134 research outputs found

    Magnetoplasmonic design rules for active magneto-optics

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    Light polarization rotators and non-reciprocal optical isolators are essential building blocks in photonics technology. These macroscopic passive devices are commonly based on magneto-optical Faraday and Kerr polarization rotation. Magnetoplasmonics - the combination of magnetism and plasmonics - is a promising route to bring these devices to the nanoscale. We introduce design rules for highly tunable active magnetoplasmonic elements in which we can tailor the amplitude and sign of the Kerr response over a broad spectral range

    Cooperative coupling of ultracold atoms and surface plasmons

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    Cooperative coupling between optical emitters and light fields is one of the outstanding goals in quantum technology. It is both fundamentally interesting for the extraordinary radiation properties of the participating emitters and has many potential applications in photonics. While this goal has been achieved using high-finesse optical cavities, cavity-free approaches that are broadband and easy to build have attracted much attention recently. Here we demonstrate cooperative coupling of ultracold atoms with surface plasmons propagating on a plane gold surface. While the atoms are moving towards the surface they are excited by an external laser pulse. Excited surface plasmons are detected via leakage radiation into the substrate of the gold layer. A maximum Purcell factor of ηP=4.9\eta_\mathrm{P}=4.9 is reached at an optimum distance of z=250 nmz=250~\mathrm{nm} from the surface. The coupling leads to the observation of a Fano-like resonance in the spectrum.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Enhancement of Rydberg-mediated single-photon nonlinearities by electrically tuned Förster resonances

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    We demonstrate experimentally that Stark-tuned Förster resonances can be used to substantially increase the interaction between individual photons mediated by Rydberg interaction inside an optical medium. This technique is employed to boost the gain of a Rydberg-mediated single-photon transistor and to enhance the non-destructive detection of single Rydberg atoms. Furthermore, our all-optical detection scheme enables high-resolution spectroscopy of two-state Förster resonances, revealing the fine structure splitting of high-n Rydberg states and the non-degeneracy of Rydberg Zeeman substates in finite fields. We show that the ∣50S1/2,48S1/2⟩↔∣49P1/2,48P1/2⟩ pair state resonance in 87Rb enables simultaneously a transistor gain G>100 and all-optical detection fidelity of single Rydberg atoms F>0.8. We demonstrate for the first time the coherent operation of the Rydberg transistor with G>2 by reading out the gate photon after scattering source photons. Comparison of the observed readout efficiency to a theoretical model for the projection of the stored spin wave yields excellent agreement and thus successfully identifies the main decoherence mechanism of the Rydberg transistor

    Vesikeln der endotrophen Mykorrhiza im Zentralzylinder der Wurzeln von Apfels�mlingen

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    Aggregation in Complex Triacylglycerol Oils: Coarse-Grained Models, Nanophase Separation, and Predicted X-Ray Intensities

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    Triacylglycerols (TAGs) are biologically important molecules which form crystalline nanoplatelets (CNPs) and, ultimately, fat crystal networks in edible oils. Characterizing the self-assembled hierarchies of these networks is important to understanding their functionality and oil binding capacity. We have modelled CNPs in multicomponent oils and studied their aggregation. The oil comprises (a) a liquid component, and (b) components which phase separately on a nano-scale (nano-phase separation) to coat the surfaces of the CNPs impenetrably, either isotropically or anisotropically, with either liquid-like coatings or crystallites, forming a coating of thickness Δ. We modelled three cases: (i) liquid–liquid nanophase separation, (ii) solid–liquid nano-phase separation, with CNPs coated isotropically, and (iii) CNPs coated anisotropically. The models were applied to mixes of tristearin and triolein with fully hydrogenated canola oil, shea butter with high oleic sunflower oil, and cotton seed oil. We performed Monte Carlo simulations, computed structure functions and concluded: (1) three regimes arose: (a) thin coating regime, Δ \u3c 0.0701 u (b) transition regime, 0.0701 u ≤ Δ ≤ 0.0916 u and (c) thick coating regime, Δ \u3e 0.0916 u. (arbitrary units, u) (2) The thin coating regime exhibits 1D TAGwoods, which aggregate, via DLCA/RLCA, into fractal structures which are uniformly distributed in space. (3) In the thick coating regime, for an isotropic coating, TAGwoods are not formed and coated CNPs will not aggregate but will be uniformly distributed in space. For anisotropic coating, TAGwoods can be formed and might form 1D strings but will not form DLCA/RLCA clusters. (4) The regimes are, approximately: thin coating, 0 \u3c Δ \u3c 7.0 nm transition regime, 7.0 \u3c Δ \u3c 9.2 nm and thick coating, Δ \u3e 9.2 nm (5) The minimum minority TAG concentration required to undergo nanophase separation is, approximately, 0.29% (thin coatings) and 0.94% (thick coatings). Minority components can have substantial effects upon aggregation for concentrations less than 1%
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