804 research outputs found

    Transmission spectroscopy of the sodium 'D' doublet in WASP-17b with the VLT

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    The detection of increased sodium absorption during primary transit implies the presence of an atmosphere around an extrasolar planet, and enables us to infer the structure of this atmosphere. Sodium has only been detected in the atmospheres of two planets to date - HD189733b and HD209458b. WASP-17b is the least dense planet currently known. It has a radius approximately twice that of Jupiter and orbits an F6-type star. The transit signal is expected to be about five times larger than that observed in HD209458b. We obtained 24 spectra with the GIRAFFE spectrograph on the VLT, eight during transit. The integrated flux in the sodium doublet at wavelengths 5889.95 and 5895.92 {\AA} was measured at bandwidths 0.75, 1.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0 {\AA}. We find a transit depth of 0.55 \pm 0.13 per cent at 1.5 {\AA}. This suggests that, like HD209458b, WASP-17b has an atmosphere depleted in sodium compared to models for a cloud-free atmosphere with solar sodium abundance. We observe a sharp cut-off in sodium absorption between 3.0 and 4.0 {\AA} which may indicate a layer of clouds high in the atmosphere.Comment: Amended for typographic conventions following publicatio

    Silica-based highly nonlinear fibers with a high SBS threshold

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    Results on suppression of stimulated Brillouin scattering in highly nonlinear fibers with germanium-doped core as well as aluminum-doped core based on spooling the fiber with a linear strain gradient is presented

    Development of new all-optical signal regeneration technique

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    All-optical signal regeneration have been the active research area since last decade due to evolution of nonlinear optical signal processing. Existing all-optical signal regeneration techniques are agitated in producing low Bit Error Rate (BER) of 10-10 at below than -10 dBm power received. In this paper, a new all-optical signal regeneration technique is developed by using phase sensitive amplification and designed optical phase locked signal mechanism. The developed all-optical signal regeneration technique is tested for different 10 Gb/s Differential Phase Shift Keying degraded signals. It is determined that the designed all-optical signal regeneration technique is able to provide signal regeneration with noise mitigation for degraded signals. It is analyzed that overall, for all degraded test signals, average BER of 10-13 is achieved at received power of -14 dBm. The designed technique will be helpful to enhance the performance of existing signal regeneration systems in the presence of severe noise by providing minimum BER at low received power

    Who I Am: The Meaning of Early Adolescents’ Most Valued Activities and Relationships, and Implications for Self-Concept Research

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    Self-concept research in early adolescence typically measures young people’s self-perceptions of competence in specific, adult-defined domains. However, studies have rarely explored young people’s own views of valued self-concept factors and their meanings. For two major self domains, the active and the social self, this mixed-methods study identified factors valued most by 526 young people from socioeconomically diverse backgrounds in Ireland (10-12 years), and explored the meanings associated with these in a stratified subsample (n = 99). Findings indicate that self-concept scales for early adolescence omit active and social self factors and meanings valued by young people, raising questions about content validity of scales in these domains. Findings also suggest scales may under-represent girls’ active and social selves; focus too much on some school-based competencies; and, in omitting intrinsically salient self domains and meanings, may focus more on contingent (extrinsic) rather than true (intrinsic) self-esteem

    Optical spectroscopic variability of Herbig Ae/Be stars

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    We analysed 337 multi-epoch optical spectra of 38 Herbig Ae/Be (HAeBe) stars to gain insights into the variability behaviour of the circumstellar (CS) atomic gas. Equivalent widths (EWs) and line fluxes of the Halpha, [OI]6300, HeI5876 and NaID lines were obtained for each spectrum; the Halpha line width at 10% of peak intensity (W10) and profile shapes were also measured and classified. The mean line strengths and relative variabilities were quantified for each star. Simultaneous optical photometry was used to estimate the line fluxes. We present a homogeneous spectroscopic database of HAeBe stars. The lines are variable in practically all stars and timescales, although 30 % of the objects show a constant EW in [OI]6300, which is also the only line that shows no variability on timescales of hours. The HeI5876 and NaID EW relative variabilities are typically the largest, followed by those in [OI]6300 and Halpha. The EW changes can be larger than one order of magnitude for the HeI5876 line, and up to a factor 4 for Halpha. The [OI]6300 and Halpha EW relative variabilities are correlated for most stars in the sample. The Halpha mean EW and W10 are uncorrelated, as are their relative variabilities. The Halpha profile changes in 70 % of the objects. The massive stars in the sample usually show more stable Halpha profiles with blueshifted self-absorptions and less variable 10% widths. Our data suggest multiple causes for the different line variations, but the [OI]6300 and Halpha variability must share a similar origin in many objects. The physical mechanism responsible for the Halpha line broadening does not depend on the amount of emission; unlike in lower-mass stars, physical properties based on the Halpha luminosity and W10 would significantly differ. Our results provide additional support to previous works that reported different physical mechanisms in Herbig Ae and Herbig Be stars.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 appendixe

    Probing For New Physics and Detecting non linear vacuum QED effects using gravitational wave interferometer antennas

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    Low energy non linear QED effects in vacuum have been predicted since 1936 and have been subject of research for many decades. Two main schemes have been proposed for such a 'first' detection: measurements of ellipticity acquired by a linearly polarized beam of light passing through a magnetic field and direct light-light scattering. The study of the propagation of light through an external field can also be used to probe for new physics such as the existence of axion-like particles and millicharged particles. Their existence in nature would cause the index of refraction of vacuum to be different from unity in the presence of an external field and dependent of the polarization direction of the light propagating. The major achievement of reaching the project sensitivities in gravitational wave interferometers such as LIGO an VIRGO has opened the possibility of using such instruments for the detection of QED corrections in electrodynamics and for probing new physics at very low energies. In this paper we discuss the difference between direct birefringence measurements and index of refraction measurements. We propose an almost parasitic implementation of an external magnetic field along the arms of the VIRGO interferometer and discuss the advantage of this choice in comparison to a previously proposed configuration based on shorter prototype interferometers which we believe is inadequate. Considering the design sensitivity in the strain, for the near future VIRGO+ interferometer, of h<210231Hzh<2\cdot10^{-23} \frac{1}{\sqrt{\rm Hz}} in the range 40 Hz 400- 400 Hz leads to a variable dipole magnet configuration at a frequency above 20 Hz such that B2D13000B^{2}D \ge 13000 T2^{2}m/Hz\sqrt{\rm Hz} for a `first' vacuum non linear QED detection

    A photometric and spectroscopic study of the new dwarf spheroidal galaxy in Hercules

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    Our aim is to provide as clean and as complete a sample as possible of red giant branch stars that are members of the Hercules dSph galaxy. With this sample we explore the velocity dispersion and the metallicity of the system. Stromgren photometry and multi-fibre spectroscopy are combined to provide information about the evolutionary state of the stars (via the Stromgren c_1 index) and their radial velocities. Based on this information we have selected a clean sample of red giant branch stars, and show that foreground contamination by Milky Way dwarf stars can greatly distort the results. Our final sample consists of 28 red giant branch stars in the Hercules dSph galaxy. Based on these stars we find a mean photometric metallicity of -2.35 dex which is consistent with previous studies. We find evidence for an abundance spread. Using those stars for which we have determined radial velocities we find a systemic velocity of 45.2 km/s with a dispersion of 3.72 km/s, this is lower than values found in the literature. Furthermore we identify the horizontal branch and estimate the mean magnitude of the horizontal branch of the Hercules dSph galaxy to be V_0=21.17, which corresponds to a distance of 147 kpc. We have shown that a proper cleaning of the sample results in a smaller value for the velocity dispersion of the system. This has implications for galaxy properties derived from such velocity dispersions.Comment: 24 pages, 28 figure