14 research outputs found

    The molecular taphonomy of Carboniferous animal and plant cuticles from North America

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    Analyses of identifiable organic fossil remains of animals and plants have considerable potential to resolve conflicting models of organic matter diagenesis and kerogen formation (e.g. selective preservation versus random polymerization). Fossil cuticles of arthropods (scorpion, eurypterid) and plants (cordaite, pteridosperm) from Upper Carboniferous strata of Lone Star Lake, Kansas, USA and Joggins, Nova Scotia, Canada were analysed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and examined by electron microscopy. Recent Pandinus (scorpion) and Araucaria (conifer) provided a basis for comparison. Pyrolysis of Recent dewaxed scorpion cuticle yielded products derived from chitin and proteins. These products were absent in the fossil arthropod cuticles, however, which yielded an homologous series of alkanes and alkenes, together with phenolic and other aromatic constituents. Recent dewaxed plant cuticle yielded fatty acids, phenols and carbohydrate-derived compounds indicative of cutin polyester and associated lignocellulose. The pyrolysates of the fossil plant cuticles, on the other hand, were dominated by alkane-alkene doublets, with minor phenolic and other benzenoid components. There is no evidence that the preservation of these cuticles as particulate organic matter in kerogen is simply a result of selective preservation. Nonetheless, the chemistry and morphology remain characteristic of a particular taxon, hereby eliminating the possibility of incorporation of randomly repolymerized materials or the transfer of material between plant and animal residues. The aliphatic moieties in the fossil cuticles are thought to be the result of polymerization of the associated epicuticular, cuticular and/or tissue lipids during diagenesis

    Molecular signatures of fossil leaves provideunexpected new evidence for extinct plant relationships

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    Gene sequences form the primary basis for understanding the relationships among extant plant groups, but genetic data are unavailable from fossils to evaluate the affinities of extinct taxa. Here we show that geothermally resistant fossil cuticles of seed-bearing plants, analysed with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), retain biomolecular suites that consistently distinguish major taxa even after experiencing different diagenetic histories. Our results reveal that similarities between the cuticular biochemical signatures of major plant groups (extant and fossil) are mostly consistent with recent phylogenetic hypotheses based on molecular and morphological data. Our novel chemotaxonomic data also support the hypothesis that the extinct Nilssoniales and Bennettitales are closely allied, but only distantly related to Cycadales. The chemical signature of the cuticle of Czekanowskia (Leptostrobales) is strongly similar to that of Ginkgo leaves and supports a close evolutionary relationship between these groups. Finally, our results also reveal that the extinct putative araucariacean, Allocladus, when analysed through HCA, is grouped closer to Ginkgoales than to conifers. Thus, in the absence of modern relatives yielding molecular information, FTIR spectroscopy provides valuable proxy biochemical data complementing morphological characters to distinguish fossil taxa and to help elucidate extinct plant relationships.Additional funding from:Swedish Research Council (VR) under grant LUCCI (Lund University Carbon Cycle Centre); and the Utrecht Network Young researchers’ grant.</p