219 research outputs found

    What is second-order vision for? Discriminating illumination versus material changes

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    The human visual system is sensitive to second-order modulations of the local contrast (CM) or amplitude (AM) of a carrier signal. Second-order cues are detected independently of first-order luminance signals; however, it is not clear why vision should benet from second-order sensitivity. Analysis of the first-and second-order contents of natural images suggests that these cues tend to occur together, but their phase relationship varies. We have shown that in-phase combinations of LM and AM are perceived as a shaded corrugated surface whereas the anti-phase combination can be seen as corrugated when presented alone or as a flat material change when presented in a plaid containing the in-phase cue. We now extend these findings using new stimulus types and a novel haptic matching task. We also introduce a computational model based on initially separate first-and second-order channels that are combined within orientation and subsequently across orientation to produce a shading signal. Contrast gain control allows the LM + AM cue to suppress responses to the LM-AM when presented in a plaid. Thus, the model sees LM -AM as flat in these circumstances. We conclude that second-order vision plays a key role in disambiguating the origin of luminance changes within an image. © ARVO

    Adaptation to interocular difference

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    Patterns in the two eyes' views that are not identical in hue or contrast often elicit an impression of luster, providing a cue for discriminating them from perfectly matched patterns. Here we ask whether the mechanism for detecting interocular differences (IDs) is adaptable. Our stimuli were horizontally oriented multispatial-frequency grating patterns that could be subject to varying degrees of ID through the introduction of interocular phase differences in the grating components. Subjects adapted to patterns that were either correlated, uncorrelated, monocular (one eye only), or anticorrelated. Following adaptation, thresholds for detecting IDs were measured using a staircase procedure. It was found that ID thresholds were elevated following adaptation to uncorrelated, monocular, and anticorrelated but not correlated patterns. Threshold elevation was found to be maximal when the orientations of the adaptor and test gratings were the same, and when their spatial frequencies were similar. The results support the existence of a specialized mechanism for detecting IDs, the most likely candidate being the binocular differencing channel proposed in previous studies.Canadian Institute of Health Researc

    Surface orientation, modulation frequency and the detection and perception of depth defined by binocular disparity and motion parallax

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    Binocular disparity and motion parallax provide information about the spatial structure and layout of the world. Descriptive similarities between the two cues have often been noted which have been taken as evidence of a close relationship between them. Here, we report two experiments which investigate the effect of surface orientation and modulation frequency on (i) a threshold detection task and (ii) a supra-threshold depth-matching task using sinusoidally corrugated surfaces defined by binocular disparity or motion parallax. For low frequency corrugations, an orientation anisotropy was observed in both domains, with sensitivity decreasing as surface orientation was varied from horizontal to vertical. In the depth-matching task, for surfaces defined by binocular disparity the greatest depth was seen for oblique orientations. For surfaces defined by motion parallax, perceived depth was found to increase as surface orientation was varied from horizontal to vertical. In neither case was perceived depth for supra-threshold surfaces related to threshold performance in any simple manner. These results reveal clear differences between the perception of depth from binocular disparity or motion parallax, and between perception at threshold and supra-threshold levels of performance. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Enhancing Humoral Responses Against HIV Envelope Trimers via Nanoparticle Delivery with Stabilized Synthetic Liposomes

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    An HIV vaccine capable of eliciting durable neutralizing antibody responses continues to be an important unmet need. Multivalent nanoparticles displaying a high density of envelope trimers may be promising immunogen forms to elicit strong and durable humoral responses to HIV, but critical particle design criteria remain to be fully defined. To this end, we developed strategies to covalently anchor a stabilized gp140 trimer, BG505 MD39, on the surfaces of synthetic liposomes to study the effects of trimer density and vesicle stability on vaccine-elicited humoral responses in mice. CryoEM imaging revealed homogeneously distributed and oriented MD39 on the surface of liposomes irrespective of particle size, lipid composition, and conjugation strategy. Immunization with covalent MD39-coupled liposomes led to increased germinal center and antigen-specific T follicular helper cell responses and significantly higher avidity serum MD39-specific IgG responses compared to immunization with soluble MD39 trimers. A priming immunization with liposomal-MD39 was important for elicitation of high avidity antibody responses, regardless of whether booster immunizations were administered with either soluble or particulate trimers. The stability of trimer anchoring to liposomes was critical for these effects, as germinal center and output antibody responses were further increased by liposome compositions incorporating sphingomyelin that exhibited high in vitro stability in the presence of serum. Together these data highlight key liposome design features for optimizing humoral immunity to lipid nanoparticle immunogens.National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (U.S.) (Award UM1AI100663)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Award P01-AI104715)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Award P01-AI048240)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Grant P30-CA14051

    Plaid slant and inclination thresholds can be predicted from components

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    We investigated whether stereoscopic slant and inclination thresholds for surfaces defined by two component plaids could be predicted from the interocular differences in their individual component gratings. Thresholds were measured for binocular images defined by single sinusoidal gratings and two component plaids. In both cases thresholds showed a marked dependence on component orientation. For absolute component orientations greater than 45 deg we found that inclination thresholds were smaller than slant thresholds. However, for absolute component orientations less than 45 deg, we found a reversal: slant thresholds were smaller than inclination thresholds. We considered three models that might account for these data. One assumed that thresholds stemmed from interocular position differences of corresponding image points. The other two assumed a combination of position, orientation and/or spatial-frequency differences. The best fits were obtained from those models that explicitly represented orientation differences. From the model combining orientation and spatial-frequency differences, we estimated the relative cue sensitivity to be 1.7:1, respectively. For plaids, we found that thresholds obtained from the individual components could be used to predict thresholds for plaids, even though an additional disparity cue from the contrast beat was available

    Diagnostic and cost utility of whole exome sequencing in peripheral neuropathy.

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore the diagnostic utility and cost effectiveness of whole exome sequencing (WES) in a cohort of individuals with peripheral neuropathy. METHODS: Singleton WES was performed in individuals recruited though one pediatric and one adult tertiary center between February 2014 and December 2015. Initial analysis was restricted to a virtual panel of 55 genes associated with peripheral neuropathies. Patients with uninformative results underwent expanded analysis of the WES data. Data on the cost of prior investigations and assessments performed for diagnostic purposes in each patient was collected. RESULTS: Fifty patients with a peripheral neuropathy were recruited (median age 18 years; range 2-68 years). The median time from initial presentation to study enrollment was 6 years 9 months (range 2 months-62 years), and the average cost of prior investigations and assessments for diagnostic purposes AU$4013 per patient. Eleven individuals received a diagnosis from the virtual panel. Eight individuals received a diagnosis following expanded analysis of the WES data, increasing the overall diagnostic yield to 38%. Two additional individuals were diagnosed with pathogenic copy number variants through SNP microarray. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence that WES has a high diagnostic utility and is cost effective in patients with a peripheral neuropathy. Expanded analysis of WES data significantly improves the diagnostic yield in patients in whom a diagnosis is not found on the initial targeted analysis. This is primarily due to diagnosis of conditions caused by newly discovered genes and the resolution of complex and atypical phenotypes