286 research outputs found

    Properties of Subsurface Soil Cores from Four Geologic Provinces Surrounding Mars Desert Research Station, Utah: Characterizing Analog Martian Soil in a Human Exploration Scenario

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    The DOMEX program is a NASA-MMAMA funded project featuring simulations of human crews on Mars focused on science activities that involve collecting samples from the subsurface using both manual and robotic equipment methods and analyzing them in the field and post mission. A crew simulating a human mission to Mars performed activities focused on subsurface science for 2 weeks in November 2009 at Mars Desert Research Station near Hanksville, Utah --an important chemical and morphological Mars analog site. Activities performed included 1) survey of the area to identify geologic provinces, 2) obtaining soil and rock samples from each province and characterizing their mineralogy, chemistry, and biology; 3) site selection and reconnaissance for a future drilling mission; 4) deployment and testing of Mars Underground Mole, a percussive robotic soil sampling device; and 5) recording and analyzing how crew time was used to accomplish these tasks. This paper summarizes results from analysis of soil core

    On the polarisation of the Red Rectangle optical emission bands

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    The origin of the narrow optical emission bands seen toward the Red Rectangle is not yet understood. In this paper we investigate further the proposal that these are due to luminescence of large carbonaceous molecules. Polarised signals of several percent could be expected from certain asymmetric molecular rotators. The ESPaDOnS echelle spectrograph mounted at the CFHT was used to obtain high-resolution optical spectropolarimetric data of the Red Rectangle nebular emission. The RRBs at 5800, 5850, and 6615 Angstrom are detected in spectra of the nebular emission 7" and 13" North-East from the central star. The 5826 and 6635 Angstrom RRB are detected only at the position nearest to the central star. For both positions the Stokes Q and U spectra show no unambiguous polarisation signal in any of the RRBs. We derive an upper limit of 0.02% line polarisation for these RRBs. A tentative feature with peak polarisation of 0.05% is seen for the 5800 RRB at 7" offset. However, the Null spectra suggest that this may be an instrumental artifact. The lack of a clear polarisation signal for the five detected RRBs implies that, if the emission is due to luminescence of complex organics, these gas-phase molecular carriers are likely to have a high degree of symmetry, as they do not exhibit a Q-branch in their rotational profile, although this may be modified by statistical effects.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for A&

    Fast spectroscopic variations on rapidly-rotating, cool dwarfs. 3: Masses of circumstellar absorbing clouds on AB Doradus

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    New time-resolved H alpha, Ca II H and K and Mg II h and k spectra of the rapidly-rotating K0 dwarf star AB Doradus (= HD 36705). The transient absorption features seen in the H alpha line are also present in the Ca II and Mg II resonance lines. New techniques are developed for measuring the average strength of the line absorption along lines of sight intersecting the cloud. These techniques also give a measure of the projected cloud area. The strength of the resonance line absorption provides useful new constraints on the column densities, projected surface areas, temperatures and internal turbulent velocity dispersions of the circumstellar clouds producing the absorption features. At any given time the star appears to be surrounded by at least 6 to 10 clouds with masses in the range 2 to 6 x 10(exp 17) g. The clouds appear to have turbulent internal velocity dispersions of order 3 to 20 km/s, comparable with the random velocities of discrete filamentary structures in solar quiescent prominences. Night-to-night changes in the amount of Ca II resonance line absorption can be explained by changes in the amplitude of turbulent motions in the clouds. The corresponding changes in the total energy of the internal motions are of order 10(exp 29) erg per cloud. Changes of this magnitude could easily be activated by the frequent energetic (approximately 10(exp 34) erg) x ray flares seen on this star