49 research outputs found

    Glacis mémoriels en Médoc

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    International audienceOn the basis of two animated maps, the paper aims to contribute to the thinking of the mapmaking practices that are based on the overlay of various stratas. The examples suggest that the added value of such multilayered cartographies (that we choose to call glacis) is to be found in two complementary directions : that of helping to grasp the complexity of processes and stakes by building a lavish - if not blurred - general picture ; that of highlighting detailed interactions by a focus on transitions. The second option implies the need for a greater attention to the narrative dimension of the animated layout, particularly if its structure follows a chronological logic. Building on the official cartographies of the designations of origin for vineyards in MĂ©doc, the case study illustrates how glacis can help to enrich and balance the understanding of the processes of territorialization fostered by a dominant agricultural land use. Contributing to a critical 'metrology' of milieux and land uses, it showcases how overlays were instrumental in contesting a regulatory mapping of wetlands, but also how they are relevant for the reappraisal of a once-marginalised memory of industrial land uses.Autour de deux propositions de cartes animĂ©es, cet article propose une rĂ©flexion sur les implications de pratiques cartographiques basĂ©es sur la superposition de strates. Les exemples suggĂšrent que la plus-value de tels « glacis » rĂ©side dans des efforts complĂ©mentaires : faire saisir la complexitĂ© de processus et d'enjeux en une vue d'ensemble foisonnante, voire floue ; montrer le dĂ©tail des interactions par la mise en Ă©vidence de chaque transition. La deuxiĂšme option implique alors de garder une attention Ă  la dimension narrative inhĂ©rente au dispositif animĂ©, en particulier lorsqu'il a une forte logique temporelle. Partant de la mise en carte des appellations du MĂ©doc, le cas d'Ă©tude illustre la façon dont des « glacis » peuvent enrichir et contrebalancer la comprĂ©hension des territorialisations d'une activitĂ© viticole dominante. Contribuant Ă  une mĂ©trologie critique des milieux et usages, il montre comment la superposition a pu ĂȘtre une ressource dans la contestation d'une cartographie rĂ©glementaire des zones humides, tout comme elle permet la rĂ©Ă©valuation de la place de l'activitĂ© industrielle, dont la mĂ©moire avait Ă©tĂ© prĂ©cĂ©demment marginalisĂ©e

    Entre protection et ouverture : quels effets de la politique d’usage des sols sur les dynamiques de marchĂ© foncier sur le littoral aquitain ?

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    JOURNAUX ET REVUES / Articles scientifiquesDans cette contribution nous caractĂ©risons et analysons l’évolution rĂ©cente des politiques fonciĂšres sur le littoral aquitain, avec un focus particulier sur le bassin d’Arcachon. Nous confrontons d’abord les Ă©volutions des zonages entre 2001 et 2010 avec celles des usages du sol. Ouverture Ă  l’urbanisation et reclassement « naturel » sont les deux phĂ©nomĂšnes qui retiennent toute notre attention. Ces dynamiques sont ensuite rapprochĂ©es de l’évolution des marchĂ©s fonciers. La latence entre achat et construction permet de rĂ©vĂ©ler de possibles comportements spĂ©culatifs. Enfin, nous explorons les hypothĂšses de capitalisation dans les prix fonciers des externalitĂ©s produites par les changements de zonage. L’impact de l’ouverture Ă  l’urbanisation se vĂ©rifie mais pas celui des reclassements en espace naturel.This article proposes an analysis of actual land use planning policies on coastal Aquitaine, with a focus on the area of Bassin d’Arcachon. We first match zoning changes between 2001 and 2010 with land use changes. New development zones and a rise in protection of “natural” uses are the main observed tendencies. Second, we link theses evolutions to land market dynamics. Time spent between buying and constructing suggests the existence of speculative behaviours. Moreover, we test whether changes in zoning produce externalities that are capitalized in land values. Our results show that potential urbanisation zones generate a price premium, but it is not the case for new “natural” zones

    L'effacement volontaire d'un état conservationniste ? Des interprétations de l'adhésion volontaire des communes aux aires d'adhésion des parcs nationaux français

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    International audienceSince their creation in 1960, national parks have been heralded by France as the most iconic of its conservation territories. Coming as a late chapter to intertwined histories of state forestry and quasi-colonial rule (with six parks out of ten including afforested mountainous areas, and three locations in ultramarine regions), they have yet for these reasons been increasingly perceived in political circles as ‘failed territorial transplants’, leading eventually to their reform in 2006. A charter aimed at territorializing the ‘ecological solidarity’ between core and buffer areas is now mandatory for every national park, with the opportunity for municipalities included in the surrounding ‘optimal membership area’ to join or leave the partnership on a triennial basis. What I wish to address in this talk are the potential outcomes of this innovative –of not ambiguous- process for the future of state-backed conservation practices in France. Starting with an empirical analysis of the patterns of refusals (~100 out of 420 municipalities) collected by late 2015, I will demonstrate that the oppositions should not be seen as mere rebuttals of ‘ecological solidarity’, but draw on more complex blends of alternative ‘opportunities’ and heritages: the disproportionate influence of ski and seaside resort economies being one key dimension, the targeting of parks as generic embodiments of the injustices brought by the central State being another – aligned or not with the former. By fostering dynamic conservation territories and translating participatory imperatives into an expanded role for local municipal councils, the reform could be critiqued as breeding greater illegibility and clientelism. Focussing on park staff’s planning practices and perspectives, I will show they tend nevertheless to embrace a more optimistic understanding, validating somehow what might be considered as a radical shift for the socionatures of French national parks

    Description du site Web du projet PRIMA

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    [Departement_IRSTEA]Territoires [TR1_IRSTEA]DTAMThis report describes briefly the main features of the project‟s website. Based on an open-source framework, it serves as: a communication tool, a reposi-tory for the outputs if the project, a collaborative tool for PRIMA members. The report presents: The structure and the content of the website Internal and external rights and use Processes for internal communication and dialogue.Le rapport dĂ©crit les principales caractĂ©ristiques du site web du projet PRIMA. BasĂ© sur un logiciel libre, il sert en tant qu'outil de communication, de dĂ©pĂŽt des produits du projet et d'outil de collaboration entre partenaires

    Glacis mémoriels en Médoc

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    International audienceOn the basis of two animated maps, the paper aims to contribute to the thinking of the mapmaking practices that are based on the overlay of various stratas. The examples suggest that the added value of such multilayered cartographies (that we choose to call glacis) is to be found in two complementary directions : that of helping to grasp the complexity of processes and stakes by building a lavish - if not blurred - general picture ; that of highlighting detailed interactions by a focus on transitions. The second option implies the need for a greater attention to the narrative dimension of the animated layout, particularly if its structure follows a chronological logic. Building on the official cartographies of the designations of origin for vineyards in MĂ©doc, the case study illustrates how glacis can help to enrich and balance the understanding of the processes of territorialization fostered by a dominant agricultural land use. Contributing to a critical 'metrology' of milieux and land uses, it showcases how overlays were instrumental in contesting a regulatory mapping of wetlands, but also how they are relevant for the reappraisal of a once-marginalised memory of industrial land uses.Autour de deux propositions de cartes animĂ©es, cet article propose une rĂ©flexion sur les implications de pratiques cartographiques basĂ©es sur la superposition de strates. Les exemples suggĂšrent que la plus-value de tels « glacis » rĂ©side dans des efforts complĂ©mentaires : faire saisir la complexitĂ© de processus et d'enjeux en une vue d'ensemble foisonnante, voire floue ; montrer le dĂ©tail des interactions par la mise en Ă©vidence de chaque transition. La deuxiĂšme option implique alors de garder une attention Ă  la dimension narrative inhĂ©rente au dispositif animĂ©, en particulier lorsqu'il a une forte logique temporelle. Partant de la mise en carte des appellations du MĂ©doc, le cas d'Ă©tude illustre la façon dont des « glacis » peuvent enrichir et contrebalancer la comprĂ©hension des territorialisations d'une activitĂ© viticole dominante. Contribuant Ă  une mĂ©trologie critique des milieux et usages, il montre comment la superposition a pu ĂȘtre une ressource dans la contestation d'une cartographie rĂ©glementaire des zones humides, tout comme elle permet la rĂ©Ă©valuation de la place de l'activitĂ© industrielle, dont la mĂ©moire avait Ă©tĂ© prĂ©cĂ©demment marginalisĂ©e

    "Empowerment" des exploitants contre appauvrissement de la forĂȘt ? Luttes locales autour de la gestion et de l'Ă©cologie des savanes du Sud-Mali

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    International audienceAs supports for a variety of uses, West African savanna landscapes have been for long the subject of negotiations and struggles. More intriguing is the consistent political use of the uncertainties over their ecological dynamics. While current ecologists are still striving to deliver comprehensive models of grass-tree coexistence, colonial foresters considered human practices as keyand detrimentaldrivers, inspiring a repressive handling of local forest uses (such as herding, shifting cultivation or woodcutting) that pervaded postcolonial forest administrations. The academic context has changed since, as radical redefinitions of carrying capacity or burning practices were sparked by works akin to political ecology. Accordingly, most West African countries have undergone processes of devolution / decentralization of natural resource management, endorsing less stringent conceptions of the sustainable use of savannas. The debate is not settled on the specific issue of woodcutting, as the social/ecological links between a rising urban demand for charcoal and the potential harvesting pressures on savanna landscapes have not yet been fully specified. Our contribution will be based on a cross-analysis of forest surveys and ethnographies of woodcutters' practices in a village in the outskirts of Bamako, Mali. We will demonstrate: (i) That the determinants of spatial dynamics of harvesting are driven both by ecological and access constraints; (ii) How para-ecological notions of degradation' and quality' are instrumentalized (in our case by foresters, customary authorities and woodcutters involved in the setting up of a village-based management scheme), promoting opportunistic behaviors of harvesters, potentially followed by a relegation in marginal lands

    Compte-rendu de lecture de l'ouvrage "Le Ciel ne va pas nous tomber sur la tĂȘte : 15 grands scientifiques gĂ©ographes nous rassurent sur notre avenir : Sylvie Brunel, Jean-Robert Pitte (eds), JC LattĂšs, 2010, 354 p."

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    Recension critique d'un ouvrage -signé par des géographes français- qui vise à remettre en cause les discours du catastrophisme écologique. / Critical review of a book, signed by french geographers, that aims to challenge ecocatastrophist discourses on sustainable development

    Définition du plan préliminaire de projet

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    This deliverable describes quality assurance procedures to raise the level of quality on the project. It provides common format documents for all report-ing periods. The scientific work plan, described in the DOW, is reminded in its main points. The dissemination plan informs how the community will spread the project results.Le rapport décrit la procédure qualité mise en place pour développer un projet de haut niveau. Il propose les formats communs pour toutes les procédures de reporting. Le plan scientifique de travail décrit dans le rapport d'exécution est rappelé dans ses principaux points. Le plan de dissémination indique la maniÚre dont les résultats seront valorisés

    Coupe de bois et revendications territoriales au Mali

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    International audienceIn Mali, amidst moves toward political decentralization and the transfer of authority to manage natural resources, woodcutting has become an important tool for the assertion of territorial claims by villagers. The decentralization process has itself led to a profound political shake-up between the central state seeking to maintain land ownership and the de facto management of land by customary village authorities. But it is, however, primarily the devolution of forest resource management to village-led organizations that has prompted the cross-scale legitimization and assertion of various territorial claims from 1995 onwards. Based on two in-depth case studies on the outskirts of Bamako, Mali, the authors illustrate how new practices revolving around woodcutting and charcoal-making have been instrumental in intra- and inter-village disputes. At the village level, this transfer tends to exacerbate tenure claims over land and trees with the reactivation of autochthony-related arguments and thus the risk of excluding the most vulnerable social groups which are typically involved in woodcutting. At the inter-village level, this gives villages the opportunity to claim and demarcate boundaries by cutting, painting signs on some trees, or more radically tree felling being carried out solely to demonstrate appropriation. At the municipal level, this transfer leads to political and social adjustments between customary and decentralized authorities, each struggling to build their legitimacy in natural resource management