1,503 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationPlaces and distributed places bring new support for message-passing parallelism to Racket. This dissertation describes the programming model and how Racket's sequential runtime-system was modified to support places and distributed places. The freedom to design the places programming model helped make the implementation tractable; specifically, the conventional pain of adding just the right amount of locking to a big, legacy runtime system was avoided. The dissertation presents an evaluation of the places design that includes both real-world applications and standard parallel benchmarks. Distributed places are introduced as a language extension of the places design and architecture. The distributed places extension augments places with the features of remote process launch, remote place invocation, and distributed message passing. Distributed places provide a foundation for constructing higher-level distributed frameworks. Example implementations of RPC, MPI, map reduce, and nested data parallelism demonstrate the extensibility of the distributed places API

    Two-dimensional numerical simulation of a Stirling engine heat exchanger

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    The first phase of an effort to develop multidimensional models of Stirling engine components is described; the ultimate goal is to model an entire engine working space. More specifically, parallel plate and tubular heat exchanger models with emphasis on the central part of the channel (i.e., ignoring hydrodynamic and thermal end effects) are described. The model assumes: laminar, incompressible flow with constant thermophysical properties. In addition, a constant axial temperature gradient is imposed. The governing equations, describing the model, were solved using Crank-Nicloson finite-difference scheme. Model predictions were compared with analytical solutions for oscillating/reversing flow and heat transfer in order to check numerical accuracy. Excellent agreement was obtained for the model predictions with analytical solutions available for both flow in circular tubes and between parallel plates. Also the heat transfer computational results are in good agreement with the heat transfer analytical results for parallel plates

    How is Big Data Transforming Operations Models in the Automotive Industry: A Preliminary Investigation

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    Over the years, traditional car makers have evolved into efficient systems integrators dominating the industry through their size and power. However, with the rise of big data technology the operational landscape is rapidly changing with the emergence of the “connected” car. The automotive incumbents will have to harness the opportunities of big data, if they are to remain competitive and deal with the threats posed by the rise of new connected entrants (i.e. Tesla). These new entrants unlike the incumbents have configured their operational capabilities to fully exploit big data and service delivery rather than production efficiency. They are creating experience, infotainment and customized dimensions of strategic advantage. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to explore how “Big Data” will inform the shape and configuration of future operations models and connected car services in the automotive sector. It uses a secondary case study research design. The cases are used to explore the characteristics of the resources and processes used in three big data operations models based on a connected car framework

    The Effects on Agriculture in Utah of Water Transfers to Oil Shale Development

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    In Part I the institutional factors affecting water distribution in the Upper Colorado River Basin in general and specifically the Uintah Basin are presented. The historical development of the appropriation doctrine of water allocation is outlined and Utah water policy is examined. These institutional factors are analyzed in light of the prototype oil shale development in the Uintah Basin and potential impact on the area\u27s agricultural sector. Oil shale water estimates are compared with Uintah Basin water availability and examined with regard to population projections and municipal water use. Lastly, Utah water policy and the appropriation doctrine are viewed as restraints to efficient water transfers. In Part II irrigation water is treated as a random variable. Its actual quantity is not known ahead of time. If transfers of water to oil shale production affect the variability of water used in agriculture then there will be impacts in agriculture even if the farmers receive the same average quantity of water as originally. These impacts are analyzed in the context of the expected utility maximization hypothesis, i.e., the farmers are hypothesized to maximize expected utility. The measure of an increase in variability is the mean preserving spread. The analyses seek to determine the impact upon expected (average) real income (utility), expected profits (net farm income), purchased inputs, the price of water, and the price of land. The analyses are conducted for both the case where the farmers are risk neutral and the case where they are risk averse

    An Initial Non-Equilibrium Porous-Media Model for CFD Simulation of Stirling Regenerators

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    The objective of this paper is to define empirical parameters (or closwre models) for an initial thermai non-equilibrium porous-media model for use in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes for simulation of Stirling regenerators. The two CFD codes currently being used at Glenn Research Center (GRC) for Stirling engine modeling are Fluent and CFD-ACE. The porous-media models available in each of these codes are equilibrium models, which assmne that the solid matrix and the fluid are in thermal equilibrium at each spatial location within the porous medium. This is believed to be a poor assumption for the oscillating-flow environment within Stirling regenerators; Stirling 1-D regenerator models, used in Stirling design, we non-equilibrium regenerator models and suggest regenerator matrix and gas average temperatures can differ by several degrees at a given axial location end time during the cycle. A NASA regenerator research grant has been providing experimental and computational results to support definition of various empirical coefficients needed in defining a noa-equilibrium, macroscopic, porous-media model (i.e., to define closure relations). The grant effort is being led by Cleveland State University, with subcontractor assistance from the University of Minnesota, Gedeon Associates, and Sunpower, Inc. Friction-factor and heat-transfer correlations based on data taken with the NASAlSunpower oscillating-flow test rig also provide experimentally based correlations that are useful in defining parameters for the porous-media model; these correlations are documented in Gedeon Associates\u27 Sage Stirling-Code Manuals. These sources of experimentally based information were used to define the following terms and parameters needed in the non-equilibrium porous-media model: hydrodynamic dispersion, permeability, inertial coefficient, fluid effective thermal conductivity (including themal dispersion and estimate of tortuosity effects}, and fluid-solid heat transfer coefficient. Solid effective thermal conductivity (including the effect of tortuosity) was also estimated. Determination of the porous-media model parameters was based on planned use in a CFD model of Infinia\u27s Stirling Technology Demonstration Convertor (TDC), which uses a random-fiber regenerator matrix. The non-equilibrium porous-media model presented is considered to be an initial, or draft, model for possible incorporation in commercial CFD codes, with the expectation that the empirical parameters will likely need to be updated once resulting Stirling CFD model regenerator and engine results have been analyzed. The emphasis of the paper is on use of available data to define empirical parameters (and closure models) needed in a thermal non-equilibrium porous-media model for Stirling regenerator simulation. Such a model has not yet been implemented by the authors or their associates. However, it is anticipated that a thermal non-equilibrium model such as that presented here, when iacorporated in the CFD codes, will improve our ability to accurately model Stirling regenerators with CFD relative to current thermal-equilibrium porous-media models

    Anharmonic molecular mechanics: Ab initio based Morse parameterisations for the popular MM3 force field

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    Methodologies for creating reactive potential energy surfaces from molecular mechanics force-fields are becoming increasingly popular. To date, molecular mechanics force-fields use harmonic expressions to treat bonding stretches, which is a poor approximation in reactive molecular dynamics simulations since bonds are displaced significantly from their equilibrium positions. For such applications there is need for a better treatment of anharmonicity. In this contribution Morse bonding potentials have been extensively parameterised for the atom types in the MM3 force field of Allinger and co-workers using high level CCSD(T)(F12*) energies. To our knowledge this is the first instance of a large-scale paramerization of Morse potentials in a popular force field

    Multi-D CFD Modeling of Free-Piston Stirling Convertor at NASA GRC

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    A high efficiency Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG) is being developed for possible use in long duration space science missions. NASA s advanced technology goals for next generation Stirling convertors include increasing the Carnot efficiency and percent of Carnot efficiency. To help achieve these goals, a multidimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code is being developed to numerically model unsteady fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena of the oscillating working gas inside Stirling convertors. Simulations of the Stirling convertors for the SRG will help characterize the thermodynamic losses resulting from fluid flow and heat transfer between the working gas and solid walls. The current CFD simulation represents approximated 2-dimensional convertor geometry. The simulation solves the Navier Stokes equations for an ideal helium gas oscillating at low speeds. The current simulation results are discussed

    Stokes phenomenon and matched asymptotic expansions

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    This paper describes the use of matched asymptotic expansions to illuminate the description of functions exhibiting Stokes phenomenon. In particular the approach highlights the way in which the local structure and the possibility of finding Stokes multipliers explicitly depend on the behaviour of the coefficients of the relevant asymptotic expansions

    An Initial Non-Equilibrium Porous-Media Model for CFD Simulation of Stirling Regenerators

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    The objective of this paper is to define empirical parameters for an initial thermal non-equilibrium porous-media model for use in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes for simulation of Stirling regenerators. The two codes currently used at Glenn Research Center for Stirling modeling are Fluent and CFD-ACE. The codes’ porous-media models are equilibrium models, which assume solid matrix and fluid are in thermal equilibrium. This is believed to be a poor assumption for Stirling regenerators; Stirling 1–D regenerator models, used in Stirling design, use non-equilibrium regenerator models and suggest regenerator matrix and gas average temperatures can differ by several degrees at a given axial location and time during the cycle. Experimentally based information was used to define: hydrodynamic dispersion, permeability, inertial coefficient, fluid effective thermal conductivity, and fluid-solid heat transfer coefficient. Solid effective thermal conductivity was also estimated. Determination of model parameters was based on planned use in a CFD model of Infinia’s Stirling Technology Demonstration Converter (TDC), which uses a random-fiber regenerator matrix. Emphasis is on use of available data to define empirical parameters needed in a thermal non-equilibrium porousmedia model for Stirling regenerator simulation. Such a model has not yet been implemented by the authors or their associates
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