

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    A generic computer simulation for manipulator systems (ROBSIM) was implemented and the specific technologies necessary to increase the role of automation in various missions were developed. The specific items developed are: (1) capability for definition of a manipulator system consisting of multiple arms, load objects, and an environment; (2) capability for kinematic analysis, requirements analysis, and response simulation of manipulator motion; (3) postprocessing options such as graphic replay of simulated motion and manipulator parameter plotting; (4) investigation and simulation of various control methods including manual force/torque and active compliances control; (5) evaluation and implementation of three obstacle avoidance methods; (6) video simulation and edge detection; and (7) software simulation validation

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation. Appendix A: ROBSIM user's guide

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    The purpose of the Robotics Simulation Program is to provide a broad range of computer capabilities to assist in the design, verification, simulation, and study of robotics systems. ROBSIM is program in FORTRAN 77 for use on a VAX 11/750 computer under the VMS operating system. This user's guide describes the capabilities of the ROBSIM programs, including the system definition function, the analysis tools function and the postprocessor function. The options a user may encounter with each of these executables are explained in detail and the different program prompts appearing to the user are included. Some useful suggestions concerning the appropriate answers to be given by the user are provided. An example user interactive run in enclosed for each of the main program services, and some of the capabilities are illustrated

    Evaluation of automated decision making methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation: Study results

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    The implementation of a generic computer simulation for manipulator systems (ROBSIM) is described. The program is written in FORTRAN, and allows the user to: (1) Interactively define a manipulator system consisting of multiple arms, load objects, targets, and an environment; (2) Request graphic display or replay of manipulator motion; (3) Investigate and simulate various control methods including manual force/torque and active compliance control; and (4) Perform kinematic analysis, requirements analysis, and response simulation of manipulamotion. Previous reports have described the algorithms and procedures for using ROBSIM. These reports are superseded and additional features which were added are described. They are: (1) The ability to define motion profiles and compute loads on a common base to which manipulator arms are attached; (2) Capability to accept data describing manipulator geometry from a Computer Aided Design data base using the Initial Graphics exchange Specification format; (3) A manipulator control algorithm derived from processing the TV image of known reference points on a target; and (4) A vocabulary of simple high level task commands which can be used to define task scenarios

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation. Appendix B: ROBSIM programmer's guide

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    The purpose of the Robotic Simulation (ROBSIM) program is to provide a broad range of computer capabilities to assist in the design, verification, simulation, and study of robotic systems. ROBSIM is programmed in FORTRAM 77 and implemented on a VAX 11/750 computer using the VMS operating system. The programmer's guide describes the ROBSIM implementation and program logic flow, and the functions and structures of the different subroutines. With the manual and the in-code documentation, an experienced programmer can incorporate additional routines and modify existing ones to add desired capabilities

    Spin- and energy relaxation of hot electrons at GaAs surfaces

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    The mechanisms for spin relaxation in semiconductors are reviewed, and the mechanism prevalent in p-doped semiconductors, namely spin relaxation due to the electron-hole exchange interaction, is presented in some depth. It is shown that the solution of Boltzmann-type kinetic equations allows one to obtain quantitative results for spin relaxation in semiconductors that go beyond the original Bir-Aronov-Pikus relaxation-rate approximation. Experimental results using surface sensitive two-photon photoemission techniques show that the spin relaxation-time of electrons in p-doped GaAs at a semiconductor/metal surface is several times longer than the corresponding bulk spin relaxation-times. A theoretical explanation of these results in terms of the reduced density of holes in the band-bending region at the surface is presented.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures; earlier submission replaced by corrected and expanded version; eps figures now included in the tex

    Numerical study of the noninertial systems: applicationto train coupler systems

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    Car coupler forces have a significant effect on the longitudinal train dynamics and stability. Because the coupler inertia is relatively small in comparison with the car inertia; the high stiffness associated with the coupler components can lead to high frequencies that adversely impact the computational efficiency of train models. The objective of this investigation is to study the effect of the coupler inertia on the train dynamics and on the computational efficiency as measured by the simulation time. To this end, two different models are developed for the car couplers; one model, called the inertial coupler model, includes the effect of the coupler inertia, while in the other model, called the noninertial model, the effect of the coupler inertia is neglected. Both inertial and noninertial coupler models used in this investigation are assumed to have the same coupler kinematic degrees of freedom that capture geometric nonlinearities and allow for the relative translation of the draft gears and end of car cushioning (EOC) devices as well as the relative rotation of the coupler shank. In both models, the coupler kinematic equations are expressed in terms of the car body and coupler coordinates. Both the inertial and noninertial models used in this study lead to a system of differential and algebraic equations that are solved simultaneously in order to determine the coordinates of the cars and couplers. In the case of the inertial model, the coupler kinematics is described using the absolute Cartesian coordinates, and the algebraic equations describe the kinematic constraints imposed on the motion of the system. In this case of the inertial model, the constraint equations are satisfied at the position, velocity, and acceleration levels. In the case of the noninertial model, the equations of motion are developed using the relative joint coordinates, thereby eliminating systematically the algebraic equations that represent the kinematic constraints. A quasistatic force analysis is used to determine a set of coupler nonlinear force algebraic equations for a given car configuration. These nonlinear force algebraic equations are solved iteratively to determine the coupler noninertial coordinates which enter into the formulation of the equations of motion of the train cars. The results obtained in this study showed that the neglect of the coupler inertia eliminates high frequency oscillations that can negatively impact the computational efficiency. The effect of these high frequencies that are attributed to the coupler inertia on the simulation time is examined using frequency and eigenvalue analyses. While the neglect of the coupler inertia leads, as demonstrated in this investigation, to a much more efficient model, the results obtained using the inertial and noninertial coupler models show good agreement, demonstrating that the coupler inertia can be neglected without having an adverse effect on the accuracy of the solutio

    The Minimum-Uncertainty Squeezed States for for Atoms and Photons in a Cavity

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    We describe a six-parameter family of the minimum-uncertainty squeezed states for the harmonic oscillator in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. They are derived by the action of corresponding maximal kinematical invariance group on the standard ground state solution. We show that the product of the variances attains the required minimum value 1/4 only at the instances that one variance is a minimum and the other is a maximum, when the squeezing of one of the variances occurs. The generalized coherent states are explicitly constructed and their Wigner function is studied. The overlap coefficients between the squeezed, or generalized harmonic, and the Fock states are explicitly evaluated in terms of hypergeometric functions. The corresponding photons statistics are discussed and some applications to quantum optics, cavity quantum electrodynamics, and superfocusing in channeling scattering are mentioned. Explicit solutions of the Heisenberg equations for radiation field operators with squeezing are found.Comment: 27 pages, no figures, 174 references J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., Special Issue celebrating the 20th anniversary of quantum state engineering (R. Blatt, A. Lvovsky, and G. Milburn, Guest Editors), May 201