560 research outputs found

    NASA-JSC antenna near-field measurement system

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    Work was completed on the near-field range control software. The capabilities of the data processing software were expanded with the addition of probe compensation. In addition, the user can process the measured data from the same computer terminal used for range control. The design of the laser metrology system was completed. It provides precise measruement of probe location during near-field measurements as well as position data for control of the translation beam and probe cart. A near-field range measurement system was designed, fabricated, and tested

    Analyse der Veränderungen von Wavelet-transformierten elektromyographischen Signalen, wie sie beim Tragen einer Kniebandage entstehen

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    Der Vergleich von diversen Elektromyogrammen stellt eine wesentliche Anforderung an die Datenanalyse dar. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, eine Methode mit geringem mathematischem Aufwand vorzustellen, mit der kleine Veränderungen am Bewegungsapparat durch Auswertung des EMG-Signals einfach und mit einer hohen Sensitivität ermittelt und dargestellt werden können. Die Wavelettransformierten Elektromyogramme bilden Intensitätsbilder, die in einem Bildraum als Punkte dargestellt werden können. Die Distanz-analyse der Bildpunkte im Bildraum erlaubt es festzustellen, ob zwei Gruppen von Elektromyogrammen - im vorliegenden Falle diejenigen, die beim Gehen mit und ohne Kniebandage gemessen wurden - sich im Mittel signifikant unterscheiden. Die Methode definiert eine Distanz-Winkel-Darstellung und Differenz-Intensitätsbilder, die es erlauben, die Auftrennung optisch zu beurteilen. Es ist zu erwarten, daβ bei gröβeren Interventionen die Unterschiede deutlicher erscheinen werden. The comparison of electromyograms represents a challenge for data analysis. The aim of the project was to present a method that uses a minimal computational effort to resolve small but significant changes in the muscular activity that occur while walking with and without a knee brace. The wavelet transformed electromyograms were represented as intensity patterns that resolve the power of the signal in time and frequency. The intensity pattern of each electromyogram defines single points in a pattern space. The distance between these points in pattern space were used to detect and show the separation between the groups of electromyograms that were recorded while walking with and without a knee brace. The method proposes a distance versus angle representation to visually discriminate the intensity patterns. Once it has been shown that the differences are statistically significant, one can visualize the result in a difference intensity pattern that indicates at what time and at what frequency the electromyograms vary between the two conditions tested. It is to be expected that interventions that are more intrusive than a knee brace will reveal even more distinct difference

    Local impact of solar variation on NO2 in the lower mesosphere and upper stratosphere from 2007 to 2012

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    MIPAS/ENVISAT data of nighttime NO2 volume mixing ratios (VMR) from 2007 until 2012 between 40 km and 62 km altitude are compared with the geomagnetic Ap index and solar Lyman-α radiation. The local impact of variations in geomagnetic activity and solar radiation on the VMR of NO 2 in the lower mesosphere and upper stratosphere in the Northern Hemisphere is investigated by means of superposed epoch analysis. Observations in the Northern Hemisphere show a clear 27-day period of the NO2 VMR. This is positively correlated with the geomagnetic Ap index at 60-70° N geomagnetic latitude but also partially correlated with the solar Lyman-α radiation. However, the dependency of NO2 VMR on geomagnetic activity can be distinguished from the impact of solar radiation. This indicates a direct response of NOx (NO + NO2) to geomagnetic activity, probably due to precipitating particles. The response is detected in the range between 46 km and 52 km altitude. The NO2 VMR epoch maxima due to geomagnetic activity is altitude-dependent and can reach up to 0.4 ppb, leading to mean production rates of 0.029 ppb (Ap d)-1. Observations in the Southern Hemisphere do not have the same significance due to a worse sampling of geomagnetic storm occurances. Variabilities due to solar variation occur at the same altitudes at 60-70° S geomagnetic latitude but cannot be analyzed as in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the first study showing the direct impact of electron precipitation on NOx at those altitudes in the spring/summer/autumn hemisphere. © 2014 Author(s).F. Friederich and M. Sinnhuber gratefully acknowledge funding by the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres (HGF), grant VH-NG-624Peer Reviewe

    Changes in axonal excitability of primary sensory afferents with general anaesthesia in humans

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    BACKGROUND: Intraoperative monitoring of neuronal function is important in a variety of surgeries. The type of general anaesthetic used can affect the interpretation and quality of such recordings. Although the principal effects of general anaesthetics are synaptically mediated, the extent to which they affect excitability of the peripheral afferent nervous system is unclear. METHODS: Forty subjects were randomized in a stratified manner into two groups, anaesthetized with either propofol or sevoflurane. The threshold tracking technique (QTRAC(®)) was used to measure nerve excitability parameters of the sensory action potential of the median nerve before and after induction of general anaesthesia. RESULTS: Several parameters of peripheral sensory afferent nerve excitability changed after induction of general anaesthesia, which were similar for both propofol and sevoflurane. The maximum amplitude of the sensory nerve action potential decreased in both groups (propofol: 25.3%; sevoflurane: 29.5%; both P<0.01). The relative refractory period [mean (sd)] also decreased similarly in both groups [propofol: -0.6 (0.7) ms; sevoflurane: -0.3 (0.5) ms; both P<0.01]. Skin temperature at the stimulation site increased significantly in both groups [propofol: +1.2 (1.0)°C; sevoflurane: +1.7 (1.4)°C; both P<0.01]. CONCLUSIONS: Small changes in excitability of primary sensory afferents after the induction of anaesthesia with propofol or sevoflurane were detected. These effects, which were non-specific and are possibly explained by changes observed in temperature, demonstrate possible anaesthetic effects on intraoperative neuromonitoring

    A First Comparison of the responses of a He4-based fast-neutron detector and a NE-213 liquid-scintillator reference detector

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    A first comparison has been made between the pulse-shape discrimination characteristics of a novel 4^{4}He-based pressurized scintillation detector and a NE-213 liquid-scintillator reference detector using an Am/Be mixed-field neutron and gamma-ray source and a high-resolution scintillation-pulse digitizer. In particular, the capabilities of the two fast neutron detectors to discriminate between neutrons and gamma-rays were investigated. The NE-213 liquid-scintillator reference cell produced a wide range of scintillation-light yields in response to the gamma-ray field of the source. In stark contrast, due to the size and pressure of the 4^{4}He gas volume, the 4^{4}He-based detector registered a maximum scintillation-light yield of 750~keVee_{ee} to the same gamma-ray field. Pulse-shape discrimination for particles with scintillation-light yields of more than 750~keVee_{ee} was excellent in the case of the 4^{4}He-based detector. Above 750~keVee_{ee} its signal was unambiguously neutron, enabling particle identification based entirely upon the amount of scintillation light produced.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A review addresse

    Undislozierte osteoporotische Insuffizienzfraktur des medialen Schenkelhalses: SPECT/CT macht den diagnostischen Unterschied

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    Zusammenfassung: Fragilitätsfrakturen des Schenkelhalses sind die häufigsten Frakturen bei alten Patienten und sind mit einer hohen Mortalität verbunden. Ätiologisch stehen diese regelmäßig in Zusammenhang mit Stürzen. In Fällen von unverschobenen Insuffizienzfrakturen lässt sich die Diagnose nicht immer allein in konventionellen Projektionsradiographien stellen. Dann stehen die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) als auch nuklearmedizinische Verfahren wie SPECT (Einzelphotonen-Emissionscomputertomographie, "single photon emission computed tomography") oder SPECT/CT zur erweiterten Diagnostik zur Verfügung. Wir berichten von einer 83-jährigen Patientin, die seit 6Monaten über persistierende belastungsabhängige Hüftschmerzen klagte. Ein Trauma sei ihr nicht erinnerlich. Die klinische als auch konventionell radiologische Diagnostik wie auch die CT-Abklärung verlief frustran. Zur erweiterten diagnostischen Abklärung und zur besseren Abgrenzung zwischen einer lumbalen und koxogenen Beschwerdesymptomatik wurde anschließend ein SPECT/CT durchgeführt. Es zeigte sich in der Mineralstoffwechselphase eine bandförmige Mehranreicherung des 99mTc-HDP-Tracers im medialen Schenkelhals. Die SPECT/CT-Untersuchung stellt in geriatrischen Patienten eine viel versprechende Erweiterung der diagnostischen Möglichkeiten dar und sollte bei persistierenden unklaren Beschwerden zur Anwendung kommen

    Lifetime and production rate of NOx in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere in the polar spring/summer after the solar proton event in October - November 2003

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    We present altitude-dependent lifetimes of NOx, determined with MIPAS/ENVISAT (the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding/the European Environment Satellite), for the Southern polar region after the solar proton event in October–November 2003. Between 50° S and 90° S and decreasing in altitude they range from about two days at 64 km to about 20 days at 44 km. The lifetimes are controlled by transport, mixing and photochemistry. We infer estimates of dynamical lifetimes by comparison of the observed decay to photochemical lifetimes calculated with the SLIMCAT 3-D Model. Photochemical loss contributes to the observed NOx depletion by 0.1% at 44 km, increasing with altitude to 45% at 64 km. In addition, we show the correlation of modelled ionization rates and observed NOx densities under consideration of the determined lifetimes of NOx, and calculate altitudedependent effective production rates of NOx due to ionization. For that we compare ionization rates of the AIMOS data base with the MIPAS measurements from 15 October–31 December 2003. We derive effective NOx-production rates to be applied to the AIMOS ionization rates which range from about 0.2 NOx-molecules per ion pair at 44 km to 0.7 NOx-molecules per ion pair at 62 km. These effective production rates are considerably lower than predicted by box model simulations which could hint at an overestimation of the modelled ionization rates