192 research outputs found

    The topographical anatomy of the round window and related structures for the purpose of cochlear implant surgery

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    The treatment of total deafness using a cochlear implant has now become a routine medical procedure. The tendency to expand the audiological indications for cochlear stimulation and to preserve the remnants of hearing has brought new problems. The authors have studied the topographical anatomy of the internal structures of the ear in the area where cochleostomy is usually performed and an implant electrode inserted. Ten human temporal bones were obtained from cadavers and prepared in a formalin stain. After dissection of the bone in the area of round and oval windows, the following diameters were measured using a microscope with a scale: the transverse diameters of the cochlear and vestibular scalae at the level of the centre of the round window and 0.5 mm anteriorly to the round window, the distance between the windows and the distances from the end of the spiral lamina to the centre of the round window and to its anterior margin. The width of the cochlear scala at the level of the round window was 1.23 mm, and 0.5 mm anteriorly to the round window membrane it was 1.24 mm. The corresponding diameters for the vestibular scala are 1.34 and 1.27 mm. The distances from the end of the spiral lamina to the centre of the round window and to its anterior margin are 1.26 and 2.06 respectively. The authors noted that the two methods of electrode insertion show a difference of 2 mm in the length of the stimulated spiral lamina. The average total length of the unstimulated lamina is 2.06 and 4.06 in the two situations respectively

    Rate-limiting steps in yeast protein translation

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    SummaryDeep sequencing now provides detailed snapshots of ribosome occupancy on mRNAs. We leverage these data to parameterize a computational model of translation, keeping track of every ribosome, tRNA, and mRNA molecule in a yeast cell. We determine the parameter regimes in which fast initiation or high codon bias in a transgene increases protein yield and infer the initiation rates of endogenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes, which vary by several orders of magnitude and correlate with 5′ mRNA folding energies. Our model recapitulates the previously reported 5′-to-3′ ramp of decreasing ribosome densities, although our analysis shows that this ramp is caused by rapid initiation of short genes rather than slow codons at the start of transcripts. We conclude that protein production in healthy yeast cells is typically limited by the availability of free ribosomes, whereas protein production under periods of stress can sometimes be rescued by reducing initiation or elongation rates

    Beyond the Jaynes-Cummings model: circuit QED in the ultrastrong coupling regime

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    In cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), light-matter interaction is probed at its most fundamental level, where individual atoms are coupled to single photons stored in three-dimensional cavities. This unique possibility to experimentally explore the foundations of quantum physics has greatly evolved with the advent of circuit QED, where on-chip superconducting qubits and oscillators play the roles of two-level atoms and cavities, respectively. In the strong coupling limit, atom and cavity can exchange a photon frequently before coherence is lost. This important regime has been reached both in cavity and circuit QED, but the design flexibility and engineering potential of the latter allowed for increasing the ratio between the atom-cavity coupling rate and the cavity transition frequency above the percent level. While these experiments are well described by the renowned Jaynes-Cummings model, novel physics is expected in the ultrastrong coupling limit. Here, we report on the first experimental realization of a superconducting circuit QED system in the ultrastrong coupling limit and present direct evidence for the breakdown of the Jaynes-Cummings model.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    1994 turfgrass research report

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    Moss control on bentgrass greens evaluation / Jill Taylor -- Preemergent spotted spurge broadleaf weed control evaluation / William Pound and Renee Stewart -- Finale/Roundup herbicide demonstration evaluation / William Pound and Renee Stewart -- Turflon solvent evaluation / William Pound and Renee Stewart -- General turfgrass broadleaf weed control evaluation / William Pound and Renee Stewart -- Postemergence herbicide efficacy on crabgrass / John Street and Renee Stewart -- Preemergence herbicide efficacy on crabgrass / John Street, Jill Taylor and Renee Stewart -- Leaf spot control study / Joe Rimelspach, Karl Danneberger and Jill Taylor -- Dollar spot control study / Karl Danneberger, Joe Rimelspach and Jill Taylor -- Brown patch control study / Karl Danneberger, Joe Rimelspach and Jill Taylor -- Anthracnose control study / Karl Danneberger, Joe Rimelspach and Jill Taylor -- Summer patch control study / Joe Rimelspach, Karl Danneberger and Jill Taylor -- Yellow tuft control study / Karl Danneberger, Joe Rimelspach and Jill Taylor -- Red thread control study, Columbus / Joe Rimelspach, Karl Danneberger and Jill Taylor -- Red thread control study, Delaware / Joe Rimelspach, Bobby Joyner, Joe Green and Jerry Sullivan -- Susceptibility of bentgrass cultivars to Fore+ Aliette combinations / Karl Danneberger and Jill Taylor -- Suppression of turf diseases with biocontrol agent fortified compost-amended topdressings / Marcella Grebus, Carol Musselman, Joe Rimelspach and Harry Hoitink -- Evaluation of fungicides for resistance to dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoecmpa) on creeping bentgrass / Joe Rimelspach, Jill Taylor and Karl Danneberger -- Application of an insect growth regulator and insecticide on baits for control of ant mounds in turfgrass / David Shetlar, Harry Niemczyk and Kevin Power -- Application of insecticides for control of black turfgrass ataenius larvae in turfgrass / David Shetlar, Harry Niemczyk and Kevin Power -- Evaluation of biorationals and biologicals for control of black cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagel) and sod webworm (Pyralidae, Crambinae) larvae in bentgrass, 1994 / David Shetlar, Harry Niemczyk and Kevin Power -- Evaluation of pyrethroids and other insecticides for control of black cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagel) and sod webworm (Pyralidae, Crambinae) larvae in bentgrass, 1994 / David Shetlar, Harry Niemczyk and Kevin Power -- Surface and subsurface applied insecticides for control of white grubs in turfgrass / David Shetlar, Harry Niemczyk and Kevin Power -- Influence of application time on the efficacy of insect growth regulators for control of white grubs in turfgrass / David Shetlar, Harry Niemczyk and Kevin Power -- Subsurface placement of controlled release chlorpyrifos granules for extended control of Japanese beetle larvae in turfgrass: third report / Harry Niemczyk and David Shetlar -- Evaluation of Turplex 3 % EC for control of black cutworm larvae on the greens of Shadow Creek Golf Course, N. Las Vegas, Nevada / Harry Niemczyk -- Nitrogen Source and Rate effect on Kentucky bluegrass / John Street and Renee Stewart -- Polymer-coated nitrogen source effect on Kentucky bluegrass / John Street and Renee Stewart -- Evaluation of turfgrass species and cultivars for shade / Jill Taylor -- Regional low input sustainable turf study / Jill Taylor -- 1990 NTEP perennial ryegrass test / Jill Taylor -- 1994 NTEP perennial ryegrass test / Jill Taylor -- 1993 NTEP bentgrass test (fairway/tee) / Jill Taylor -- 1993 NTEP fineleaf fescue test / Jill Taylor -- Bermudagrass management study / John Street and Jill Taylor -- Duration of rolling as measured by ball roll / Karl Danneberger, Jill Taylor and Jobin Morrow -- Golf ball roll as influenced by soft spike and traditional metal spike golf shoes / Karl Danneberger and Jobin Morrow -- Primo/Banner interaction study / Bill Pound, Renee Stewart and Joe Rimelspach -- Primo growth regulator evaluation on creeping bentgrass / William Pound and Renee Stewart -- Restriction of arbitrary amplification fragments of Poa annua L. / Patty Sweeney and Karl Danneberge

    Turfgrass research report 1996

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    Preemergence herbicide efficacy on crabgrass-1996 / J. Street and R. Stewart --Postemergence herbicide efficacy on crabgrass -1996 / J. Street and R. Stewart -- General turfgrass broadleaf weed control evaluation / W. Pound -- Nonselective herbicide evaluation / W. Pound -- Postemergent yellow nutsedge evaluation / W. Pound and R. Stewart -- Preemergent broadleaf weed control / W. Pound -- Control of ant mounds in turfgrass-1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and K. T. Power -- Control of hairy chinch bugs in turfgrass -1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and K. T. Power -- Preventive and curative insecticide applications for control of hairy chinch bugs in turfgrass - 1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and K. T. Power -- Quick kill of black cutworm larvae in bentgrass - 1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and K. T. Power -- Control of black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), and sod webworms (Pyralidae: Crambinae) in creeping bentgrass, Agrostis palustris Hudson, with spinosad formulations, Columbus, Ohio, 1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and M. Belcher -- Control of black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), and sod webworms (Pyralidae: Crambinae) in creeping bentgrass, Agrostis palustris Hudson, with observations on black turfgrass Ataenius adults, Ataenius spretulus (Haldeman), Columbus, Ohio, 1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and M. Belcher -- Control of black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), sod webworms (Pyralidae: Crambinae), and black turfgrass Ataenius adults, Ataenius spretulus (Haldeman), in creeping bentgrass, Agrostis palustris Hudson, Columbus, Ohio, 1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and M. Belcher -- Control of bluegrass billbug, Sphenophorus parvulus Gyllenhal, larvae in lawn turf, Wooster, Ohio, 1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and M. Belcher -- Efficacy of spinosad applied prior to oviposition for control of bluegrass billbug larvae in turfgrass - 1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and K. T. Power -- Efficacy of insecticides applied prior to oviposition for control of bluegrass billbug larvae in turfgrass - 1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and K. T. Power -- Application of insecticides to kill black turfgrass Ataenius adults prior to egg laying on golf course fairways-1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and K. T. Power -- Preventive applications for control of Japanese beetle larvae in turfgrass - 1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and K. T. Power -- Influence of application date on the efficacy of insecticides applied for control of Japanese beetle larvae in turfgrass - 1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and K. T. Power -- Application of insecticides for preventive control of Japanese beetle larval populations in turfgrass - 1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and K. T. Power -- Application of Bacillus thuringiensis strain 'buibui' for control of white grubs in turfgrass -1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and K. T. Power -- Curative control of masked chafer larvae in turfgrass -1996 / D. J. Shetlar, H. D. Niemczyk and K. T. Power -- A field test of RH-0345 2SC and 2.5G at 2.0 lb.ai/ acre and Merit 75WP at 0.3 lb. ai/ acre for control of black cutworm larvae on golf course greens / H. D. Niemczyk -- Dollar spot control study - 1996 / K. Danneberger, J. Rimelspach, M. Boehm, and J. Taylor -- quality ratings for various fungicide treatments on creeping bentgrass putting green turf / K. Danneberger, J. Rimelspach, M. Boehm, and J. Taylor -- Brown patch control study on creeping bentgrass turf - 1996 / K. Danneberger, J. Rimelspach, M. Boehm, and J. Taylor -- Brown patch control on tall fescue / K. Danneberger, J. Rimelspach, M. Boehm, and J. Taylor -- Yellow tuft study-1996 / K. Danneberger, J. Rimelspach, M. Boehm, and J. Taylor -- Creeping bentgrass melting-out study / K. Danneberger, J. Taylor, R. Golembiewski, G. Bell, J. Rimelspach, and M. Boehm -- Kentucky bluegrass melting-out study / K. Danneberger, J. Rimelspach, M. Boehm and J. Taylor -- Red thread control study on perennial ryegrass / J. Rimelspach, K. Danneberger, and M. Boehm -- Red thread control study on Kentucky bluegrass / J. Rimelspach, K. Danneberger and M. Boehm -- Evaluation of fungicides for the control of red thread in Kentucky bluegrass, 1996 / J. Rimelspach, M. Boehm, K. Danneberger and J. Taylor -- Evaluation of fungicides for the control of red thread in perennial ryegrass, 1996 / J. Rimelspach, M. Boehm, K. Danneberger and J. Taylor -- Pink snow mold control study-1995-1996 / J. Rimelspach and K. Danneberger -- Primo & Sentinel applications on Poa annua quality / K. Danneberger, J. Taylor, R. Golembiewski, and G. Bell -- Nitrogen source, rate, and timing effect on Kentucky bluegrass -1996 / J. R. Street and R. M. Stewart -- Natural organic source evaluation on a Kentucky bluegrass-perennial ryegrass mixture-1996 / J. R. Street and R. M. Stewart -- Polymer-coated urea source and rate effect on Kentucky bluegrass / J. R. Street and R. M. Stewart -- Polymer-coated urea and IBDU fertilizer performance on Kentucky bluegrass / J. R. Street and R. M. Stewart -- 1993 NTEP bentgrass (fairway/tee) cultivar evaluation / J. A. Taylor -- 1993 NTEP fineleaf fescue cultivar evaluation / J. Taylor -- 1994 NTEP perennial ryegrass cultivar evaluation / J. Taylor -- 1995 Kentucky bluegrass (medium/high input) cultivar evaluation / J. Taylor -- 1995 NTEP Kentucky bluegrass (low input) cultivar evaluation / J. Taylor -- Controlling annual bluegrass and rough bluegrass in creeping bentgrass fairways: a nutritional approach / G. E. Bell, E. Odorizzi and T. K. Danneberger -- "Primo" growth regulator evaluation on creeping bentgrass / W. Pound and R. Stewart -- Influence of dollar spot on a blend of two creeping bentgrass cultivars / R. C. Golembiewski, T. K. Danneberger and P. M. Sweeney -- Dollar spot severity as influenced by Primo, creeping bentgrass cultivars, and nitrogen fertility / R. C. Golembiewski and T. K. Danneberger -- Identification of bulk samples of perennial ryegrass cultivars with RAPD Markers / P. M. Sweeney and T. K. Danneberge

    Quantum Acoustics with Surface Acoustic Waves

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    It has recently been demonstrated that surface acoustic waves (SAWs) can interact with superconducting qubits at the quantum level. SAW resonators in the GHz frequency range have also been found to have low loss at temperatures compatible with superconducting quantum circuits. These advances open up new possibilities to use the phonon degree of freedom to carry quantum information. In this paper, we give a description of the basic SAW components needed to develop quantum circuits, where propagating or localized SAW-phonons are used both to study basic physics and to manipulate quantum information. Using phonons instead of photons offers new possibilities which make these quantum acoustic circuits very interesting. We discuss general considerations for SAW experiments at the quantum level and describe experiments both with SAW resonators and with interaction between SAWs and a qubit. We also discuss several potential future developments.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Turfgrass research report 1995

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    Postemergence herbicide efficacy on crabgrass / John R. Street and Renee M. Stewart -- Preemergence herbicide efficacy on crabgrass / John R. Street and Renee M. Stewart --Preemergent common chickweed weed control evaluation / William Pound -- Preemergent purple dead nettle weed control evaluation / William Pound -- General turfgrass broadleaf weed control evaluation / William Pound -- Finale/Roundup herbicide demonstration evaluation / William Pound -- Ground ivy control evaluation / William Pound -- Manage yellow nutsedge control evaluation / William Pound -- Alternative Turflon solvent tolerance evaluation / William Pound -- Wild violet control evaluation / William Pound --Leaf spot study, 1995 / Joe Rimelspach, Karl Danneberger and Jill Taylor -- Leaf spot control study - Galena, Ohio / Joe Rimelspach, Karl Danneberger and Jill Taylor -- Red thread control study, 1995 / Joe Rimelspach, Karl Danneberger -- Brown patch study, 1995 / Joe Rimelspach, Karl Danneberger, Joseph Vagnier and Jill Taylor -- Brown patch (Rhizoctonia solani) curative study / Joe Rimelspach, Karl Danneberger and Jill Taylor -- Preventive dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa) control study, 1995 / Joe Rimelspach, Karl Danneberger, Joseph Vagnier and Jill Taylor -- Take-All control study / Joe Rimelspach and Karl Danneberger -- Yellow tuft study, 1995 / Joe Rimelspach, Karl Danneberger, Joseph Vagnier and Jill Taylor -- Summer patch control study / Rob Golembiewski, Joe Rimelspach and Karl Danneberger -- Sentinel and Daconil Ultrex gallonage study: influence on dollar spot control / Karl Danneberger and Jill Taylor -- Pink snow mold control study, 1994-1995 / Jill Taylor, Joe Rimelspach and Karl Danneberger -- Control of black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), and sod webworms (Pyralidae: Crambinae) on short cut bentgrass, Agrostis palustris Hudson-1995 / David J. Shetlar, Harry D. Niemczyk and Kevin T. Power -- Control of black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), and sod webworms (Pyralidae: Crambinae) on short cut bentgrass, Agrostis palustris Hudson using spinosad formulations -1995 / David J. Shetlar, Harry D. Niemczyk and Kevin T. Power -- Applications of insecticides for control of second generation hairy chinch bugs in turfgrass -1995 / David J. Shetlar, Harry D. Niemczyk and Kevin T. Power -- Preventive application of insecticides for control of black turfgrass Ataenius larvae on golf course fairways, 1995 / David J. Shetlar, Harry D. Niemczyk and Kevin T. Power -- Spring application of chemical and biological insecticides for control of overwintered white grubs in turfgrass, 1995 / David J. Shetlar, Harry D. Niemczyk and Kevin T. Power -- Influence of post-treatment irrigation on the efficacy of RH 0345 and Merit applied at the time of egg hatch for control of Japanese beetle larvae in turf, 1995 / David J. Shetlar, Harry D. Niemczyk and Kevin T. Power -- Application of various insecticides for preventive control of Japanese Beetle larvae in turfgrass, 1995 / David J. Shetlar, Harry D. Niemczyk and Kevin T. Power -- Chemical and biological insecticides applied for control of white grubs in turfgrass, 1995 / David J. Shetlar, Harry D. Niemczyk and Kevin T. Power -- Nitrogen source, rate, and timing effect on Kentucky bluegrass / John R. Street and Renee M. Stewart -- Natural organic source evaluation on a Kentucky bluegrass-perennial ryegrass mixture / John R. Street and Renee M. Stewart -- Nitrogen source, rate, and timing effect on Kentucky bluegrass / John R. Street and Renee M. Stewart -- Polymer-coated nitrogen source effect on Kentucky bluegrass / John R. Street and Renee M. Stewart -- 1993 NTEP bentgrass test (fairway/tee) / Jill A. Taylor -- 1993 NTEP fineleaf fescue test / Jill Taylor -- 1994 NTEP perennial ryegrass test / Jill Taylor -- 'Primo' growth regulator evaluation on creeping bentgrass / William Pound -- Bermudagrass management study / John Street and Jill Taylor -- Electrophoretic evaluation of esterase isozymes from turfgrass seed blends and mixtures / G. E. Bell, M. B. McDonald Jr. and T. K. Danneberger -- Computer Imaging of Electrophoretic Gels / G. E. Bell, M. B. McDonald Jr., T. K. Danneberger and S. K. St. Martin -- Evaluation of Kentucky bluegrass blends using isoelectric focusing and computer imaging / G. E. Bell, M. B. McDonald Jr. and T. K. Danneberger -- Identification of RAFLP markers in perennial ryegrass / Patricia M. Sweeney and Karl Danneberger -- RAPD analysis of dry turfgrass seed / Patricia Sweeney, Robert Golembiewski and Karl Danneberge
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