2,523 research outputs found

    Probing charge fluctuator correlations using quantum dot pairs

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    We study a pair of quantum dot exciton qubits interacting with a number of fluctuating charges that can induce a Stark shift of both exciton transition energies. We do this by solving the optical master equation using a numerical transfer matrix method. We find that the collective influence of the charge environment on the dots can be detected by measuring the correlation between the photons emitted when each dot is driven independently. Qubits in a common charge environment display photon bunching, if both dots are driven on resonance or if the driving laser detunings have the same sense for both qubits, and antibunching if the laser detunings have in opposite signs. We also show that it is possible to detect several charges fluctuating at different rates using this technique. Our findings expand the possibility of measuring qubit dynamics in order to investigate the fundamental physics of the environmental noise that causes decoherence.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    A Non-Demolition Single Spin Meter

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    We present the theory of a single spin meter consisting of a quantum dot in a magnetic field under microwave irradiation combined with a charge counter. We show that when a current is passed through the dot, a change in the average occupation number occurs if the microwaves are resonant with the on-dot Zeeman splitting. The width of the resonant change is given by the microwave induced Rabi frequency, making the quantum dot a sensitive probe of the local magnetic field and enabling the detection of the state of a nearby spin. If the dot-spin and the nearby spin have different g-factors a non-demolition readout of the spin state can be achieved. The conditions for a reliable spin readout are found.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Almost Euclidean sections of the N-dimensional cross-polytope using O(N) random bits

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    It is well known that R^N has subspaces of dimension proportional to N on which the \ell_1 norm is equivalent to the \ell_2 norm; however, no explicit constructions are known. Extending earlier work by Artstein--Avidan and Milman, we prove that such a subspace can be generated using O(N) random bits.Comment: 16 pages; minor changes in the introduction to make it more accessible to both Math and CS reader

    Quantum thermometry using the ac Stark shift within the Rabi model

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    This work was supported by the EPSRC, the National Research Foundation and Ministry of Education, Singapore, and the Royal Society.A quantum two-level system coupled to a harmonic oscillator represents a ubiquitous physical system. New experiments in circuit QED and nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) achieve unprecedented coupling strength at large detuning between qubit and oscillator, thus requiring a theoretical treatment beyond the Jaynes-Cummings model. Here we present a new method for describing the qubit dynamics in this regime, based on an oscillator correlation function expansion of a non-Markovian master equation in the polaron frame. Our technique yields a new numerical method as well as a succinct approximate expression for the qubit dynamics. These expressions are valid in the experimentally interesting regime of strong coupling at low temperature. We obtain a new expression for the ac Stark shift and show that this enables practical and precise qubit thermometry of an oscillator.Peer reviewe

    Quantum-enhanced capture of photons using optical ratchet states

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    Natural and artificial light harvesting systems often operate in a regime where the flux of photons is relatively low. Besides absorbing as many photons as possible it is therefore paramount to prevent excitons from annihilation via photon re-emission until they have undergone an irreversible energy conversion process. Taking inspiration from photosynthetic antenna structures, we here consider ring-like systems and introduce a class of states we call ratchets: excited states capable of absorbing but not emitting light. This allows our antennae to absorb further photons whilst retaining the excitations from those that have already been captured. Simulations for a ring of four sites reveal a peak power enhancement by up to a factor of 35 under ambient conditions owing to a combination of ratcheting and the prevention of emission through dark-state population. In the slow extraction limit the achievable power enhancement due to ratcheting alone exceeds 20%.Comment: major revision with improved model (all data and figures updated

    Differential Evolution for Many-Particle Adaptive Quantum Metrology

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    We devise powerful algorithms based on differential evolution for adaptive many-particle quantum metrology. Our new approach delivers adaptive quantum metrology policies for feedback control that are orders-of-magnitude more efficient and surpass the few-dozen-particle limitation arising in methods based on particle-swarm optimization. We apply our method to the binary-decision-tree model for quantum-enhanced phase estimation as well as to a new problem: a decision tree for adaptive estimation of the unknown bias of a quantum coin in a quantum walk and show how this latter case can be realized experimentally.Comment: Fig. 2(a) is the cover of Physical Review Letters Vol. 110 Issue 2

    Exchange coupling between silicon donors: the crucial role of the central cell and mass anisotropy

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    Donors in silicon are now demonstrated as one of the leading candidates for implementing qubits and quantum information processing. Single qubit operations, measurements and long coherence times are firmly established, but progress on controlling two qubit interactions has been slower. One reason for this is that the inter donor exchange coupling has been predicted to oscillate with separation, making it hard to estimate in device designs. We present a multivalley effective mass theory of a donor pair in silicon, including both a central cell potential and the effective mass anisotropy intrinsic in the Si conduction band. We are able to accurately describe the single donor properties of valley-orbit coupling and the spatial extent of donor wave functions, highlighting the importance of fitting measured values of hyperfine coupling and the orbital energy of the 1s1s levels. Ours is a simple framework that can be applied flexibly to a range of experimental scenarios, but it is nonetheless able to provide fast and reliable predictions. We use it to estimate the exchange coupling between two donor electrons and we find a smoothing of its expected oscillations, and predict a monotonic dependence on separation if two donors are spaced precisely along the [100] direction.Comment: Published version. Corrected b and B values from previous versio

    Recent Developments in the Law of the Seas: A Synopsis

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    This Synopsis is an attempt to summarize legally significant events relevant to the law of the seas on a continuing yearly basis. This initial effort encompasses significant state, national, and international events which occurred between July 1, 1969, and March 15, 1970, indexed chronologically within each topic heading. The selection of the included events is arbitrary, due to the incompleteness of available resource materials and the lack of any established indices of significance. Of the numerous resources utilized, primary reliance was placed on the New York Times, the United States Code Congressional and Administrative News and the West Publishing Company\u27s National Reporter System advance sheets

    Superabsorption of light via quantum engineering

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    Almost 60 years ago Dicke introduced the term superradiance to describe a signature quantum effect: N atoms can collectively emit light at a rate proportional to N^2. Even for moderate N this represents a significant increase over the prediction of classical physics, and the effect has found applications ranging from probing exciton delocalisation in biological systems, to developing a new class of laser, and even in astrophysics. Structures that super-radiate must also have enhanced absorption, but the former always dominates in natural systems. Here we show that modern quantum control techniques can overcome this restriction. Our theory establishes that superabsorption can be achieved and sustained in certain simple nanostructures, by trapping the system in a highly excited state while extracting energy into a non-radiative channel. The effect offers the prospect of a new class of quantum nanotechnology, capable of absorbing light many times faster than is currently possible; potential applications of this effect include light harvesting and photon detection. An array of quantum dots or a porphyrin ring could provide an implementation to demonstrate this effect