110 research outputs found

    A Solvable 2D Quantum Gravity Model with \GAMMA >0

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    We consider a model of discretized 2d gravity interacting with Ising spins where phase boundaries are restricted to have minimal length and show analytically that the critical exponent γ=1/3\gamma= 1/3 at the spin transition point. The model captures the numerically observed behavior of standard multiple Ising spins coupled to 2d gravity.Comment: Latex, 9 pages, NBI-HE-94-0

    A restricted dimer model on a 2-dimensional random causal triangulation

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    We introduce a restricted hard dimer model on a random causal triangulation that is exactly solvable and generalizes a model recently proposed by Atkin and Zohren. We show that the latter model exhibits unusual behaviour at its multicritical point; in particular, its Hausdorff dimension equals 3 and not 3/2 as would be expected from general scaling arguments. When viewed as a special case of the generalized model introduced here we show that this behaviour is not generic and therefore is not likely to represent the true behaviour of the full dimer model on a random causal triangulation.Comment: 26 pages, typos corrected, slight generalization adde

    Universality of hypercubic random surfaces

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    We study universality properties of the Weingarten hyper-cubic random surfaces. Since a long time ago the model with a local restriction forbidding surface self-bendings has been thought to be in a different universality class from the unrestricted model defined on the full set of surfaces. We show that both models in fact belong to the same universality class with the entropy exponent gamma = 1/2 and differ by finite size effects which are much more pronounced in the restricted model.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Topological quantum field theory and invariants of graphs for quantum groups

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    On basis of generalized 6j-symbols we give a formulation of topological quantum field theories for 3-manifolds including observables in the form of coloured graphs. It is shown that the 6j-symbols associated with deformations of the classical groups at simple even roots of unity provide examples of this construction. Calculational methods are developed which, in particular, yield the dimensions of the state spaces as well as a proof of the relation, previously announced for the case of SUq(2)SU_q(2) by V.Turaev, between these models and corresponding ones based on the ribbon graph construction of Reshetikhin and Turaev.Comment: 38 page

    On the relation between two quantum group invariants of 3-cobordisms

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    We prove in the context of quantum groups at even roots of unity that a Turaev-Viro type invariant of a three-dimensional cobordism M equals the tensor product of the Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants of M and M*, where the latter denotes M with orientation reversed

    The spectral dimension of generic trees

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    We define generic ensembles of infinite trees. These are limits as NN\to\infty of ensembles of finite trees of fixed size NN, defined in terms of a set of branching weights. Among these ensembles are those supported on trees with vertices of a uniformly bounded order. The associated probability measures are supported on trees with a single spine and Hausdorff dimension dh=2d_h =2. Our main result is that their spectral dimension is ds=4/3d_s=4/3, and that the critical exponent of the mass, defined as the exponential decay rate of the two-point function along the spine, is 1/3

    Condensation in nongeneric trees

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    We study nongeneric planar trees and prove the existence of a Gibbs measure on infinite trees obtained as a weak limit of the finite volume measures. It is shown that in the infinite volume limit there arises exactly one vertex of infinite degree and the rest of the tree is distributed like a subcritical Galton-Watson tree with mean offspring probability m<1m<1. We calculate the rate of divergence of the degree of the highest order vertex of finite trees in the thermodynamic limit and show it goes like (1m)N(1-m)N where NN is the size of the tree. These trees have infinite spectral dimension with probability one but the spectral dimension calculated from the ensemble average of the generating function for return probabilities is given by 2β22\beta -2 if the weight wnw_n of a vertex of degree nn is asymptotic to nβn^{-\beta}.Comment: 57 pages, 14 figures. Minor change

    Random trees with superexponential branching weights

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    We study rooted planar random trees with a probability distribution which is proportional to a product of weight factors wnw_n associated to the vertices of the tree and depending only on their individual degrees nn. We focus on the case when wnw_n grows faster than exponentially with nn. In this case the measures on trees of finite size NN converge weakly as NN tends to infinity to a measure which is concentrated on a single tree with one vertex of infinite degree. For explicit weight factors of the form wn=((n1)!)αw_n=((n-1)!)^\alpha with α>0\alpha >0 we obtain more refined results about the approach to the infinite volume limit.Comment: 19 page

    Phase Structure of the O(n) Model on a Random Lattice for n>2

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    We show that coarse graining arguments invented for the analysis of multi-spin systems on a randomly triangulated surface apply also to the O(n) model on a random lattice. These arguments imply that if the model has a critical point with diverging string susceptibility, then either \g=+1/2 or there exists a dual critical point with negative string susceptibility exponent, \g', related to \g by \g=\g'/(\g'-1). Exploiting the exact solution of the O(n) model on a random lattice we show that both situations are realized for n>2 and that the possible dual pairs of string susceptibility exponents are given by (\g',\g)=(-1/m,1/(m+1)), m=2,3,.... We also show that at the critical points with positive string susceptibility exponent the average number of loops on the surface diverges while the average length of a single loop stays finite.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX file, two eps-figure