18 research outputs found

    The Effect of Organizational Justice and Perceived Organizational Support on University Staff JobBurnout (Case ofUniversityStaff ofIsfahan)

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    Abstract: One of the problems human resource managers encounter nowadays is the job burnout phenomenon. This can even happen in universities and cause a decline in work efficiency and a failure to reach long-term purposes. This study aims at manifesting the job burnout state and the effect of organizational justice and perceived organizational support onjob burnoutstaff of the University of Isfahan who are working in administrative sections. The data gathering tools consist of three standard questionnaires for perceived organizational justice, organizational support and job burnout assessment which areadministered among a sample of 150 individuals out of 448 staff working in administrative sections of the University of Isfahan. The volume of the sample is also calculated bystratificationusing Cochran formula. By using of structural equation modeling (SEM) method, it can be said that organizational justice and perceived organizational support has a negative effects onjob burnout, but perceived organizational support doesn't significantly affect onjob burnout

    Characterization of 11 new cases of leukocyte adhesion deficiency type 1 with seven novel mutations in the ITGB2 gene

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    Background: Leukocyte adhesion deficiency type 1 (LAD I) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the ITGB2 gene, encoding the β2 integrin family. Severe recurrent infections, impaired wound healing, and periodontal diseases are the main features of disease. Methods: In order to investigate clinical and molecular manifestations of new LAD I cases, 11 patients diagnosed in one center during 7 years were studied. Patients were screened for the ITGB2 gene mutations, using polymerase chain reaction, followed by single-strand conformation polymorphism and sequencing. Results: The most common first presenting feature of the patients was omphalitis. The mean age of cord separation was 19.9 ± 1 days. The most common clinical manifestations of the patients during the follow-up period included omphalitis, skin ulcers with poor healing, sepsis, and otitis media. During the follow-up, eight patients died. Eight homozygous changes, including seven novel mutations, were detected: two splicing (IVS4-6C>A, IVS7+1G>A), three missense (Asp128Tyr, Ala239Thr, and Gly716Ala), and three frameshift deletions (Asn282fsX41, Tyr382fsX9, and Lys636fsX22). Conclusion: Our results indicate that different mutations underlie the development of LAD I. Definitive molecular diagnosis is valuable for genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis. Regarding clinical presentations, it seems that omphalitis is the most consistent finding seen in LAD I infants. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    “Role of D-Dimer in One Year Recurrence of Venous Thromboembolism after Completed Anticoagulation Treatment” Following A First Idiopathic Deep Vein Thrombosis

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    After oral anticoagulant therapy (OAT) withdrawal, the recurrence of risk is greatest in the first year and gradually diminishes, while the increased bleeding risk may offset the benefits of prolonged OAT. the benefits of extending anticoagulation should be balanced against the risk of bleeding . D-dimer assay and measurement of residual thrombosis on ultrasonography, so-called residual vein obstruction (RVO) were proposed to be effective in selecting patients with idiopathic DVT Materials and methods: This single center prospective study was conducted in patients with a first episode of symptomatic proximal DVT, detected by compression ultrasonography (CUS), and who received OAT for at least 3 months. Follow-up was extended from Oct. 2011, to Aug. 2013. After enrollment, patients were re-evaluated at 1st, 6th and 12th months of their follow-up. At the first and 30-day visits, venous blood samples were taken for D-dimer test. All enrolled patients without RVT were stopped OAT. At each follow-up visit, we examined patients and inquired about health status, clinical symptoms or signs of recurrent VTE, bleeding, post-thrombotic manifestations, adherence to treatment, and concomitant analgesic or anti-inflammatory therapy. The end point outcomes were VTE recurrence or complete of this survey follow-ups. Results: A total of 68 eligible patients were enrolled. Four patients (two patients need to using long-term oral anticoagulation, and another two patients for lost to their first follow-up) were excluded. D-dimer and CUS at first was normal in 28 patients (44%) while the remaining 36 patients had abnormal D-dimer but normal CUS while both groups were not consuming their anticoagulant. Total follow-up was 52.5 patient-years. Median follow-up was 11 months (95% CI: 6–17 months). A minimum follow-up of 12 months was available in 44 patients (68%). During follow-up, three recurrent events were recorded (4.6% of patients – 95% CI: 3–7%). All Recurrent events were ipsilateral DVT. Among these index cases, all had an abnormal D-dimer at either T0 and/or T1. The recurrence rate was higher in males than in females (8.6% vs. 2.2%) with an abnormal D-dimer at T0 and/or T1 with a multivariate hazard ratio of 2.1 (95% 1.2–7; p=0.04). Patients older than 65 years had a higher rate of events than younger patients (2/ 12: (16%); 95% CI: 4–24% Vs. 1/ 52: (2%); 95% CI: 0.05–3%) and hazard ratio was about 3.8; (95% CI: 1.95–8.4 p= 0.04). Patients with recurrences had higher mean D-dimer at both T0 and T1 when compared with those without recurrences but the difference was significant only for D-dimer at T1. During follow-up, two patients died (3%). Conclusion: In our cohort of DVT patients, the annual risk of recurrence with an abnormal D-dimer, either during or at one month after VKA withdrawal, was 4.6% which is much lower to the annual risk of recurrence in most studies with idiopathic and provoked VTE. The benefits of extending anticoagulation should be balanced against the risk of bleeding. So according to these results of D-Dimer assay before withdrawal of OAT, this test is helpful for OAT withdrawal decision making