2,711 research outputs found

    Equilibration in long-range quantum spin systems from a BBGKY perspective

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    The time evolution of \ell-spin reduced density operators is studied for a class of Heisenberg-type quantum spin models with long-range interactions. In the framework of the quantum Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon (BBGKY) hierarchy, we introduce an unconventional representation, different from the usual cluster expansion, which casts the hierarchy into the form of a second-order recursion. This structure suggests a scaling of the expansion coefficients and the corresponding time scales in powers of N1/2N^{1/2} with the system size NN, implying a separation of time scales in the large system limit. For special parameter values and initial conditions, we can show analytically that closing the BBGKY hierarchy by neglecting \ell-spin correlations does never lead to equilibration, but gives rise to quasi-periodic time evolution with at most /2\ell/2 independent frequencies. Moreover, for the same special parameter values and in the large-NN limit, we solve the complete recursion relation (the full BBGKY hierarchy), observing a superexponential decay to equilibrium in rescaled time τ=tN1/2\tau=tN^{-1/2}.Comment: 3 figure

    Molecules in the Circumstellar Disk Orbiting BP Piscium

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    BP Psc is a puzzling late-type, emission-line field star with large infrared excess. The star is encircled and enshrouded by a nearly edge-on, dust circumstellar disk, and displays an extensive jet system similar to those associated with pre-main sequence (pre-MS) stars. We conducted a mm-wave molecular line survey of BP Psc with the 30 m telescope of the Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimetrique (IRAM). We detected lines of 12CO and 13CO and, possibly, very weak emission from HCO+ and CN; HCN, H2CO, and SiO are not detected. The CO line profiles of BP Psc are well fit by a model invoking a disk in Keplerian rotation. The mimumum disk gas mass, inferred from the 12CO line intensity and 13CO/12CO line ratio, is ~0.1 Jupiter masses. The weakness of HCO+ and CN (relative to 13CO) stands in sharp contrast to the strong HCO+ and CN emission that characterizes most low-mass, pre-main sequence stars that have been the subjects of molecular emission-line surveys, and is suggestive of a very low level of X-ray-induced molecular ionization within the BP Psc disk. These results lend some support to the notion that BP Psc is an evolved star whose circumstellar disk has its origins in a catastrophic interaction with a close companion.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    On Visibility in the Afshar Two-Slit Experiment

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    A modified version of Young's experiment by Shahriar Afshar indirectly reveals the presence of a fully articulated interference pattern prior to the post-selection of a particle in a "which-slit" basis. While this experiment does not constitute a violation of Bohr's Complementarity Principle as claimed by Afshar, both he and many of his critics incorrectly assume that a commonly used relationship between visibility parameter V and "which-way" parameter K has crucial relevance to his experiment. It is argued here that this relationship does not apply to this experimental situation and that it is wrong to make any use of it in support of claims for or against the bearing of this experiment on Complementarity.Comment: Final version; to appear in Foundations of Physic

    Cognitive and Perceptual Functions of the Visual Thalamus

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    The thalamus is classically viewed as passively relaying information to the cortex. However, there is growing evidence that the thalamus actively regulates information transmission to the cortex and between cortical areas using a variety of mechanisms, including the modulation of response magnitude, firing mode, and synchrony of neurons according to behavioral demands. We discuss how the visual thalamus contributes to attention, awareness, and visually guided actions, to present a general role for the thalamus in perception and cognition

    The Multiple Young Stellar Objects of HBC 515: An X-ray and Millimeter-wave Imaging Study in (Pre-main Sequence) Diversity

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    We present Chandra X-ray Observatory and Submillimeter Array (SMA) imaging of HBC 515, a system consisting of multiple young stellar objects (YSOs). The five members of HBC 515 represent a remarkably diverse array of YSOs, ranging from the low-mass Class I/II protostar HBC 515B, through Class II and transition disk objects (HBC 515D and C, respectively), to the "diskless", intermediate- mass, pre-main sequence binary HBC 515A. Our Chandra/ACIS imaging establishes that all five components are X-ray sources, with HBC 515A - a subarcsecond-separation binary that is partially resolved by Chandra - being the dominant X-ray source. We detect an X-ray flare associated with HBC 515B. In the SMA imaging, HBC 515B is detected as a strong 1.3 mm continuum emission source; a second, weaker mm continuum source is coincident with the position of the transition disk object HBC 515C. These results strongly support the protostellar nature of HBC 515B, and firmly establish HBC 515A as a member of the rare class of relatively massive, X-ray luminous "weak-lined T Tauri stars" that are binaries and have shed their disks at very early stages of pre-MS evolution. The coexistence of two such disparate objects within a single, presumably coeval multiple YSO system highlights the influence of pre- MS star mass, binarity, and X-ray luminosity in regulating the lifetimes of circumstellar, planet-forming disks and the timescales of star-disk interactions.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 11 pages, 5 figure

    Nearby Young, Active, Late-type Dwarfs in Gaia's First Data Release

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    The Galex Nearby Young Star Survey (GALNYSS) has yielded a sample of \sim2000 UV-selected objects that are candidate nearby (D<D \stackrel{<}{\sim}150 pc), young (age \sim10--100 Myr), late-type stars. Here, we evaluate the distances and ages of the subsample of (19) GALNYSS stars with Gaia Data Release 1 (DR1) parallax distances D120D \le 120 pc. The overall youth of these 19 mid-K to early-M stars is readily apparent from their positions relative to the loci of main sequence stars and giants in Gaia-based color-magnitude and color-color diagrams constructed for all Galex- and WISE-detected stars with parallax measurements included in DR1. The isochronal ages of all 19 stars lie in the range \sim10--100 Myr. Comparison with Li-based age estimates indicates a handful of these stars may be young main-sequence binaries rather than pre-main sequence stars. Nine of the 19 objects have not previously been considered as nearby, young stars, and all but one of these are found at declinations north of ++30^\circ. The Gaia DR1 results presented here indicate that the GALNYSS sample includes several hundred nearby, young stars, a substantial fraction of which have not been previously recognized as having ages <\stackrel{<}{\sim}100 Myr.Comment: 30 pages, 4 tables, 7 figures; to appear in The Astrophysical Journal; 1st replacement to correct typos/omissions in Table 3 and acknowledgments; 2nd replacement to incorporate corrections to ApJ proof

    Measurements of quasi-particle tunneling in the nu = 5/2 fractional quantum Hall state

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    Some models of the 5/2 fractional quantum Hall state predict that the quasi-particles, which carry the charge, have non-Abelian statistics: exchange of two quasi-particles changes the wave function more dramatically than just the usual change of phase factor. Such non-Abelian statistics would make the system less sensitive to decoherence, making it a candidate for implementation of topological quantum computation. We measure quasi-particle tunneling as a function of temperature and DC bias between counter-propagating edge states. Fits to theory give e*, the quasi-particle effective charge, close to the expected value of e/4 and g, the strength of the interaction between quasi-particles, close to 3/8. Fits corresponding to the various proposed wave functions, along with qualitative features of the data, strongly favor the Abelian 331 state

    Effective Sample Size: Quick Estimation of the Effect of Related Samples in Genetic Case-Control Association Analyses

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    Correlated samples have been frequently avoided in case-control&#xd;&#xa;genetic association&#xd;&#xa; studies in part because the methods for handling them are either not&#xd;&#xa;easily implemented or not widely known. We&#xd;&#xa;advocate one method for case-control association analysis of correlated&#xd;&#xa;samples -- the effective sample size method -- as a simple and&#xd;&#xa;accessible approach that does not require specialized computer programs.&#xd;&#xa;The effective sample size method captures the variance inflation&#xd;&#xa;of allele frequency estimation exactly, and can be used to modify the&#xd;&#xa;chi-square test statistic, p-value, and 95% confidence interval of&#xd;&#xa;odds-ratio simply by replacing the apparent number of allele counts with the&#xd;&#xa;effective ones. For genotype frequency estimation, although a single&#xd;&#xa;effective sample size is unable to completely characterize the variance inflation,&#xd;&#xa;an averaged one can satisfactorily approximate the simulated result.&#xd;&#xa;The effective sample size method is applied to the rheumatoid arthritis&#xd;&#xa;siblings data collected from the North American Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium (NARAC)&#xd;&#xa;to establish a significant association with the interferon-induced&#xd;&#xa;helicasel gene (IFIH1) previously being identified as a type 1 diabetes&#xd;&#xa;susceptibility locus. Connections between the effective sample size&#xd;&#xa;method and other methods, such as generalized estimation equation,&#xd;&#xa;variance of eigenvalues for correlation matrices, and genomic controls,&#xd;&#xa;are also discussed.&#xd;&#xa