19 research outputs found

    An insertional mutagenesis programme with an enhancer trap for the identification and tagging of genes involved in abiotic stress tolerance in the tomato wild-related species Solanum pennellii

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    Salinity and drought have a huge impact on agriculture since there are few areas free of these abiotic stresses and the problem continues to increase. In tomato, the most important horticultural crop worldwide, there are accessions of wild-related species with a high degree of tolerance to salinity and drought. Thus, the finding of insertional mutants with other tolerance levels could lead to the identification and tagging of key genes responsible for abiotic stress tolerance. To this end, we are performing an insertional mutagenesis programme with an enhancer trap in the tomato wild-related species Solanum pennellii. First, we developed an efficient transformation method which has allowed us to generate more than 2,000 T-DNA lines. Next, the collection of S. pennelli T0 lines has been screened in saline or drought conditions and several presumptive mutants have been selected for their salt and drought sensitivity. Moreover, T-DNA lines with expression of the reporter uidA gene in specific organs, such as vascular bundles, trichomes and stomata, which may play key roles in processes related to abiotic stress tolerance, have been identified. Finally, the growth of T-DNA lines in control conditions allowed us the identification of different development mutants. Taking into account that progenies from the lines are being obtained and that the collection of T-DNA lines is going to enlarge progressively due to the high transformation efficiency achieved, there are great possibilities for identifying key genes involved in different tolerance mechanisms to salinity and drought

    Insulin resistance and its association with the components of the metabolic syndrome among obese children and adolescents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insulin resistance is the primary metabolic disorder associated with obesity; yet little is known about its role as a determinant of the metabolic syndrome in obese children. The aim of this study is to assess the association between the degree of insulin resistance and the different components of the metabolic syndrome among obese children and adolescents.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An analytical, cross-sectional and population-based study was performed in forty-four public primary schools in Campeche City, Mexico. A total of 466 obese children and adolescents between 11-13 years of age were recruited. Fasting glucose and insulin concentrations, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressures were measured; insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome were also evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Out of the total population studied, 69% presented low values of high density lipoprotein cholesterol, 49% suffered from abdominal obesity, 29% had hypertriglyceridemia, 8% presented high systolic and 13% high diastolic blood pressure, 4% showed impaired fasting glucose, 51% presented insulin resistance and 20% metabolic syndrome. In spite of being obese, 13% of the investigated population did not present any metabolic disorder. For each one of the components of the metabolic syndrome, when insulin resistance increased so did odds ratios as cardiometabolic risk factors.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Regardless of age and gender an increased degree of insulin resistance is associated with a higher prevalence of disorders in each of the components of the metabolic syndrome and with a heightened risk of suffering metabolic syndrome among obese children and adolescents.</p

    Genetic dissection of tomato rootstock effects on scion traits under moderate salinity

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    The present study approaches the QTL dissection of rootstock effects on a commercial hybrid variety grafted on a population of RILs derived from Solanum pimpinellifolium, genotyped for 4370 segregating SNPs from the SolCAP tomato panel and grown under moderate salinity. Results are compared to those previously obtained under high salinity. The most likely functional candidate genes controlling the scion [Na+] were rootstock HKT1;1 and HKT1;2 as it was previously reported for non-grafted genotypes. The higher fruit [Na+] found when rootstock genotype was homozygote for SpHKT1 supports the thesis that scion HKT1 is loading Na+ into the phloem sap in leaves and unloading it in sink organs. A significant increment of small, mostly seedless, fruits was found associated with SlHKT1 homozygous rootstocks. Just grafting increased the incidence of blossom end rot and delayed fruit maturation but there were rootstock RILs that increased commercial fruit yield under moderate salinity. The heritability and number of QTLs involved were lower and different than those found under high salinity. Four large contributing (>17 %) rootstock QTLs, controlling the leaf concentrations of B, K, Mg and Mo were detected whose 2 Mbp physical intervals contained B, K, Mg and Mo transporter-coding genes, respectively. Since a minimum of 3 QTLs (two of them coincident with leaf K and Ca QTLs) were also found governing rootstock-mediated soluble-solids content of the fruit under moderate salinity, grafting desirable crop varieties on stress-tolerant rootstocks tenders an opportunity to increase both salt tolerance and quality

    Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 34 Número 11-12

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    Fósforo orgánico en suelos naturales de Tenerife, por E. Fernández Caldas.-- F. Gutiérrez Jerez y J. A. Pérez Méndez.-- Clasificación de diez especies pratenses mediante un sistema test de calidad, por B. García Criado y J. M. Gómez Gutiérrez.-- Contenido de manganeso asimilable en diez suelos de la depresión del Duero, por L. Prat Pérez y J. M. Sierra PuparelLO.-- Síntesis de compuestos aromáticos por Eurotium echinulatum Delacr., por C. Sáiz-Jimenez y K. Haider.-- Caracterización del pigmento de Eurotium echinulatum Delacr., por C. Sáiz-Jimenez y K. Haider.-- Métodos físicos, por C. Sáiz-Jiméne.-- Caracterización del pigmento de EuroJtilm¡ echitmlatum Delacr. III. Métodos degradativos, por C. Sáis-Jiménez y K. Haider.-- Estudio de la acción ejercida sobre la planta de maíz por el ácido húmico de un estiércol extraído por dos extractantes. I. Acción sobre la parte aérea, por V. Hernando, C. Ortega y C. Fortún.-- Estudio de la acción ejercida sobre la plama dé maíz por el ácido húmico de un estiércol extraído por dos extractantes. ll. Acción sobre la raíz, por V. Hernando, C. Ortega y C. Fortún.-- Evolución de suelos con la altitud en la vertiente sur de la Sierra de Gredas, por R. Jiménez Ballesta y A. Guerra.-- Determinación del boro en diferentes partes de la planta de fresa, por J. A. Rosón.-- Riestra, lsabel Martín del Molino y J. Sancho Ursa.-- Relaciones Q/I de potasio en andosuelos de la isla de Tenerife. I, por E. Fernández Caldas, A. Borges Pérez y J. Hernández Moreno.-- Relaciones Q/ I de potasio en vertisoles y suelos pardos de la isla de Tenerife. II, por E. Fernández Caldas, J. Hemándes Moreno y A. Borges Pérez.-- Cruzamiento natural en tomate, por J. Cuartero y M. Vaguena.-- Extracción y determinación de nitrato en hojas de Citrus, por C. Alearas, F.-J. López-Andreu y E. Banet.-- Evolución de los contenidos foliares de boro en limonero verna, por F. López Andréu, C. Alearas, A. León y S. Llorente.-- Nota inicial.-- La preparación de microperfiles de suelos por medio de latex vinílico, por E. Barahona Fernández.—Estudios recapitulativos.-- Producción de hormonas vegetales por microorganismos, por J. M.. Barca y E. Montoya.-- Nota aclaratoria.-- Apéndice al trabajo Caracterización del pigmento Erotium echinulatum Delacr. l. Datos analíticos, por C. Sáiz-Jiménez.-- Notas.-- Renovación de la Junta de Gobierno del Patronato Alonso de Herrera.-- Representes en el Consejo Ejecutivo.-- Elección de Consejeros de Número y Adjuntos.--Variaciones de directivos .-- Consejo Técnico Asesor del Patronato Alonso de Herrera.-- El Director del Centio de Edafología y Biología Aplicada de Tenerife designado miembro del Consejo Ejecutivo del C. S. l. C.-- El Prof. Balcells miembro del Consejo Ejecutivo del C. S. l. C.-- Renuncia del Dr. D. Wiemberg como Director de la Estación Experimental La MayoraPeer reviewe

    Identification of protective peptides of Fasciola hepatica-derived cathepsin L1 (FhCL1) in vaccinated sheep by a linear B-cell epitope mapping approach

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    Background: Fasciolosis is one of the most important parasitic diseases of livestock. The need for better control strategies gave rise to the identification of various vaccine candidates. The recombinant form of a member of the cysteine protease family, cathepsin L1 of Fasciola hepatica (FhCL1) has been a vaccine target for the past few decades since it has been shown to behave as an immunodominant antigen. However, when FhCL1 was used as vaccine, it has been observed to elicit significant protection in some trials, whereas no protection was provided in others. Methods: In order to improve vaccine development strategy, we conducted a linear B-cell epitope mapping of FhCL1 in sheep vaccinated with FhCL1, FhHDM, FhLAP and FhPrx plus Montanide and with significant reduction of the fluke burden, sheep vaccinated with FhCL1, FhHDM, FhLAP and FhPrx plus aluminium hydroxide and with nonsignificant reduction of the fluke burden, and in unvaccinated-infected sheep. Results: Our study showed that the pattern and dynamic of peptide recognition varied noticeably between both vaccinated groups, and that the regions 55–63 and 77–84, which are within the propeptide, and regions 102–114 and 265–273 of FhCL1 were specifically recognised only by vaccinated sheep with significant reduction of the fluke burden. In addition, these animals also showed significant production of specific IgG2, whereas a scarce non-significant production was observed in animals vaccinated with Aluminium hydroxide and no production was detected in infected control animals. Conclusions: We have identified 42 residues of FhCL1 that contributed to protective immunity against infection with F. hepatica in sheep. Our results provide indications in relation to key aspects of the immune response. Given the variable outcomes of vaccination trials conducted in ruminants to date, this study adds new insights to improve strategies of vaccine development

    Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 41 Número 7-8

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    Suelos. Empleo de mpleo del coeficiente de correlacion para la seleccion de caracteristicas en taxonomia numerica de suelos, por F. Monturiol Rodríguez y. L. Alcala Del Olmo B.-- Modelos dinamicos en el estudio de la genesis del suelo p o r J. E. Garcia Hernandez.-- A computer-based soil evaluation system for assessing soil productivity p o r D. de la Rosa.-- Relaciones fisico-quimicas y espectrales del suelo p o r Jose L. Labrandero.-- procesos de alteracion; genesis y estabilidad mineral de suelos volcanicos (volcan de piedrabuena, ciudad real) II. caracteres fisicos y fisico-quimicos p o r Martín De Vidales, J. L., Sanz, J., Casas, J., Rodríguez Sanchidrian, J. Y, Guerra Delgado, A.-- Significado de la presencia de horizontes bt en suelos de las facies de madrid. aproximacion para explicar el contenido de arcilla en este tipo de horizontes p o r Jimenez Ballesta, R. Martin De Vidales. J. L. y Garcia Gimenez, R.-- Actividad enzima tica y microbiana en diversos andosoles de tenerife p o r J. M. Lozano, P. T. C. Carvalho Y F. Velasco.-- Estudio de la variabilidad de poblaciones de nema todos fitoparasitos de limonero. l. tylenchulus semipenetrans Cobb por Ortuño Martinez, A.Hernansaez Rabay, A., Gomez Gomez, J. y Abrisqueta Garcia, J. M.-- Estudio climatico de la hoja topografica 1:50.000 905 de linares (Jaen) p o r G. Delgado y J. Aguilar.-- Estudio del sistema SI(oh)4-AI+ -Mg2+ -Na+ -h20 a temperatura y presion ordinarias. l. precipit acion de silicio, aluminio y magnesio por Reyes, M., Huertas, F., Linares, J. y Reyes, E. -- Estudio del sistema SI(oh)4-AI+ -Mg2+ -Na+ -h20 a temperatura y presion ordinarias. II. Composicion quimica y mineralogica de los precipitados, por Reyes, M., Huertas, F., Linares, J. y Reyes, E.-- Fertilidad. estudio comparativo sobre nitrificaciones en un suelo de regadio frente a uno de secano por F. Gallardo-Lara. A. Molina-Diaz Y E. Esteban-Velasco.-- Consideraciones sobre la utilizacion de la tecnica extractiv a de burriel y hernando para la evaluacion del p asimilable en suelos por J. A. Díez.—Nutrición y Fisiología Vegetal. Balance nutriente evolutivo: aplicaciones por O. Carpena Artes y R. O. Carpena Ruiz.-- Estudio de algunos aspectos ecofisiologicos en el analisis de la produccion de grano en los cultivos de cebada (gen. Hordeum l) II. Efecto del nitrogeno y del azufre por via foliar por L. F. Garcia Del Moral, J. M. Ramos y L. Recalde-Manrique y L. Recalde Martinez.- Evolucion de la fraccion organica y mineral de un pastizal de la marisma del guadalquivir. ii. fraccion organica de la vegetación por Hernandez, J. M., Barroso, M., Chaves, M. y Murillo, J. M.-- Evolucion de la fraccion organica y mineral de una pradera halofita de la marisma del guadalquivir. III. relaciones fisiológicas Por Barroso, M., Hernandez, J. M., Murillo, J. M. Y Chaves, M.-- Ordenacion automatica de comunidades de pastizal. un ejemplo de su validez con la eliminacion de las especies menos abundantes por A. Puerto Martin, M. Rico Rodriguez, B. Redondo Prieto y J. M. Gomez Gutierrez.-- Produccion y extraccion de bioelementos en pastizales naturales y especies pratenses cultivadas por B. García Criado. A. Garcia Ciudad, M. I. Montalvo Hernandez y L. Garcia Criado.-- Precocidad en tomate para consumo en fresco por J. Cuartero Y F. Nuez.-- Estudio de la nutricion del cultivo del haba (Vicia faba L.) por Eduardo Esteban Velasco. Francisco Gallardo-Lara y Josefa Robles Fernandez.-- Relaciones proteinas y lipidos con niveles de bioelementos edaficos en semillas de leguminosas por Ortuño Martinez, A. Hernansaez Rabay, A. Y Abrisqueta Garcia. J. M.-- Influencia del pretratamiento de semillas de girasol con boro sobre la germinacion y primeras fases de desarrollo de la planta por Jimenez. F. y Aguilar, A.-- Determinacion de la variedad de patata (solanum tuberosum l.) por analisis electroforetico de las proteinas del tuberculo. por J. Lopez-Gorgé, A. Chueca y M. Vilchez.-- Cambios metabolicos durante el proceso de maduracion de la uva (vitis vinifera, l. var. palomino) en la zona del marco de jerez de la frontera (cadiz) por L. Catalina, C. Mazuelos, R. Romero Y R. Sarmiento.-- Datos nomenclaturales y ecologicos sobre taxones españoles del genero satureja (labiatae) por Salvador Rivas-Martinez.—Trabajos recapitulativos.-- La Rizosfera: Interacciones Microbio-Planta por J. M. Barea y C. Azcon-Aguilar.-- MÉtodos de a tomizacion electrotermica en espectrofotometria de absorcion atomica revisión por M. D. Mingorance y M. Lachica.—Notas.Peer reviewe

    Analysis of the contribution of <it>FTO</it>, <it>NPC1, ENPP1, NEGR1, GNPDA2</it> and <it>MC4R</it> genes to obesity in Mexican children

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent genome wide association studies (GWAS) and previous positional linkage studies have identified more than 50 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with obesity, mostly in Europeans. We aimed to assess the contribution of some of these SNPs to obesity risk and to the variation of related metabolic traits, in Mexican children.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The association of six European obesity-related SNPs in or near <it>FTO, NPC1, ENPP1, NEGR1, GNPDA2</it> and <it>MC4R</it> genes with risk of obesity was tested in 1,463 school-aged Mexican children (<it>N</it><sub><it>cases</it></sub> = 514; <it>N</it><sub><it>controls</it></sub> = 949). We also assessed effects of these SNPs on the variation of body mass index (BMI), fasting serum insulin levels, fasting plasma glucose levels, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, in a subset of 1,171 nonobese Mexican children.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found a significant effect of <it>GNPDA2</it> rs10938397 on risk of obesity (odds ratio [OR] = 1.30; <it>P</it> = 1.34 × 10<sup>-3</sup>). Furthermore, we found nominal associations between obesity risk or BMI variation and the following SNPs: <it>ENPP1</it> rs7754561, <it>MC4R</it> rs17782313 and <it>NEGR1</it> rs2815752. Importantly, the at-risk alleles of both <it>MC4R</it> rs17782313 and <it>NPC1</it> rs1805081 showed significant effect on increased fasting glucose levels (β = 0.36 mmol/L; <it>P</it> = 1.47 × 10<sup>-3</sup>) and decreased fasting serum insulin levels (β = −0.10 μU/mL; <it>P</it> = 1.21 × 10<sup>-3</sup>), respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our present results suggest that some obesity-associated SNPs previously reported in Europeans also associate with risk of obesity, or metabolic quantitative traits, in Mexican children. Importantly, we found new associations between <it>MC4R</it> and fasting glucose levels, and between <it>NPC1</it> and fasting insulin levels.</p