344 research outputs found

    Firearm fatalities in the Transkei region of South Africa, 1993 - 2004

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    The influence of knee rigidity on balance corrections: a comparison with responses of cerebellar ataxia patients

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    Knee rigidity due to aging or disease is associated with falls. A causal relationship between instability and knee rigidity has not been established. Here, we examined whether insufficient knee movement due to knee rigidity could underlie poor balance control in patients. We addressed this by examining the effect of artificially "locking” the knees on balance control in 18 healthy subjects, tested with and without individually fitted knee casts on both legs. Subjects were exposed to sudden rotations of a support surface in six different directions. The primary outcome measure was body centre of mass (COM) movement, and secondary outcome measures included biomechanical responses of the legs, pelvis and trunk. Knee casts caused increased backward COM movement for backward perturbations and decreased vertical COM movement for forward perturbations, and caused little change in lateral COM movement. At the ankles, dorsiflexion was reduced for backward perturbations. With knee casts, there was less uphill hip flexion and more downhill hip flexion. A major difference with knee casts was a reversed pelvis pitch movement and an increased forward trunk motion. These alterations in pitch movement strategies and COM displacements were similar to those we have observed previously in patients with knee rigidity, specifically those with spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA). Pelvis roll and uphill arm abduction were also increased with the casts. This roll movement strategy and minor changes in lateral COM movement were not similar to observations in patients. We conclude that artificial knee rigidity increases instability, as reflected by greater posterior COM displacement following support surface tilts. Healthy controls with knee casts used a pitch movement strategy similar to that of SCA patients to offset their lack of knee movement in regaining balance following multidirectional perturbations. This similarity suggests that reduced knee movements due to knee rigidity may contribute to sagittal plane postural instability in SCA patients and possibly in other patient groups. However in the roll plane, healthy controls rapidly compensate by adjusting arm movements and hip flexion to offset the effects of knee rigidit

    Assessment of the water soluble ionic species of suspended particulate matter, collected at a coastal spot, De Haan, Belgium

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    Chemical characterisation of suspended particulate matter (SPM) is very useful for broadening the knowledge concerning processes which are active in the atmosphere (e.g. Lin, 2002). Continental air-masses were found to contain high levels of anthropogenic emitted species, while these levels decreased when the influence changed to an oceanic atmosphere. The high levels of NH4 +, NO3 - and non-sea-salt (NSS) SO4 2- in the fine SPM fraction of continental air-masses (0.38, 0.15μg.N.m-3 and 0.59μg.m-3, respectively) stresses the importance of secondary aerosol formation as a source for SPM. The dominant appearances of Na+, Cl-, Mg2+ and Ca2+ in coarse maritime air masses show the presence of sea-salts and soil dust in the atmosphere at the coastal region. Neutralisation ratios higher than unity (1.20-1.59) for the fine SPM fraction suggested an excess of NH4 +, which was most probably present in the form of NH4Cl due neutralisation of HCl. The latter was formed in atmospheric reactions with sea-salt particles (Kadowaki, 1977), during which HCl escapes (0.13 and 0.58% lost sea-salt chloride for winter and summer, respectively). Correlation analysis showed that warm and dry summer conditions eliminated some influence of sea-salts on atmospheric processes, that where found to be active during winter. NSS SO4 2- was the dominant S-contributor in the fine fraction (83%). During winter, a total SOR value of 0.61 was reached, while summer gave a significant lower value (0.24). These values classified the sampling-site at the Belgian coast as a combined receptor-source area, accepting pollution from the continent and its local surroundings (Shaw and Rodhe, 1982)

    Hard sphere crystallization gets rarer with increasing dimension

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    We recently found that crystallization of monodisperse hard spheres from the bulk fluid faces a much higher free energy barrier in four than in three dimensions at equivalent supersaturation, due to the increased geometrical frustration between the simplex-based fluid order and the crystal [J.A. van Meel, D. Frenkel, and P. Charbonneau, Phys. Rev. E 79, 030201(R) (2009)]. Here, we analyze the microscopic contributions to the fluid-crystal interfacial free energy to understand how the barrier to crystallization changes with dimension. We find the barrier to grow with dimension and we identify the role of polydispersity in preventing crystal formation. The increased fluid stability allows us to study the jamming behavior in four, five, and six dimensions and compare our observations with two recent theories [C. Song, P. Wang, and H. A. Makse, Nature 453, 629 (2008); G. Parisi and F. Zamponi, Rev. Mod. Phys, in press (2009)].Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Multiple Domains of GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase Mediate Recognition of Lysosomal Enzymes

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    Medical Biochemistr

    Engineering cytokine therapeutics

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    Cytokines have pivotal roles in immunity, making them attractive as therapeutics for a variety of immune-related disorders. However, the widespread clinical use of cytokines has been limited by their short blood half-lives and severe side effects caused by low specificity and unfavourable biodistribution. Innovations in bioengineering have aided in advancing our knowledge of cytokine biology and yielded new technologies for cytokine engineering. In this Review, we discuss how the development of bioanalytical methods, such as sequencing and high-resolution imaging combined with genetic techniques, have facilitated a better understanding of cytokine biology. We then present an overview of therapeutics arising from cytokine re-engineering, targeting and delivery, mRNA therapeutics and cell therapy. We also highlight the application of these strategies to adjust the immunological imbalance in different immune-mediated disorders, including cancer, infection and autoimmune diseases. Finally, we look ahead to the hurdles that must be overcome before cytokine therapeutics can live up to their full potential

    A study of the impact of individual thermal control on user comfort in the workplace: Norwegian cellular vs. British open plan offices

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    In modern offices, user control is being replaced by centrally operated thermal systems, and in Scandinavia, personal offices by open plan layouts. This study examined the impact of user control on thermal comfort and satisfaction. It compared a workplace, which was designed entirely based on individual control over the thermal environment, to an environment that limited thermal control was provided as a secondary option for fine-tuning: Norwegian cellular and British open plan offices. The Norwegian approach provided each user with control over a window, door, blinds, heating and cooling as the main thermal control system. In contrast, the British practice provided a uniform thermal environment with limited openable windows and blinds to refine the thermal environment for occupants seated around the perimeter of the building. Field studies of thermal comfort were applied to measure users’ perception of thermal environment, empirical building performance and thermal control. The results showed a 30% higher satisfaction and 18% higher comfort level in the Norwegian offices compared to the British practices. However, the energy consumption of the Norwegian case studies was much higher compared to the British ones. A balance is required between energy efficiency and user thermal comfort in the workplace