931 research outputs found

    Accelerated Hatching of Southern Leopard Frog (Rana sphenocephala) Eggs in Response to the Presence of a Crayfish (Procambarus nigrocinctus) Predator

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    Phenotypic plasticity, such as morphological and behavioral changes in response to predators, is common in larval anurans. Less is known about inducible defenses in the embryonic stages of development. We investigated the predation risk imposed by crayfish (Procambarus nigrocinctus) on southern leopard frog (Rana sphenocephala) eggs aud whether crayfish presence induces a change in the timing of hatching of R. sphenocephala eggs. We found that crayfish significantly reduce the hatching success of R. sphenocephala eggs by eating them and that eggs hatch significantly faster in the presence of crayfish than when crayfish are not present. We also found that the nonlethal presence of crayfish (caged with no access to eggs) induced accelerated hatching, indicating that injured conspecifics are not required to elicit the response. Reception of chemical cues produced or released by crayfish may play an important role in survival of R. sphenocephala eggs

    Nonlinear Scattering of a Bose-Einstein Condensate on a Rectangular Barrier

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    We consider the nonlinear scattering and transmission of an atom laser, or Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) on a finite rectangular potential barrier. The nonlinearity inherent in this problem leads to several new physical features beyond the well-known picture from single-particle quantum mechanics. We find numerical evidence for a denumerably infinite string of bifurcations in the transmission resonances as a function of nonlinearity and chemical potential, when the potential barrier is wide compared to the wavelength of oscillations in the condensate. Near the bifurcations, we observe extended regions of near-perfect resonance, in which the barrier is effectively invisible to the BEC. Unlike in the linear case, it is mainly the barrier width, not the height, that controls the transmission behavior. We show that the potential barrier can be used to create and localize a dark soliton or dark soliton train from a phonon-like standing wave.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, new version includes clarification of definition of transmission coefficient in general nonlinear vs. linear cas

    In the Shadow of the Accretion Disk: Higher Resolution Imaging of the Central Parsec in NGC 4261

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    The physical conditions in the inner parsec of accretion disks believed to orbit the central black holes in active galactic nuclei can be probed by imaging the absorption (by ionized gas in the disk) of background emission from a radio counterjet. We report high angular resolution VLBI observations of the nearby (about 40 Mpc) radio galaxy NGC 4261 that confirm free-free absorption of radio emission from a counterjet by a geometrically thin, nearly edge-on disk at 1.6, 4.8, and 8.4 GHz. The angular width and depth of the absorption appears to increase with decreasing frequency, as expected. We derive an average electron density of ~10E4 per cc at a disk radius of about 0.2 pc, assuming that the inner disk inclination and opening angles are the same as at larger radii. Pressure balance between the thermal gas and the magnetic field in the disk implies an average field strength of 0.1 milligauss at a radius of 0.2 pc. These are the closest-in free-free absorption measurements to date of the conditions in an extragalactic accretion disk orbiting a black hole with a well-determined mass. If a standard advection-dominated accretion flow exists in the disk center, then the transition between thin and thick disk regions must occur at a radius less than 0.2 pc (4000 Schwarzschild radii).Comment: 20 pages including 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    What Happened to the NGC 6251 Counterjet?

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    We have used the VLBA to produce a high dynamic range image of the nucleus of NGC 6251 at 1.6 GHz and snapshot images at 5.0, 8.4, and 15.3 GHz to search for emission from a parsec-scale counterjet. Previous VLBI images at 1.6 GHz have set a lower limit for the jet/counterjet brightness ratio near the core at about 80:1, which is larger than expected given the evidence that the radio axis is fairly close to the plane of the sky. A possible explanation is that the inner few pc of the counterjet is hidden by free-free absorption by ionized gas associated with an accretion disk or torus. This would be consistent with the nearly edge-on appearance of the arcsecond-scale dust disk seen in the center of NGC 6251 by HST. We detect counterjet emission close to the core at 1.6 GHz, but not at the higher frequencies. Given that the optical depth of free-free absorption falls off more rapidly with increasing frequency than the optically thin synchrotron emission from a typical radio jet, this result implies that the absence of a detectable parsec-scale counterjet at high frequencies is not due to free-free absorption unless the density of ionized gas is extremely high and we have misidentified the core at 1.6 GHz. The most likely alternative is a large jet/counterjet brightness ratio caused by relativistic beaming, which in turn requires the inner radio axis to be closer to our line of sight than the orientation of the HST dust disk would suggest.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Includes 10 figure

    Investigation of transition frequencies of two acoustically coupled bubbles using a direct numerical simulation technique

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    The theoretical results regarding the ``transition frequencies'' of two acoustically interacting bubbles have been verified numerically. The theory provided by Ida [Phys. Lett. A 297 (2002) 210] predicted the existence of three transition frequencies per bubble, each of which has the phase difference of π/2\pi /2 between a bubble's pulsation and the external sound field, while previous theories predicted only two natural frequencies which cause such phase shifts. Namely, two of the three transition frequencies correspond to the natural frequencies, while the remaining does not. In a subsequent paper [M. Ida, Phys. Rev. E 67 (2003) 056617], it was shown theoretically that transition frequencies other than the natural frequencies may cause the sign reversal of the secondary Bjerknes force acting between pulsating bubbles. In the present study, we employ a direct numerical simulation technique that uses the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with a surface-tension term as the governing equations to investigate the transition frequencies of two coupled bubbles by observing their pulsation amplitudes and directions of translational motion, both of which change as the driving frequency changes. The numerical results reproduce the recent theoretical predictions, validating the existence of the transition frequencies not corresponding to the natural frequency.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, in pres

    Parenting and Beyond: Common Neurocircuits Underlying Parental and Altruistic Caregiving

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    Interpersonal relationships constitute the foundation on which human society is based. The infant–caregiver bond is the earliest and most influential of these relationships. Driven by evolutionary pressure for survival, parents feel compelled to provide care to their biological offspring. However, compassion for non-kin is also ubiquitous in human societies, motivating individuals to suppress their own self-interests to promote the well-being of non-kin members of the society. We argue that the process of early kinship-selective parental care provides the foundation for non-exclusive altruism via the activation of a general Caregiving System that regulates compassion in any of its forms. We propose a tripartite structure of this system that includes (1) the perception of need in another, (2) a caring motivational or feeling state, and (3) the delivery of a helping response to the individual in need. Findings from human and animal research point to specific neurobiological mechanisms including activation of the insula and the secretion of oxytocin that support the adaptive functioning of this Caregiving System

    Design of ultrasonically-activatable nanoparticles using low boiling point perfluorocarbons

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    Recently, an interest has developed in designing in biomaterials for medical ultrasonics that can provide the acoustic activity of microbubbles, but with improved stability in vivo and a smaller size distribution for extravascular interrogation. One proposed alternative is the phase-change contrast agent. Phase-change contrast agents (PCCAs) consist of perfluorocarbons (PFCs) that are initially in liquid form, but can then be vaporized with acoustic energy. Crucial parameters for PCCAs include their sensitivity to acoustic energy, their size distribution, and their stability, and this manuscript provides insight into the custom design of PCCAs for balancing these parameters. Specifically, the relationship between size, thermal stability and sensitivity to ultrasound as a function of PFC boiling point and ambient temperature is illustrated. Emulsion stability and sensitivity can be ‘tuned’ by mixing PFCs in the gaseous state prior to condensation. Novel observations illustrate that stable droplets can be generated from PFCs with extremely low boiling points, such as octafluoropropane (b.p. −36.7°C), which can be vaporized with acoustic parameters lower than previously observed. Results demonstrate the potential for low boiling point PFCs as a useful new class of compounds for activatable agents, which can be tailored to the desired application
