89 research outputs found

    Contribution of toxicological analysis to the care of dimethyl fumarate dermatitis

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    Background: Dimethyl fumarate (DMFu) is a fungicide which is used in Chinese manufactures of furniture and shoes to avoid mould spoiling of fabrics. In 2008, DMFu was found the responsible allergen for several cases of contact dermatitis from armchairs and shoes observed in Europe. In France a national toxicovigilance survey was set up and importation of products containing dimethyl fumarate is now forbidden. Case report: a 36 year-old woman, with no history of previous allergy, was hospitalized because of a severe acute eczema of her feet after wearing a new pair of boots inside which she had noticed desiccant sachets. She strongly reacted on patch testing to DMFu and to the content of a sachet which was identified as DMFu, both at 0.01%, 0.1%, 1% in petrolatum, and also to a piece of the fabric of her boots, patch tested as is. Materials and method: Boot fabrics and mould-proof sachets found in the boots were analysed by HPLC/UV/DAD and GC/MS after methanol extraction. Further samples of anti mould agent sachets or shoe fabrics from 5 other patients with suspicion of DMFu dermatitis were analysed with the same procedure. Some of them were transferred to the laboratory several months after healing of the dermatitis. Results: DMFu was found in all the samples from 1 to 100% in sachets or from 20 to 2000 μg/g in the fabrics of shoes, even after one year. These findings contributed to ensure the responsibility of DMFu in the dermatitis of the patients and demonstrate that DMFu may remain a long time in the contaminated fabrics after removal of the sachets. This study also points out the usefulness of the collaboration between dermatologists, biologists and poison centre practitioners

    Immunochromatographic tests: false-positive results for methadone and phencyclidine after acute poisoning with tramadol and dextropropoxyphene

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    Background: Immunochromatographic drug tests are more and more involved in the initial biological survey of acute poisoning, even with “on site” use at the emergency unit. Specificity of the drug-antibody interaction is both an advantage (rapid, easy-to-perform tests, no apparatus) and a limitation (cross-reactivity, interferences). Patient cases: A 13-year-old girl was admitted at an emergency unit for somnolence and respiratory acidosis. A multi8 rapid drug test was positive for benzodiazepines, methadone (MTD) and phencyclidine (PCP). To avoid false diagnosis, fluorescence polarization immunoassay, liquid- and gas-chromatography were also performed on both plasma and urine. Rapid tests (different batches) from the same and other manufacturers were involved for this patient and other therapeutic, acute or forensic cases. Results: Bromazepam was identified in plasma (0.4 mg/L) and urine but also tramadol (respectively 0.5 and 25 mg/L), its metabolites and, in urine only, norpropoxyphene (NPPX). No methadone was detected. Among 7 other cases with tramadol detected in urine, 5 were positive with PCP test and 5 with MTD. Drug-added urines confirmed false-positive results for PCP with tramadol but for MTD with NPPX. While tramadol cross-reactivity is very low (0.05%), positive tests, even in a therapeutic context, were observed because phencyclidine cut-off is only 25μg/L. Tramadol can also positive MTD test at very high urine level. The NPPX cross-reactivity, initially 100%, was theoretically reduced to less than 0.025% after a modification of antibody by the manufacturer. Structurally-related formulas could explain such positive results but tests from other manufacturers were negative except in one case with tramadol. Conclusion: The analytical performances (sensitivity, specificity) of such rapid tests must be known by clinicians to avoid false-positive diagnosis. The “on site” use at the emergency unit must be considered as a preliminary test that should be confirmed by alternative methods in a laboratory area. Data exchange between biologists, clinicians and manufacturers is needed to improve the quality of results

    Transforming a traditional commons-based seed system through collaborative networks of farmer seed-cooperatives and public breeding programs: the case of sorghum in Mali

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    Malian farmers’ traditional system for managing seed of sorghum, an indigenous crop of vital importance for food security and survival, can be conceptualized as a commons. Although this system maintains a wide range of varieties and helps ensure access to seed, its ability to create and widely disseminate new varieties to meet evolving opportunities and challenges is limited. A network of farmer groups, public breeding programs, and development organizations collaborating in decentralized creation and dissemination of sorghum varieties in Mali is examined regarding (1) how the network developed and what activities it conducts; (2) the resulting varietal diversity, varietal performance and organizational models; and (3) the elements of the traditional seed system that were maintained, strengthened or transformed. A single-case study approach was used that relies on published literature, official catalogues of released varieties and a database of farmer seed-cooperative requests for foundation seed. The functioning of the network and its varietal-, seed-, and organizational- outcomes are documented and the elements of the traditional sorghum seed system that are maintained or strengthened are analyzed. The evolution of the network’s reliance on commoning as a social process and its strengthening of core Seed Commons features are discussed with a view to the network’s contributions to targeted development outcomes and potential replicability. The case demonstrates how creating a framework for collaboration, enabling actors and organizations to take on collective responsibility while maintaining distributed decision-making at local level, opens opportunities for transforming farming- and food-systems towards sustainability and resilience

    Sensitivity to light sterile neutrino mixing parameters with KM3NeT/ORCA

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    KM3NeT/ORCA is a next-generation neutrino telescope optimised for atmospheric neutrino oscillations studies. In this paper, the sensitivity of ORCA to the presence of a light sterile neutrino in a 3+1 model is presented. After three years of data taking, ORCA will be able to probe the active-sterile mixing angles θ14, θ24, θ34 and the effective angle θμe, over a broad range of mass squared difference ∆m412 ∼ [10−5, 10] eV2, allowing to test the eV-mass sterile neutrino hypothesis as the origin of short baseline anomalies, as well as probing the hypothesis of a very light sterile neutrino, not yet constrained by cosmology. ORCA will be able to explore a relevant fraction of the parameter space not yet reached by present measurements

    Sensitivity to light sterile neutrino mixing parameters with KM3NeT/ORCA

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    KM3NeT/ORCA is a next-generation neutrino telescope optimised for atmospheric neutrino oscillations studies. In this paper, the sensitivity of ORCA to the presence of a light sterile neutrino in a 3+1 model is presented. After three years of data taking, ORCA will be able to probe the active-sterile mixing angles θ14, θ24, θ34 and the effective angle θμe, over a broad range of mass squared difference ∆m412 ∼ [10−5, 10] eV2, allowing to test the eV-mass sterile neutrino hypothesis as the origin of short baseline anomalies, as well as probing the hypothesis of a very light sterile neutrino, not yet constrained by cosmology. ORCA will be able to explore a relevant fraction of the parameter space not yet reached by present measurements. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Tools and data services registry: a community effort to document bioinformatics resources.

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    Life sciences are yielding huge data sets that underpin scientific discoveries fundamental to improvement in human health, agriculture and the environment. In support of these discoveries, a plethora of databases and tools are deployed, in technically complex and diverse implementations, across a spectrum of scientific disciplines. The corpus of documentation of these resources is fragmented across the Web, with much redundancy, and has lacked a common standard of information. The outcome is that scientists must often struggle to find, understand, compare and use the best resources for the task at hand.Here we present a community-driven curation effort, supported by ELIXIR-the European infrastructure for biological information-that aspires to a comprehensive and consistent registry of information about bioinformatics resources. The sustainable upkeep of this Tools and Data Services Registry is assured by a curation effort driven by and tailored to local needs, and shared amongst a network of engaged partners.As of November 2015, the registry includes 1785 resources, with depositions from 126 individual registrations including 52 institutional providers and 74 individuals. With community support, the registry can become a standard for dissemination of information about bioinformatics resources: we welcome everyone to join us in this common endeavour. The registry is freely available at https://bio.tools