629 research outputs found

    Children with language delay referred to Dutch speech and hearing centres: caseload characteristics

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    Background: Early detection and remediation of language disorders are important in helping children to establish appropriate communicative and social behaviour and acquire additional information about the world through the use of language. In the Netherlands, children with (a suspicion of) language disorders are referred to speech and hearing centres for multidisciplinary assessment. Reliable data are needed on the nature of language disorders, as well as the age and source of referral, and the effects of cultural and socioeconomic profiles of the population served in order to plan speech and language therapy service provision. Aims: To provide a detailed description of caseload characteristics of children referred with a possible language disorder by generating more understanding of factors that might influence early identification. Methods & Procedures: A database of 11,450 children was analysed consisting of data on children, aged 2–7 years (70% boys, 30% girls), visiting Dutch speech and hearing centres. The factors analysed were age of referral, ratio of boys to girls, mono- and bilingualism, nature of the language delay, and language profile of the children. Outcomes & Results: Results revealed an age bias in the referral of children with language disorders. On average, boys were referred 5 months earlier than girls, and monolingual children were referred 3 months earlier than bilingual children. In addition, bilingual children seemed to have more complex problems at referral than monolingual children. They more often had both a disorder in both receptive and expressive language, and a language disorder with additional (developmental) problems. Conclusions & Implications: This study revealed a bias in age of referral of young children with language disorders. The results implicate the need for objective language screening instruments and the need to increase the awareness of staff in primary child healthcare of red flags in language development of girls and multilingual children aiming at earlier identification of language disorders in these children. What this paper adds What is already known on the subject Identifying language disorders before children enter school can foster the initiation of early interventions before these problems interfere with formal education and behavioural adjustment. Information on caseload characteristics is important to plan speech and language therapy service provision. There are only a few studies on the caseload characteristics of children at first referral for language assessment. What this paper adds to existing knowle

    Experimental Verification of the Chemical Sensitivity of Two-Site Double Core-Hole States Formed by an X-ray FEL

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    We have performed X-ray two-photon photoelectron spectroscopy (XTPPS) using the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) in order to study double core-hole (DCH) states of CO2, N2O and N2. The experiment verifies the theory behind the chemical sensitivity of two-site (ts) DCH states by comparing a set of small molecules with respect to the energy shift of the tsDCH state and by extracting the relevant parameters from this shift.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Increased orthogeriatrician involvement in hip fracture care and its impact on mortality in England

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    OBJECTIVE: to describe the increase in orthogeriatrician involvement in hip fracture care in England and its association with improvements in time to surgery and mortality. STUDY DESIGN: analysis of Hospital Episode Statistics for 196,401 patients presenting with hip fracture to 150 hospitals in England between 1 April 2010 and 28 February 2014, combined with data on orthogeriatrician hours from a national organisational survey. METHODS: we examined changes in the average number of hours worked by orthogeriatricians in orthopaedic departments per patient with hip fracture, and their potential effect on mortality within 30 days of presentation. The role of prompt surgery (on day of or day after presentation) was explored as a potential confounding factor. Associations were assessed using conditional Poisson regression models with adjustment for patients’ sex, age and comorbidity and year, with hospitals treated as fixed effects. RESULTS: between 2010 and 2013, there was an increase of 2.5 hours per patient in the median number of hours worked by orthogeriatricians—from 1.5 to 4.0 hours. An increase of 2.5 hours per patient was associated with a relative reduction in mortality of 3.4% (95% confidence interval 0.9% to 5.9%, P = 0.01). This corresponds to an absolute reduction of approximately 0.3%. Higher numbers of orthogeriatrician hours were associated with higher rates of prompt surgery, but were independently associated with lower mortality. CONCLUSION: in the context of initiatives to improve hip fracture care, we identified statistically significant and robust associations between increased orthogeriatrician hours per patient and reduced 30-day mortality

    Consumer feces impact coral health in guild-specific ways

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    Animal waste products are an important component of nutrient cycles and result in the trophic transmission of diverse microorganisms. There is growing recognition that the feces of consumers, such as predators, may impact resource species, their prey, via physical effects and/or microbial activity. We tested the effect of feces from distinct fish trophic groups on coral health and used heat-killed fecal controls to tease apart physical versus microbial effects of contact with fecal material. Fresh grazer/detritivore fish feces caused lesions more frequently on corals, and lesions were 4.2-fold larger than those from sterilized grazer/detritivore feces; in contrast, fresh corallivore feces did not cause more frequent or larger lesions than sterilized corallivore feces. Thus, microbial activity in grazer/detritivore feces, but not corallivore feces, was harmful to corals. Characterization of bacterial diversity in feces of 10 reef fish species, ranging from obligate corallivores to grazer/detritivores, indicated that our experimental findings may be broadly generalizable to consumer guild, since feces of some obligate corallivores contained ~2-fold higher relative abundances of coral mutualist bacteria (e.g., Endozoicomonadaceae), and lower abundances of the coral pathogen, Vibrio coralliilyticus, than feces of some grazer/detritivores. These findings recontextualize the ecological roles of consumers on coral reefs: although grazer/detritivores support coral reef health in various ways (e.g., promoting coral settlement and herbivory through the removal of detritus and sediments from the algal matrix), they also disperse coral pathogens. Corallivore predation can wound corals, yet their feces contain potentially beneficial coral-associated bacteria, supporting the hypothesized role of consumers, and corallivores in particular, in coral symbiont dispersal. Such consumer-mediated microbial dispersal as demonstrated here has broad implications for environmental management

    Influenza at the animal-human interface : a review of the literature for virological evidence of human infection with swine or avian influenza viruses other than A(H5N1)

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    Factors that trigger human infection with animal influenza virus progressing into a pandemic are poorly understood. Within a project developing an evidence-based risk assessment framework for influenza viruses in animals, we conducted a review of the literature for evidence of human infection with animal influenza viruses by diagnostic methods used. The review covering Medline, Embase, SciSearch and CabAbstracts yielded 6,955 articles, of which we retained 89; for influenza A(H5N1) and A(H7N9), the official case counts of the World Health Organization were used. An additional 30 studies were included by scanning the reference lists. Here, we present the findings for confirmed infections with virological evidence. We found reports of 1,419 naturally infected human cases, of which 648 were associated with avian influenza virus (AIV) A(H5N1), 375 with other AIV subtypes, and 396 with swine influenza virus (SIV). Human cases naturally infected with AIV spanned haemagglutinin subtypes H5, H6, H7, H9 and H10. SIV cases were associated with endemic SIV of H1 and H3 subtype descending from North American and Eurasian SIV lineages and various reassortants thereof. Direct exposure to birds or swine was the most likely source of infection for the cases with available information on exposure

    The SmartTarget BIOPSY trial: A prospective, within-person randomised, blinded trial comparing the accuracy of visual-registration and MRI/ultrasound image-fusion targeted biopsies for prostate cancer risk stratification

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    Background: Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI)-targeted prostate biopsies can improve detection of clinically significant prostate cancer and decrease the overdetection of insignificant cancers. Whether visual-registration targeting is sufficient or if augmentation with image-fusion software is needed is unknown. Objective: To assess concordance between the two methods. Design, Setting, and Participants: We conducted a blinded, within-person randomised, paired validating clinical trial. From 2014 to 2016, 141 men who had undergone a prior (positive or negative) transrectal ultrasound biopsy and had a discrete lesion on mpMRI (score 3 to 5) requiring targeted transperineal biopsy were enrolled at a UK academic hospital; 129 underwent both biopsy strategies and completed the study. Intervention: The order of performing biopsies using visual-registration and a computer-assisted MRI/ultrasound image-fusion system (SmartTarget) on each patient was randomised. The equipment was reset between biopsy strategies to mitigate incorporation bias. Outcome Measurements and Statistical Analysis: The proportion of clinically significant prostate cancer (primary outcome: Gleason pattern ≥3+4=7, maximum cancer core length ≥4 mm; secondary outcome: Gleason pattern ≥4+3=7, maximum cancer core length ≥6 mm) detected by each method was compared using McNemar's test of paired proportions. Results and Limitations: The two strategies combined detected 93 clinically significant prostate cancers (72% of the cohort). Each strategy individually detected 80/93 (86%) of these cancers; each strategy detected 13 cases missed by the other. Three patients experienced adverse events related to biopsy (urinary retention, urinary tract infection, nausea and vomiting). No difference in urinary symptoms, erectile function, or quality of life between baseline and follow-up (median 10.5 weeks) was observed. The key limitation was lack of parallel-group randomisation and limit on number of targeted cores. Conclusions: Visual-registration and image-fusion targeting strategies combined had the highest detection rate for clinically significant cancers. Targeted prostate biopsy should be performed using both strategies together. Patient Summary: We compared two prostate cancer biopsy strategies: visual-registration and image-fusion. The combination of the two strategies found the most clinically important cancers and should be used together whenever targeted biopsy is being performed

    Introduction of Heated Cow's Milk Protein in Challenge-Proven Cow's Milk Allergic Children:The iAGE Study

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    The introduction of baked milk products in cow's milk (CM) allergic children has previously been shown to accelerate induction tolerance in a selected group of children. However, there is no standardized baked milk product on the market. Recently, a new standardized, heated and glycated cow's milk protein (HP) product was developed. The aim of this study was to measure safety and tolerability of a new, well characterized heated CM protein (HP) product in cow's milk allergic (CMA) children between the age of 3 and 36 months. The children were recruited from seven clinics throughout The Netherlands. The HP product was introduced in six incremental doses under clinical supervision. Symptoms were registered after introduction of the HP product. Several questionnaires were filled out by parents of the children. Skin prick tests were performed with CM and HP product, sIgE to CM and α-lactalbumin (Bos d4), β-lactoglobulin (Bos d5), serum albumin (Bos d 6), lactoferrin (Bos d7) and casein (Bos d8). Whereas 72% percent (18 out of 25) of the children tolerated the HP product, seven children experienced adverse events. Risk factors for intolerance to the HP product were higher skin prick test (SPT) histamine equivalent index (HEP) results with CM and the HP product, higher specific IgE levels against Bos d4 and Bos d8 levels and Bos d5 levels. In conclusion, the HP product was tolerated by 72% of the CM allergic children. Outcomes of SPT with CM and the HP product, as well as values of sIgE against caseins, α-lactalbumin, and β-lactoglobulin may predict the tolerability of the HP product. Larger studies are needed to confirm these conclusions.</p

    Aandacht voor veiligheid

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    De komende decennia worden er tussen de 500.000 en 1.500.000 woningen gebouwd waarvan een groot deel in laag Nederland. Deze studie laat zien dat door deze woningen overstromingsbestendig te bouwen schadereductie mogelijk is. Het schaderisico wordt dan nog eens een factor 2 minder als naast een Business as Usual variant nieuwbouwwoningen worden opgehoogd tot +5 m NAP. De kosten van opgehoogde nieuwbouwhuizen zijn hoger en variëren tussen de 0,4 en 1.7 miljard euro/jaar, hetgeen overeenkomt met 0,1-0,5% van het BNP. Dijkversterking levert de hoogste reductie op in het schaderisico bij de gehanteerde scenario’s. Gevolgbeperkende maatregelen in de ruimtelijk ordening als additionele oplossingsrichting zijn echter goed mogelijk als er ook een economische perspectief is bijvoorbeeld door middel van multifunctioneel ruimtegebruik
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