34 research outputs found

    The Socioeconomic and Health Status of Rural–urban Migrants in Indonesia

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    This paper seeks to answer whether or not rural–urban migrants “make it”, i.e. whether or not they are able to, at least, achieve a socioeconomic and health status similar to that of their nonmigrant counterparts living in the same city. using specifically collected data on rural–urban migration, this study finds that, after controlling for various characteristics, migrants' household incomes are significantly higher than those of nonmigrants. they also have a significantly lower probability to be absolutely poor than nonmigrants. their health performance and that of their children are also no different from the health status of nonmigrants. there is only weak, and not robust, evidence that children of migrants have a higher probability of being significantly underweight. their children's educational performances do not lag behind. in fact, for lifetime migrants, there is evidence that their children's educational attainments are significantly better than those of nonmigrants' children. therefore it can be inferred that the process of rural-to-urban migration in Indonesia is not a harmful process. in fact, it has been found to be beneficial to the socioeconomic condition of the migrants. it is a way to provide a better life for poor rural people. to allow this process to happen naturally, the government needs to reduce unnecessary barriers to rural people who want to move to urban areas. key words: rural–urban migration, Indonesia, socioeconomic status, health, educatio

    Regional Economic Modelling for Indonesia: Implementation of Irsa-Indonesia5

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    Ten years after Indonesia implemented a major decentralisation policy, regional income per capita disparity and excessive rate of natural resource extraction continue to be pressing issues. There are great interests in identifying macro policies that would reduce regional income disparity and better control the rate of natural extraction, whilemaintaining reasonable national economic growth. This paper utilises an inter-regional computable general equilibrium model, IRSA-INDONESIA5, to discuss the economy-wideimpacts of various policies dealing with the development gap among regions in the country, achieving low carbon growth, and reducing deforestation. The results of simulations conducted reveal that, primarily, the best way to reduce the development gap among regions is by creating effective programs to accelerate the growth of human capital in the less developed regions. Secondly, in the short-term, the elimination of energy subsidies and/or implementation of a carbon tax is effective in reducing CO2 emission and producing higher economic growth, while in the long-run, however, technological improvement, particularly toward a more energy efficient technology, is needed to maintain a relatively low level of emission with continued high growth. Thirdly, if reducing deforestation means reducing the amount of timber harvested, it negatively affects the economy. To eliminate this negative impact, deforestation compensation is needed

    Tingkat Ekstraksi Optimal Minyak Bumi Indonesia: Aplikasi Model Optimasi Dinamik

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan sumber daya mineral yang masih tergolong besar, diantaranya minyak. Minyak menjadi penting dalam perekonomian karena sektor ini memberi kontribusi yang masih cukup signifikan terhadap PDB, ekspor maupun pendapatan pemerintah. Selain itu, struktur energi primer Indonesia juga masih didominasi oleh minyak bumi.Sebagai sumber daya yang dapat habis dan tidak terbarukan, eksploitasi minyak bumi saat ini mengandung opportunity cost di mana akan mengurangi ketersediaan minyak bumi untuk generasi mendatang. Sehingga, pertanyaan yang dapat muncul kemudian adalah: Apakah minyak bumi dieksploitasi terlalu cepat atau terlalu lambat?Dengan menggunakan optimasi dinamik akan dilakukan simulasi yang menghasilkan alur ekstraksi (extraction path) yang optimal yang memaksimumkan nilai sekarang dan keuntungan netto akan extraksi minyak bumi. Hasil ini akan dibandingkan dengan tingkat produksi yang menggunakan perilaku ‘business as usual'.Kesimpulan yang didapat dan simulasi adalah dalam skenario optimal, cadangan akan lebih cepat habis dibandingkan skenario biasa (business as usual), walaupun profit yang didapat lebih tinggi. Beberapa faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam membandingkan hasil ini kemudian adalah penerimaan pemenintah, cadangan devisa dan kapasitas terpasang dan pengeboran minyak

    Analisis Dampak Kebijakan Harga Energi Terhadap Perekonomian Dan Distribusi Pendapatan Di DKI Jakarta: Aplikasi Model Komputasi Keseimbangan Umum

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    Studi ini hendak menganalisa dampak dan kebijakan harga energi Indonesia terhadap perekonomian kota Jakarta; khususnya terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga miskin. Studi ini juga berusaha memformulasikan kebijakan regional yang penting bagi Jakarta untuk menurunkan dampak negative dan kebijakan energi nasional ini terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga miskin. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, dibangun sebuah model CGE (computable general equilibrium) regional. Model ini merupakan model CGE pertama di Indonesia yang dikembangkan untuk sebuah kota