462 research outputs found

    Impulsivity, aggressivity and mood disorders: a narrative review

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    Aggressiveness and Impulsivity represent clinically significant elements in the context of coexisting mental disorders and have been extensively studied in the context of mood disorders. Considering their significant impact on prognostic trajectories, accruing evidence suggests the need to consider these elements in the development of specific treatment strategies tailored to the specific requirements at the individual patient level and in the specific context where care is delivered. In the present narrative review, we propose to the reader a selection of study articles deemed relevant to the discussion of this complex subject, with a critical analysis of the available evidence regarding empiric evidence for the association of aggressiveness and impulsivity with a focus on bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. A brief overview of reports deemed relevant to the discussion for some of the possible biological basis for this phenomena is also outlined, offering a selection of studies based on the study authors' judgement

    Leukocytosis associated with clozapine treatment: A case series and systematic review of the literature

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    Background and Objectives: Clozapine is the only antipsychotic approved for treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Despite its superior efficacy profile as compared with other antipsychotics, clozapine remains underutilized. Clozapine monitoring systems clearly describe the proposed management of clozapine-induced neutropenia; however, no specific mention is made of how to interpret neutrophilic leukocytosis, despite that being a relatively frequent finding. Prescribers unfamiliar with this molecule may misjudge its clinical significance, potentially leading to untimely treatment interruption. Here, we systematically review the literature on the risk of neutrophilic leukocytosis during clozapine treatment, and describe eight additional cases among our patient cohort. Materials and Methods: We performed a systematic review of the literature on PubMed and Embase using the PRISMA 2020 guidelines, and selected all original reports describing either (1) the prevalence of neutrophilic leukocytosis during clozapine treatment, or (2) the clinical significance of neutrophilic leukocytosis. We described eight additional cases of neutrophilic leukocytosis during clozapine treatment while attending an outpatient psychiatric clinic. Results: Our research ultimately yielded the selection of 13 articles included in this systematic review. The case series highlighted the presence of stable and clinically unremarkable neutrophilia during a follow-up ranging from one to ten years. Conclusions: Existing evidence indicates that leukocytosis associated with clozapine treatment can be considered as an asymptomatic and benign condition, suggesting that no change in clozapine treatment is needed upon its detection

    The role of gut microbiota in the high-risk construct of severe mental disorders: A mini review

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    Severe mental disorders (SMD) are highly prevalent psychiatric conditions exerting an enormous toll on society. Therefore, prevention of SMD has received enormous attention in the last two decades. Preventative approaches are based on the knowledge and detailed characterization of the developmental stages of SMD and on risk prediction. One relevant biological component, so far neglected in high risk research, is microbiota. The human microbiota consists in the ensemble of microbes, including viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotes, that inhabit several ecological niches of the organism. Due to its demonstrated role in modulating illness and health, as well in influencing behavior, much interest has focused on the characterization of the microbiota inhabiting the gut. Several studies in animal models have shown the early modifications in the gut microbiota might impact on neurodevelopment and the onset of deficits in social behavior corresponding to distinct neurosignaling alterations. However, despite this evidence, only one study investigated the effect of altered microbiome and risk of developing mental disorders in humans, showing that individuals at risk for SMD had significantly different global microbiome composition than healthy controls. We then offer a developmental perspective and provided mechanistic insights on how changes in the microbiota could influence the risk of SMD. We suggest that the analysis of microbiota should be included in the comprehensive assessment generally performed in populations at high risk for SMD as it can inform predictive models and ultimately preventative strategies

    Predominant polarity and polarity index of maintenance treatments for bipolar disorder: A validation study in a large naturalistic sample in Italy

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    Background and Objectives: Predominant polarity (PP) may be a useful course specifier in at least a significant proportion of patients with Bipolar Disorder (BD), being associated with several clinically relevant correlates. Emerging evidence suggests that the concept of PP might influence the selection of maintenance treatments, based on a drug polarity index (PI) which measures the greater antidepressive vs. antimanic preventive efficacy of mood stabilizers over long-term maintenance treatment. In this study, we aimed to validate the PI in a large sample of Italian BD patients with accurate longitudinal characterization of the clinical course, which ensured a robust definition of the PP. Materials and Methods: Our sample is comprised of 653 patients with BD, divided into groups based on the predominant polarity (manic/hypomanic predominant polarity—MPP, depressive predominant polarity—DPP and no predominant polarity). Subsequently we calculated the mean total polarity index for each group, and we compared the groups. Results: When we examined the mean PI of treatments prescribed to individuals with DPP, MPP and no predominant polarity, calculated using two different methods, we failed to find significant differences, with the exception of the PI calculated with the Popovic method and using the less stringent criterion for predominant polarity (PP50%). Conclusions: Future prospective studies are needed in order to determine whether the predominant polarity is indeed one clinical factor that might guide the clinician in choosing the right mood stabilizer for BD maintenance treatment

    Cost–utility analysis of pharmacogenetic testing based on CYP2C19 or CYP2D6 in major depressive disorder: assessing the drivers of different cost-effectiveness levels from an Italian societal perspective

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    Background and Objectives Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common and severe psychiatric disorder that has enor- mous economical and societal costs. As pharmacogenetics is one of the key tools of precision psychiatry, we analyze the cost–utility of test screening of CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 for patients suffering from major depressive disorder (MDD) and try to understand the main drivers that influence the cost–utility. Methods We developed two pharmacoeconomic nonhomogeneous Markov models to test the cost–utility, from an Ital- ian societal perspective, of pharmacogenetic testing genetic to characterize the metabolizing profiles of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C19 and CYP2D6 in a hypothetical case study of patients suffering from major depressive disorder (MDD). The model considers different scenarios of adjustment of antidepressant treatment according to the patient’s metabolizing profile or treatment over a period of 18 weeks. The uncertainty of model parameters is tested through both a probabilistic sensitivity analysis and a one-way deterministic sensitivity analysis, and these results are used in a post-hoc analysis to understand the main drivers of three alternative cost-effectiveness levels (“poor,” “standard,” and “high”). These drivers are first evaluated from an exploratory multidimensional perspective and next from a predictive perspective as the probability that a patient belongs to a specific cost-effectiveness level is estimated on the basis of a restricted set of parameters used in the original pharmacoeconomic model. Results The models for CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 indicate that screening has an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of 60,000€ and 47,000€ per quality-adjusted life year (QALY), respectively. The probabilistic sensitivity analysis shows that the treat- ments are cost-effective for a 75,000€ willingness to pay (WTP) threshold in 58% and 63% of the Monte Carlo replications, respectively. The post-hoc analysis highlights the factors that allow us to clearly discriminates poor cost-effectiveness from high cost-effectiveness scenarios and demonstrates that it is possible to predict with reasonable accuracy the cost-effectiveness of a genetic test and the associated therapeutic pattern. Conclusions Our findings suggest that screenings for both CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 enzymes for patients with MDD are cost-effective for a WTP threshold of 75,000€ per QALY, and provide relevant suggestions about the most important aspects to be further explored in clinical studies aimed at addressing the cost-effectiveness of genetic testing for patients diagnosed with MDD

    Validation of the Italian version of the "Mood Disorder Questionnaire" for the screening of bipolar disorders.

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    The study measured the accuracy of the Italian version of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) as a screening instrument for bipolar disorders in a psychiatric setting. Methods: 154 consecutive subjects attending the Division of Psychiatry of the University of Cagliari (Italy), were screened for bipolar disorders using the Italian translation of the MDQ, and diagnostically interviewed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID) by physicians. Results: On the basis of the SCID: 51 (33.1%) received a diagnosis of bipolar or schizoaffective bipolar type disorders, 63 (40.9%) were diagnosed as having at least one psychiatric disorder in Axis I (other than bipolar or schizoaffective bipolar type disorders), whilst 40 (25.9%) were unaffected by any type of psychiatric disorder. MDQ showed a good accuracy for bipolar or schizoaffective bipolar type disorders: the cut-off 4 had sensitivity 0.90 and specificity 0.58; the cut-off 5 had sensitivity 0.84 and specificity 0.70; and the cut-off 6 had sensitivity 0.76 and specificity 0.86. The accuracy for bipolar II disorders was sufficient but not excellent: the cut-off 4 had sensitivity 0.80 and specificity 0.45; the cut-off 5 had sensitivity 0.70 and specificity 0.55; and the cut-off 6 had sensitivity 0.55 and specificity 0.65. Conclusion: Our results seem to indicate a good accuracy of MDQ, and confirm the results of recent surveys conducted in the USA. Moreover the instrument needs to be validated in other settings (e.g. in general practice)

    The Italian Version of the Borderline Personality Disorder Severity Index IV:Psychometric Properties, Clinical Usefulness, and Possible Diagnostic Implications

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    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) has a core embodied in affective and behavioral dysregulations, impulsivity, and relational disturbance. Clinical presentation might be heterogeneous due to a combination of different symptoms listed in the DSM-5. Clinical diagnosis and assessment of the severity of manifestations might be improved through the administration of structured interviews such as the Borderline Personality Disorder Severity Index, 4th edition (BPDSI-IV). The psychometric properties of the Italian version of the BPDSI-IV were examined for the first time in 248 patients affected by BPD and 113 patients affected by bipolar disorder, proving to be a valid and accurate instrument with good internal consistency and high accuracy. The Italian version also demonstrates significant validity in the discrimination between these clinical groups (p < .001)

    A genome-wide association study of antidepressant-induced mania

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    Antidepressant-induced mania (AIM) is a side effect of antidepressant treatment that is characterized by mania or hypomania after the start of medication. It is likely polygenic, but its genetic component remains largely unexplored. We aim to conduct the first genome-wide association study of AIM in 814 bipolar disorder patients of European ancestry. We report no significant findings from our single-marker or gene-based analyses. Our polygenic risk score analyses also did not yield significant results with bipolar disorder, antidepressant response, or lithium response. Our suggestive findings on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the opioid system in AIM require independent replications
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