1,109 research outputs found


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    It is with great pleasure that I would like to express a word of heartfelt thanks to the following people who contributed towards the publication of this tribute in recognition of the late Prof. N.T. van der Merw

    Was Calvyn ’n Calvinis? Of was/is die Calvinisme Calvyns?

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    It has become essential to look critically at the development that has taken place from Calvin to the state of Calvinism today. Can contemporary Calvinism really he regarded as being in the true spirit of Calvin? The question is not answered in this article, but important trends and important works on the issue are outlined and indicated. Calvinist Scholasticism has already produced philosophical results different from the Reformation itself The literature referred to includes general studies and works dilated more specifically at developments in the various countries, viz. France, the Netherlands, England and Scotland, the United States and South Africa

    Calvinistic outlook: Outline of the institute for the advancement of Calvinism

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    We are pleased to comply with the request of the Editor to sketch the I A C activities for the first English issue of “Koers”. Although still young and limited in its possibilities, this institute has already become a significant landmark of Calvinistic thought

    Ad fontes: International research on the sixteenth century Reformation and the position in South Africa

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    Today more research on the Reformation in general and the great reformers in particular is being done than is generally known. The reappraisal of the 16th century has in the past decades brought about important results in Reformation research. This article will not go into these results — a whole series of articles would be necessary. It will merely illuminate the following facts: where, by whom and about what the relevant research is being done

    Die Woord van God: Lig vir alle wetenskap*

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    Ek wil my bydrae tot hierdie belangrike onderwerp tot twee hoofpunte beperk: 1. Lesse uit die verlede. 2. Sake vir dringende aan dag in die hede.Die stuk is nie bedoel om ’n volledige, sistematiese uiteensetting te wees met antwoorde op alle probleme nie. Die bedoeling is alleen om ’n bietjie agtergrond te bied en ’n paar vrae in u midde te lê

    Samevattende resolusies

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    The author gives a recapitulatory resume in the form of resolutions of the four lectures and the subsequent discussion during the Stoker lectures on 26 March 1982. The inter-dependence of Philosophy, subject philosophy and specific disciplines has the result that* none of these may over-estimate itself and consequently under-estimate the others; * a watertight division is impossible seeing that scientists from all these fields within the context of science are often involved with issues which overlap the fields of the others; * the religious bias and the specificity of all science have to come to expression in spite of the distinction between Philosophy, subject philosophy and specific disciplines; and * subject philosophy constitutes the bridge which makes possible twoway traffic between Philosophy and subject disciplines

    Die wysgerige konsepsie van Thomas Van Aquino. Deel I: Sy Ontologie

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    Die arbeid van Thomas kan met dié van ’n elektriese trans- formator vergelyk word. Hy vang die strome van die verlede op en bring die worsteling en besinning van vele eeue in ’n sekere sin tot ’n afsluiting en ’n definitiewe resultaat. Die gedagtestrominge van die verlede word deur hom saamgebun- del en getransformeer tot ’n magtige konsepsie: so kragtig dat die impulse daarvan tot op die hede waameembaar is. Die weerklanke van sy gedagte klink deur tot vandag toe — nie net binne die Rooms-Katolieke Kerk, waar sy filosofie tot amptelike leer verklaar is nie, maar ook daarbuite

    Heildronk op 'n filosoof - In Huldeblyk aan prof. J.A.L. Taljaard

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    Om oor jou medemens iets te sê of te skryf is ‘n waagstuk. 'n Mens het - selfs van diegene wat baie na aan jou staan - maar 'n beperkte kennis. Dit is moeilik - en soms gevaarlik! - om jouself te deurgrond. Wat dan nog iemand anders? Jy kan so maklik dinge kwytraak wat nie tiperend van so iemand is nie

    Ethics: Theoretical or practical science?

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    "The problem of reconciling reality and thought about reality is as old as philosophy - we might say,, as old as thought itself ... In a certain sense the history of philosophy is the record of a series of attempts to make this reconciliation" Quentin Lauer: Phenomenology. Its genesis and prospects. New York, Harper & Row, 1965 p 5, 6