455 research outputs found

    Toward 'socially constructive' social constructions of leadership

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    In their introductory editorial essay for this special issue, David Grant and Gail Fairhurst have done us a great service by valiantly producing a "Sailing Guide" to the Social Construction of Leadership (Fairhurst & Grant, 2010). As with rounding the Capes, this is not a task for the faint of heart. A sailing guide is designed to provide vital knowledge about a particular sea or coast, providing us with charts, warnings about potential hazards and an indication where we might find safe havens in a storm. Their sailing guide does this to great effect as it skilfully "boxes the compass" by revealing all of the potential directions that one might set one‟s sail by if one was sufficiently foolhardy to embark on a cruise of the social construction of leadership

    Combined observations of meteors by image-orthicon television camera and multi-station radar

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    Observations from multiple sites of a radar network and by television of 29 individual meteors from February 1969 through June 1970 are reported. Only 12 of the meteors did not appear to fragment over all the observed portion of their trajectories. From these 12, the relation for the radar magnitude to the panchromatic absolute magnitude was found in terms of velocity of the meteor. A very tentative fit to the data on the duration of long enduring echoes versus visual absolute magnitude is made. The exponential decay characteristics of the later parts of several of the light curves are pointed out as possible evidence of mutual coalescence of droplets into which the meteoroid has completely broken

    Commissioning of Dedicated Furnace for Nb3Sn Coatings of 2.6 GHz Single Cell Cavities

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    We present the results of commissioning a dedicated furnace for Nb3Sn coatings of 2.6 GHz single cell cavities. Nb3Sn is a desired coating due to its high critical temperature and smaller surface resistance compared to bulk Nb. Usage of Nb3Sn coated cavities will greatly reduce operating costs due to decreased dependance on cryo cooling. Tin is deposited by use of a tin chloride nucleation agent and tin vapor diffusion. Analysis of the resultant coating was performed using SEM/EDS to verify successful formation of Nb3Sn. Witness samples in line of sight of the source were used in order to understand the coating efficacy.Comment: 21st Intl Conf Radio Frequency Superconductivity (SRF 2023

    Demonstration of Niobium Tin in 218 MHz Low-beta Quarter Wave Accelerator Cavity

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    A 218 MHz quarter wave niobium cavity has been fabricated for the purpose of demonstrating Nb3Sn technology on a low-beta accelerator cavity. Niobiumtin has been established as a promising next generation SRF material, but development has focused primarily in high-beta elliptical cell cavities. This material has a significantly higher TC than niobium, allowing for design of higher frequency quarter wave cavities (that are subsequently smaller) as well as for significantly lowered cooling requirements (possibly leading to cryocooler based designs). The fabrication, initial cold testing, and Nb3Sn coating are discussed as well as test plans and details of future applications.Comment: 21st Intl Conf Radio Frequency Superconductivity (SRF 2023

    PI Loop Resonance Control for Dark Photon Experiment at 2 K Using a 2.6 GHz SRF Cavity

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    Two 2.6 GHz SRF cavities are being used for a dark photon search at the vertical test stand (VTS) in FNAL, for the second phase of the Dark SRF experiment. During testing at 2 K the cavities experience frequency detuning caused by microphonics and slow frequency drifts. The experiment requires that the two cavities have the same frequency within the cavity's bandwidth. These two cavities are equipped with frequency tuners consisting of three piezo actuators. The piezo actuators are used for fine-fast frequency tuning. A proportional-integral (PI) loop utilizing the three piezos on the emitter was used to stabilize the cavity frequency and match the receiver cavity frequency. The results from this implementation will be discussed. The integration time was also calculated via simulation.Comment: 21st International Conference on Radio-Frequency Superconductivity (SRF 2023

    Preservation of the High Quality Factor and Accelerating Gradient of Nb3Sn-coated Cavity During Pair Assembly

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    Two CEBAF 5-cell accelerator cavities have been coated with Nb3Sn film using the vapor diffusion technique. One cavity was coated in the Jefferson Lab Nb3Sn cavity coating system, and the other in the Fermilab Nb3Sn coating system. Both cavities were measured at 4 K and 2 K in the vertical dewar test in each lab and then assembled into a cavity pair at Jefferson Lab. Previous attempts to assemble Nb3Sn cavities into a cavity pair degraded the superconducting properties of Nb3Sn-coated cavities. This contribution discusses the efforts to identify and mitigate the pair assembly challenges and will present the results of the vertical tests before and after pair assembly. Notably, one of the cavities reached the highest gradient above 80 mT in the vertical test after the pair assembly.Comment: 21st Intl Conf Radio Frequency Superconductivity (SRF 2023

    Testing of the 2.6 GHz SRF Cavity Tuner for the Dark Photon Experiment at 2 K

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    At FNAL two single cell 2.6 GHz SRF cavities are being used to search for dark photons, the experiment can be conducted at 2 K or in a dilution refrigerator. Precise frequency tuning is required for these two cavities so they can be matched in frequency. A cooling capacity constraint on the dilution refrigerator only allows piezo actuators to be part of the design of the 2.6 GHz cavity tuner. The tuner is equipped with three encapsulated piezos that deliver long and short-range frequency tuning. Modifications were implemented on the first tuner design due to the low forces on the piezos caused by the cavity. Three brass rods with Belleville washers were added to the design to increase the overall force on the piezos. The testing results at 2 K are presented with the original design tuner and with the modification.Comment: 21st International Conference on Radio-Frequency Superconductivity (SRF 2023

    Impact of abiotic factors and husbandry on saprolegniosis in salmonid farms

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    Oomycetes of the genus Saprolegnia are widespread in freshwater environment and are among the main path- ogens causing economic losses in salmonid aquaculture. Infections by mycotic agents in fish farming are generally considered to result from chronic stress and poor fish condition associated with water quality problems, adverse environmental conditions, frequent/rough/incorrect handling, concurrent infections, physiological changes associated with reproduction and immunocompromised animals. To identify risk factors for Saprolegnia infections in trout and Atlantic salmon farming, longitudinal studies were carried out in different Italian, Spanish, and Scottish fish farms. Prevalence of saprolegniosis and fish mortality were monitored over time and statistically analysed with respect to husbandry and environmental factors. Overall, statistical results by production cycle (trout vs salmon farming) and by country indicate that the prevalence of Saprolegnia may be influenced by peculiarities of the culture system and farming environment. Nevertheless, a specific set of parameters, including lower water temperature, and handling procedures increased Saprolegnia prevalence in all the considered farms. Particularly, in trout farms Saprolegnia infections represented an important contribution to mortality, and prevalence was influenced by water temperature and pH, and by fish density within the tanks. Similarly, temperature and water quality were the main factors influencing the prev- alence of Saprolegnia in Atlantic salmon farms. Moreover, molecular analyses confirmed the role of S. parasitica as the main pathogenic oomycete in trout and salmon farming in the considered countries. The identification of risk factors for introduction and increase of Saprolegnia infection in fish farms will allow the correct design of bio- security and pathogen control strategie