1,050 research outputs found

    Gravitational energy and cosmic acceleration

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    Cosmic acceleration is explained quantitatively, as an apparent effect due to gravitational energy differences that arise in the decoupling of bound systems from the global expansion of the universe. "Dark energy" is a misidentification of those aspects of gravitational energy which by virtue of the equivalence principle cannot be localised, namely gradients in the energy due to the expansion of space and spatial curvature variations in an inhomogeneous universe. A new scheme for cosmological averaging is proposed which solves the Sandage-de Vaucouleurs paradox. Concordance parameters fit supernovae luminosity distances, the angular scale of the sound horizon in the CMB anisotropies, and the effective comoving baryon acoustic oscillation scale seen in galaxy clustering statistics. Key observational anomalies are potentially resolved, and unique predictions made, including a quantifiable variance in the Hubble flow below the scale of apparent homogeneity.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. An essay which received Honorable Mention in the 2007 GRF Essay Competition. To appear in a special issue of Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Imaging the Near Field

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    In an earlier paper we introduced the concept of the perfect lens which focuses both near and far electromagnetic fields, hence attaining perfect resolution. Here we consider refinements of the original prescription designed to overcome the limitations of imperfect materials. In particular we show that a multi-layer stack of positive and negative refractive media is less sensitive to imperfections. It has the novel property of behaving like a fibre-optic bundle but one that acts on the near field, not just the radiative component. The effects of retardation are included and minimized by making the slabs thinner. Absorption then dominates image resolution in the near-field. The deleterious effects of absorption in the metal are reduced for thinner layers.Comment: RevTeX, (9 pages, 8 figures

    Dynamical coherent states and physical solutions of quantum cosmological bounces

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    A new model is studied which describes the quantum behavior of transitions through an isotropic quantum cosmological bounce in loop quantum cosmology sourced by a free and massless scalar field. As an exactly solvable model even at the quantum level, it illustrates properties of dynamical coherent states and provides the basis for a systematic perturbation theory of loop quantum gravity. The detailed analysis is remarkably different from what is known for harmonic oscillator coherent states. Results are evaluated with regard to their implications in cosmology, including a demonstration that in general quantum fluctuations before and after the bounce are unrelated. Thus, even within this solvable model the condition of classicality at late times does not imply classicality at early times before the bounce without further assumptions. Nevertheless, the quantum state does evolve deterministically through the bounce.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    Robertson-Walker fluid sources endowed with rotation characterised by quadratic terms in angular velocity parameter

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    Einstein's equations for a Robertson-Walker fluid source endowed with rotation Einstein's equations for a Robertson-Walker fluid source endowed with rotation are presented upto and including quadratic terms in angular velocity parameter. A family of analytic solutions are obtained for the case in which the source angular velocity is purely time-dependent. A subclass of solutions is presented which merge smoothly to homogeneous rotating and non-rotating central sources. The particular solution for dust endowed with rotation is presented. In all cases explicit expressions, depending sinusoidally on polar angle, are given for the density and internal supporting pressure of the rotating source. In addition to the non-zero axial velocity of the fluid particles it is shown that there is also a radial component of velocity which vanishes only at the poles. The velocity four-vector has a zero component between poles

    A DC magnetic metamaterial

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    Electromagnetic metamaterials are a class of materials which have been artificially structured on a subwavelength scale. They are currently the focus of a great deal of interest because they allow access to previously unrealisable properties like a negative refractive index. Most metamaterial designs have so far been based on resonant elements, like split rings, and research has concentrated on microwave frequencies and above. In this work, we present the first experimental realisation of a non-resonant metamaterial designed to operate at zero frequency. Our samples are based on a recently-proposed template for an anisotropic magnetic metamaterial consisting of an array of superconducting plates. Magnetometry experiments show a strong, adjustable diamagnetic response when a field is applied perpendicular to the plates. We have calculated the corresponding effective permeability, which agrees well with theoretical predictions. Applications for this metamaterial may include non-intrusive screening of weak DC magnetic fields.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Large scale structure simulations of inhomogeneous LTB void models

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    We perform numerical simulations of large scale structure evolution in an inhomogeneous Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) model of the Universe. We follow the gravitational collapse of a large underdense region (a void) in an otherwise flat matter-dominated Einstein-deSitter model. We observe how the (background) density contrast at the centre of the void grows to be of order one, and show that the density and velocity profiles follow the exact non-linear LTB solution to the full Einstein equations for all but the most extreme voids. This result seems to contradict previous claims that fully relativistic codes are needed to properly handle the non-linear evolution of large scale structures, and that local Newtonian dynamics with an explicit expansion term is not adequate. We also find that the (local) matter density contrast grows with the scale factor in a way analogous to that of an open universe with a value of the matter density OmegaM(r) corresponding to the appropriate location within the void.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, published in Physical Review

    Fibrous myopathy induced by intramuscular injections of cyclizine

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    A 63-year-old woman was referred to neurology with bilateral severe progressive pain and stiffness in her thighs. The patient had a 3-year history of injecting intramuscular cyclizine into the anterior thigh to treat nausea associated with a longstanding pan-enteric dysmotility syndrome. MRI of the thighs demonstrated fibrotic appearances. A biopsy of the left vastus lateralis and surrounding fascia identified pathology consistent with a fibrous myopathy. The patient was advised to stop intramuscular injections of cyclizine and undergo physiotherapy but she still remained in considerable pain. Although fibrous myopathy occurring as a consequence of recurrent intramuscular drug injections, particularly heroin, has been previously described, this is the first report of fibrous myopathy associated with the use of intramuscular cyclizine. We highlight this rare association and suggest that the long-term use of intramuscular cyclizine be avoided

    Born-Infeld black hole in the isolated horizon framework

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    In this work we probe the Born-Infeld (BI) black hole in the isolated horizon framework. It turns out that the BI black hole is consistent with the heuristic model for colored black holes proposed by Ashtekar et al [(2001) Class.Quant.Grav. v. 18, 919-940]. The model points to the unstability of the BI black hole.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    On the static Lovelock black holes

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    We consider static spherically symmetric Lovelock black holes and generalize the dimensionally continued black holes in such a way that they asymptotically for large r go over to the d-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole in dS/AdS spacetime. This means that the master algebraic polynomial is not degenerate but instead its derivative is degenerate. This family of solutions contains an interesting class of pure Lovelock black holes which are the Nth order Lovelock {\Lambda}-vacuum solu- tions having the remarkable property that their thermodynamical parameters have the universal character in terms of the event horizon radius. This is in fact a characterizing property of pure Lovelock theories. We also demonstrate the universality of the asymptotic Einstein limit for the Lovelock black holes in general.Comment: 19 page