2,862 research outputs found

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    The adequacy of alfalfa crops as an agri-environmental scheme: A review of agronomic benefits and effects on biodiversitye

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    The agriculture intensification required to provide enough food commodities for humans has negative impacts on the environment. To reduce these drawbacks Agri-Environmental Schemes (AES) have been implemented in Europe since the last decade of the twentieth century. One of the measures included in these schemes was the introduction of alfalfas in crop rotation systems. In order to evaluate their suitability as an AES, we synthesize knowledge on the agronomical benefits of alfalfa cultivations, as well as on the relationships of alfalfa crops with biodiversity at three taxonomic levels: vascular plants, arthropods, and vertebrates. Based on the articles reviewed, alfalfas can help restoring native grassland communities due to the nutrient enrichment they provide. Moreover, this legume crop usually ensures food resources not only for invertebrates, but also for vertebrates. Alfalfas tend to harbour a stable arthropod community that benefits surrounding crops by improving ecological processes (pollination, pest predation) and reducing the need to use agrochemicals. At the same time, arthropod abundance attracts vertebrates, especially birds, which supports the role of alfalfa as a conservation tool to favour endangered farmland birds. Additionally, alfalfa crops may function as a reservoir habitat for voles, which are a preferred food resource for farmland-foraging raptors, many of them endangered. On the other hand, birds nesting in alfalfa crops may suffer higher nest destruction rates due to frequent cuts, and voles using alfalfa crops may also create agricultural damage in surrounding crops in certain cases. The review also highlights that negative ecological relationships of alfalfa crops with biodiversity can be minimized, and positive effects may also be maximized under the appropriate management of this crop. Examples of such management actions include cut delays or higher cuts to avoid nest destruction, the use of grazing cattle to reduce the impacts of rodent pests, reduced frequency of cutting or maintaining unharvested strips in the field to maximize positive effects on predatory arthropods and vole availability to raptors. We conclude that alfalfa crops can be considered globally beneficial for farmland biodiversity and a useful management tool for conservation in agricultural landscapes, for example as an AES, but that management should be adapted to particular taxonomical or functional groupsThis paper contributes to project S2018/EMT-4338 REMEDINAL TECM from Comunidad de Madrid and Chair UAM-CTFC-TotalEnergies Steppe-Forwar

    Environmental factors affecting lactation curve parameters in the United Kingdom’s commercial dairy herds

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    Environmental factors affecting lactation curve parameters in the United Kingdom's commercial dairy herds Factores ambientales que determinan los parámetros de la curva de lactación usando un modelo biológico en rebaños lecheros comerciales en el Reino Unido RESUMEN El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar los factores ambientales que determinan los parámetros de la curva de lactación utilizando un modelo biológico de ajuste de curva. El modelo propuesto ajusta dos curvas logísticas que simulan el incremento inicial en el número de células secretoras de leche en la lactación temprana, y la progresión de la apoptosis en la lactación tardía. Se analizaron lactaciones de 182.987 vacas Holstein-Friesian. Los factores vaca, rebaño y número de lactación explican el 74% de la suma total de cuadrados (P < 0,001). La edad promedio a primer parto fue de 28 meses, teniendo un efecto significativo sobre la mayoría de los parámetros de la curva. Incrementos en la edad a primer de parto (20-40 meses) fueron asociados con incrementos lineales en los rendimientos totales de leche. Los parámetros tasa máxima de secreción y máximo de lactación estuvieron altamente correlacionados entre sí, indicando que son virtualmente los mismos. Adicionalmente, altos valores de estos dos parámetros indican altos rendimientos totales de leche. El día del máximo de lactación se correlacionó negativamente (0,64) con persistencia de la lactación. Los factores vaca, rebaño número de lactación y edad a primer parto fueron los factores más determinantes sobre los parámetros de la curva de lactación de vacas de primera lactancia así como de lactaciones múltiples

    Exploring Women’s Oxytocin Responses to Interactions With Their Pet Cats

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    Background. Extensive research has evaluated the involvement of the neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) in human social behaviors, including parent-infant relationships. Studies have investigated OT’s connection to human attachment to nonhuman animals, with the majority of the literature focusing on domestic dogs (Canis lupis familiaris). Utilizing what is known about OT and its role in maternal-infant and human-dog bonding, we apply these frameworks to the study of human-domestic cat (Felis catus) interactions. Methods. We investigated changes in salivary OT levels in 30 U.S. women of reproductive age before and after two conditions: reading a book (control) and interacting with their pet cat. Participant and cat behavioral patterns during the cat interaction condition were also quantified to determine if differences in women’s OT concentrations were associated with specific human and cat behaviors. Results. Our results revealed no changes in women’s OT levels during the cat interaction, relative to the control condition, and pre-cat interaction OT levels. However, differences in women’s OT concentrations were correlated with some human-cat interactions (e.g., positively with petting cat and cat approach initiation, negatively with cat agonistic behavior) but not all observed behaviors (e.g., use of gentle or baby voice) coded during human-cat interactions. Discussion. This study is the first to explore women’s OT in response to interactions with their pet cat and has identified distinct human and cat behaviors that influence OT release in humans

    Evidence for a change in the nuclear mass surface with the discovery of the most neutron-rich nuclei with 17<Z <25

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    The results of measurements of the production of neutron-rich nuclei by the fragmentation of a 76-Ge beam are presented. The cross sections were measured for a large range of nuclei including fifteen new isotopes that are the most neutron-rich nuclides of the elements chlorine to manganese (50-Cl, 53-Ar, 55,56-K, 57,58-Ca, 59,60,61-Sc, 62,63-Ti, 65,66-V, 68-Cr, 70-Mn). The enhanced cross sections of several new nuclei relative to a simple thermal evaporation framework, previously shown to describe similar production cross sections, indicates that nuclei in the region around 62-Ti might be more stable than predicted by current mass models and could be an indication of a new island of inversion similar to that centered on 31-Na.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Physical Review Letters, 200

    Increased bile resistance in Salmonella enterica mutants lacking Prc periplasmic protease

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    Prc is a periplasmic protease involved in processing of penicillin-binding protein 3 (PBP3). Lack of Prc suppressesbile sensitivity in Dam-, Wec-, PhoP-, DamX-, and SeqA- mutants of Salmonella enterica, and increases bile resistance in thewild type. Changes in the activity of penicillin binding proteins PBP3, PBP4, PBP5/6 and PBP7 are detected in a Prc-background, suggesting that peptidoglycan remodeling might contribute to bile resistance. [Int Microbiol 2013; 16(2):87-92]Keywords: Salmonella; bile; Prc protease; peptidoglycan; penicillin-binding protein

    Production cross sections from 82Se fragmentation as indications of shell effects in neutron-rich isotopes close to the drip-line

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    Production cross sections for neutron-rich nuclei from the fragmentation of a 82Se beam at 139 MeV/u were measured. The longitudinal momentum distributions of 126 neutron-rich isotopes of elements 11 <= Z <= 32 were scanned using an experimental approach of varying the target thickness. Production cross sections with beryllium and tungsten targets were determined for a large number of nuclei including several isotopes first observed in this work. These are the most neutron-rich nuclides of the elements 22 <= Z <= 25 (64Ti, 67V, 69Cr, 72Mn). One event was registered consistent with 70Cr, and another one with 75Fe. The production cross sections are correlated with Qg systematics to reveal trends in the data. The results presented here confirm our previous result from a similar measurement using a 76Ge beam, and can be explained with a shell model that predicts a subshell closure at N = 34 around Z = 20. This is demonstrated by systematic trends and calculations with the Abrasion-Ablation model that are sensitive to separation energies.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted to Phys.Rev.
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