88 research outputs found

    Remote preparation of a single-mode photonic qubit by measuring field quadrature noise

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    An electromagnetic field quadrature measurement, performed on one of the modes of the nonlocal single-photon state a1,0>b0,1>a|1,0>-b|0,1>, collapses it into a superposition of the single-photon and vacuum states in the other mode. We use this effect to implement remote preparation of arbitrary single-mode photonic qubits conditioned on observation of a preselected quadrature value. The quantum efficiency of the prepared qubit can be higher than that of the initial single photon

    Matter-wave interferometer for large molecules

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    We demonstrate a near-field Talbot-Lau interferometer for C-70 fullerene molecules. Such interferometers are particularly suitable for larger masses. Using three free-standing gold gratings of one micrometer period and a transversally incoherent but velocity-selected molecular beam, we achieve an interference fringe visibility of 40 % with high count rate. Both the high visibility and its velocity dependence are in good agreement with a quantum simulation that takes into account the van der Waals interaction of the molecules with the gratings and are in striking contrast to a classical moire model.Comment: revtex4, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Decoherence in a Talbot Lau interferometer: the influence of molecular scattering

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    We study the interference of C70 fullerenes in a Talbot-Lau interferometer with a large separation between the diffraction gratings. This permits the observation of recurrences of the interference contrast both as a function of the de Broglie wavelength and in dependence of the interaction with background gases. We observe an exponential decrease of the fringe visibility with increasing background pressure and find good quantitative agreement with the predictions of decoherence theory. From this we extrapolate the limits of matter wave interferometry and conclude that the influence of collisional decoherence may be well under control in future experiments with proteins and even larger objects.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Collisional decoherence observed in matter wave interferometry

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    We study the loss of spatial coherence in the extended wave function of fullerenes due to collisions with background gases. From the gradual suppression of quantum interference with increasing gas pressure we are able to support quantitatively both the predictions of decoherence theory and our picture of the interaction process. We thus explore the practical limits of matter wave interferometry at finite gas pressures and estimate the required experimental vacuum conditions for interferometry with even larger objects.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The wave nature of biomolecules and fluorofullerenes

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    We demonstrate quantum interference for tetraphenylporphyrin, the first biomolecule exhibiting wave nature, and for the fluorofullerene C60F48 using a near-field Talbot-Lau interferometer. For the porphyrins, which are distinguished by their low symmetry and their abundant occurence in organic systems, we find the theoretically expected maximal interference contrast and its expected dependence on the de Broglie wavelength. For C60F48 the observed fringe visibility is below the expected value, but the high contrast still provides good evidence for the quantum character of the observed fringe pattern. The fluorofullerenes therefore set the new mark in complexity and mass (1632 amu) for de Broglie wave experiments, exceeding the previous mass record by a factor of two.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Decoherence of matter waves by thermal emission of radiation

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    Emergent quantum technologies have led to increasing interest in decoherence - the processes that limit the appearance of quantum effects and turn them into classical phenomena. One important cause of decoherence is the interaction of a quantum system with its environment, which 'entangles' the two and distributes the quantum coherence over so many degrees of freedom as to render it unobservable. Decoherence theory has been complemented by experiments using matter waves coupled to external photons or molecules, and by investigations using coherent photon states, trapped ions and electron interferometers. Large molecules are particularly suitable for the investigation of the quantum-classical transition because they can store much energy in numerous internal degrees of freedom; the internal energy can be converted into thermal radiation and thus induce decoherence. Here we report matter wave interferometer experiments in which C70 molecules lose their quantum behaviour by thermal emission of radiation. We find good quantitative agreement between our experimental observations and microscopic decoherence theory. Decoherence by emission of thermal radiation is a general mechanism that should be relevant to all macroscopic bodies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A scalable optical detection scheme for matter wave interferometry

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    Imaging of surface adsorbed molecules is investigated as a novel detection method for matter wave interferometry with fluorescent particles. Mechanically magnified fluorescence imaging turns out to be an excellent tool for recording quantum interference patterns. It has a good sensitivity and yields patterns of high visibility. The spatial resolution of this technique is only determined by the Talbot gratings and can exceed the optical resolution limit by an order of magnitude. A unique advantage of this approach is its scalability: for certain classes of nano-sized objects, the detection sensitivity will even increase significantly with increasing size of the particle.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Concept of an ionizing time-domain matter-wave interferometer

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    We discuss the concept of an all-optical and ionizing matter-wave interferometer in the time domain. The proposed setup aims at testing the wave nature of highly massive clusters and molecules, and it will enable new precision experiments with a broad class of atoms, using the same laser system. The propagating particles are illuminated by three pulses of a standing ultraviolet laser beam, which detaches an electron via efficient single photon-absorption. Optical gratings may have periods as small as 80 nm, leading to wide diffraction angles for cold atoms and to compact setups even for very massive clusters. Accounting for the coherent and the incoherent parts of the particle-light interaction, we show that the combined effect of phase and amplitude modulation of the matter waves gives rise to a Talbot-Lau-like interference effect with a characteristic dependence on the pulse delay time.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Action principle formulation for motion of extended bodies in General Relativity

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    We present an action principle formulation for the study of motion of an extended body in General Relativity in the limit of weak gravitational field. This gives the classical equations of motion for multipole moments of arbitrary order coupling to the gravitational field. In particular, a new force due to the octupole moment is obtained. The action also yields the gravitationally induced phase shifts in quantum interference experiments due to the coupling of all multipole moments.Comment: Revised version derives Octupole moment force. Some clarifications and a reference added. To appear in Phys. Rev.