406 research outputs found

    Óbitos por acidentes de trânsito entre adolescentes e jovens: comportamento e uso de equipamentos de segurança

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    Introduction: Traffic accidents in the young population are an important cause of death in Brazil. Among the factors that contribute to its occurrence and fatality, the behavior of the driver stands out, especially when dealing with adolescents and young people, due to the characteristics of this age group. Objective: To analyze the traffic accidents that led to death, involving adolescents and young people (10 to 24 years old), in Cuiabá-MT, in 2009. Methods: A descriptive study, based on death certificates and household surveys Victims. Results: Deaths from motorcycle accidents (40.9%) and automobile accidents (31.8%) were highlighted, both in the driver condition. There was a predominance of males among the victims (86.4%). Among women, car drivers (66.7%) and pedestrians (33.3%) prevailed. Among men, motor vehicle drivers (47.4%) and motorcycle drivers (22.7%) stood out. Among the motorcycle victims, 44.4% did not wear a helmet, 55.5% did not respect the signs and 33.3% used alcohol and driving. Among the car drivers, 85.7% were not in the habit of wearing seat belts and 57.1% used alcohol and driving. Pedestrian victims did not usually cross the exclusive strip (50.0%) or wait for the green light for the pedestrian (50.0%). Cyclist victims did not wear helmets and agricultural machine drivers were not in the habit of wearing seat belts. Conclusions: The results point to the need for preventive actions that focus on the reduction of risk behavior in traffic, which may interrupt the chain of determination of these accidents. The importance of enforcement and compliance with the law regarding the use of safety equipment, speed limit, blood alcohol content, respect for signage and use of the pedestrian lane is added.Introdução: Os acidentes de trânsito na população jovem representam importante causa de óbito no Brasil. Entre os fatores que contribuem para sua ocorrência e fatalidade, destaca-se o comportamento do condutor, principalmente em se tratando de adolescentes e jovens, em virtude das características próprias dessa faixa etária. Objetivo: Analisar os acidentes de trânsito que levaram a óbito, envolvendo adolescentes e jovens (10 a 24 anos), em Cuiabá-MT, em 2009. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, a partir das declarações de óbito e de inquérito domiciliar com a família das vítimas. Resultados: Destacaram-se os óbitos por acidentes com motocicleta (40,9%) e automóvel (31,8%), ambos na condição de condutor. Houve predomínio do sexo masculino entre as vítimas (86,4%). Entre as mulheres, prevaleceram as condutoras de automóvel (66,7%) e pedestres (33,3%). Entre os homens, se sobressaíram os condutores de automóvel (47,4%) e de motocicleta (22,7%). Entre as vítimas condutoras de moto, 44,4% não costumavam usar capacete, 55,5% não respeitavam a sinalização e 33,3% costumavam ingerir álcool e dirigir. Entre as vítimas condutoras de automóvel, 85,7% não tinham o hábito de usar cinto de segurança e 57,1% costumavam ingerir álcool e dirigir. As vítimas pedestres não costumavam atravessar na faixa exclusiva (50,0%) e nem aguardar o sinal verde para o pedestre (50,0%). As vítimas ciclistas não costumavam usar capacete e os condutores de máquina agrícola não tinham o hábito de usar cinto de segurança. Conclusões: Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de ações preventivas que enfoquem a redução do comportamento de risco no trânsito, o que pode interromper a cadeia de determinação destes acidentes. Soma-se a importância da fiscalização e cumprimento da lei no que se refere ao uso de equipamentos de segurança, limite de velocidade, índice de alcoolemia, respeito à sinalização e uso da faixa para pedestres

    Державне регулювання системи факторів оцінки та мінімізації ризиків легалізації коштів, одержаних злочинним шляхом в процесі фінансового моніторингу комерційних банків України

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    Основною ціллю данної статті є формулювання важливості впливу чітко визначених факторів, які впливають на процеси фінансового моніторингу в комерційних банків України. Виходячи з поставлених цілей, завданнями даної статті є розроблення моделі оцінки ризиків банківської установи щодо протидії легалізації коштів одержаних злочинним шляхом в системі внутрішньобанківського фінансового моніторингу, та використання в подальшому запропонованих стратегій управління наслідками даних ризиків

    The 'PUCE CAFE' Project: the First 15K Coffee Microarray, a New Tool for Discovering Candidate Genes correlated to Agronomic and Quality Traits

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    Background: Understanding the genetic elements that contribute to key aspects of coffee biology will have an impact on future agronomical improvements for this economically important tree. During the past years, EST collections were generated in Coffee, opening the possibility to create new tools for functional genomics. Results: The "PUCE CAFE" Project, organized by the scientific consortium NESTLE/IRD/CIRAD, has developed an oligo-based microarray using 15,721 unigenes derived from published coffee EST sequences mostly obtained from different stages of fruit development and leaves in Coffea Canephora (Robusta). Hybridizations for two independent experiments served to compare global gene expression profiles in three types of tissue matter (mature beans, leaves and flowers) in C. canephora as well as in the leaves of three different coffee species (C. canephora, C. eugenoides and C. arabica). Microarray construction, statistical analyses and validation by Q-PCR analysis are presented in this study. Conclusion: We have generated the first 15 K coffee array during this PUCE CAFE project, granted by Genoplante (the French consortium for plant genomics). This new tool will help study functional genomics in a wide range of experiments on various plant tissues, such as analyzing bean maturation or resistance to pathogens or drought. Furthermore, the use of this array has proven to be valid in different coffee species (diploid or tetraploid), drastically enlarging its impact for high-throughput gene expression in the community of coffee research

    Evolution of Burkholderia pseudomallei in Recurrent Melioidosis

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    Burkholderia pseudomallei, the etiologic agent of human melioidosis, is capable of causing severe acute infection with overwhelming septicemia leading to death. A high rate of recurrent disease occurs in adult patients, most often due to recrudescence of the initial infecting strain. Pathogen persistence and evolution during such relapsing infections are not well understood. Bacterial cells present in the primary inoculum and in late infections may differ greatly, as has been observed in chronic disease, or they may be genetically similar. To test these alternative models, we conducted whole-genome comparisons of clonal primary and relapse B. pseudomallei isolates recovered six months to six years apart from four adult Thai patients. We found differences within each of the four pairs, and some, including a 330 Kb deletion, affected substantial portions of the genome. Many of the changes were associated with increased antibiotic resistance. We also found evidence of positive selection for deleterious mutations in a TetR family transcriptional regulator from a set of 107 additional B. pseudomallei strains. As part of the study, we sequenced to base-pair accuracy the genome of B. pseudomallei strain 1026b, the model used for genetic studies of B. pseudomallei pathogenesis and antibiotic resistance. Our findings provide new insights into pathogen evolution during long-term infections and have important implications for the development of intervention strategies to combat recurrent melioidosis

    Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p–Pb collisions at

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    Centrality evolution of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density over a broad pseudorapidity range in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76TeV

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    Underlying Event measurements in pp collisions at s=0.9 \sqrt {s} = 0.9 and 7 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC

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    Toward a neurocircuit-based taxonomy to guide treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    An important challenge in mental health research is to translate findings from cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging research into effective treatments that target the neurobiological alterations involved in psychiatric symptoms. To address this challenge, in this review we propose a heuristic neurocircuit-based taxonomy to guide the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). We do this by integrating information from several sources. First, we provide case vignettes in which patients with OCD describe their symptoms and discuss different clinical profiles in the phenotypic expression of the condition. Second, we link variations in these clinical profiles to underlying neurocircuit dysfunctions, drawing on findings from neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies in OCD. Third, we consider behavioral, pharmacological, and neuromodulatory treatments that could target those specific neurocircuit dysfunctions. Finally, we suggest methods of testing this neurocircuit-based taxonomy as well as important limitations to this approach that should be considered in future research