379 research outputs found

    Dynamics of plasma blobs in a shear flow

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    The global dynamic of plasma blobs in a shear flow is investigated in a simple magnetized torus using the spatial Fourier harmonics (k-space) framework. Direct experimental evidence of a linear drift in k space of the density fluctuation energy synchronized with blob events is presented. During this drift, an increase of the fluctuation energy and a production of the kinetic energy associated with blobs are observed. The energy source of the blob is analyzed using an advection-dissipation-type equation that includes blob-flow exchange energy, linear drift in k space, nonlinear processes, and viscous dissipations. We show that blobs tap their energy from the dominant E B vertical background flow during the linear drift stage. The exchange of energy is unidirectional as there is no evidence that blobs return energy to the flow

    Fluctuation characteristics of the TCV snowflake divertor measured with high speed visible imaging

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    Tangentially viewing fast camera footage of the low-field side snowflake minus divertor in TCV is analysed across a four point scan in which the proximity of the two X-points is varied systematically. The motion of structures observed in the post- processed movie shows two distinct regions of the camera frame exhibiting differing patterns. One type of motion in the outer scrape-off layer remains present throughout the scan whilst the other, apparent in the inner scrape-off layer between the two nulls, becomes increasingly significant as the X-points contract towards one another. The spatial structure of the fluctuations in both regions is shown to conform to the equilibrium magnetic field. When the X-point gap is wide the fluctuations measured in the region between the X-points show a similar structure to the fluctuations observed above the null region, remaining coherent for multiple toroidal turns of the magnetic field and indicating a physical connectivity of the fluctuations between the upstream and downstream regions. When the X-point gap is small the fluctuations in the inner scrape-off layer between the nulls are decorrelated from fluctuations upstream, indicating local production of filamentary structures. The motion of filaments in the inter-null region differs, with filaments showing a dominantly poloidal motion along magnetic flux surfaces when the X-point gap is large, compared to a dominantly radial motion across flux-surfaces when the gap is small. This demonstrates an enhancement to cross-field tranport between the nulls of the TCV low-field-side snowflake minus when the gap between the nulls is small.Comment: Accepted for publication in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio

    Dependence on plasma shape and plasma fueling for small edge-localized mode regimes in TCV and ASDEX Upgrade

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    Within the EUROfusion MST1 work package, a series of experiments has been conducted on AUG and TCV devices to disentangle the role of plasma fueling and plasma shape for the onset of small ELM regimes. On both devices, small ELM regimes with high confinement are achieved if and only if two conditions are fulfilled at the same time. Firstly, the plasma density at the separatrix must be large enough (n e,sep/n G ∌ 0.3), leading to a pressure profile flattening at the separatrix, which stabilizes type-I ELMs. Secondly, the magnetic configuration has to be close to a double null (DN), leading to a reduction of the magnetic shear in the extreme vicinity of the separatrix. As a consequence, its stabilizing effect on ballooning modes is weakened

    Blob-induced toroidal momentum transport in simple magnetized plasmas

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    The link between toroidal flows and density blobs is experimentally demonstrated in TORPEX simple magnetized plasmas: momentum is transferred from an ideal-interchange mode to density blobs. The phase shift between the toroidal flow and the density perturbations observed in the interchange mode where the blob is born is conserved along the blob radial trajectory. This leads to dipolar structures of the blob-induced flow or to monopolar perturbations, so large that the toroidal flow gets transiently reversed. The turbulent toroidal momentum flux is dominated either by the nonlinear flux or by the convective part but not by the Reynolds stress componen
