16,533 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Noise in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Depth Profiles

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    The noise in the depth profiles of secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is studied using different samples under various experimental conditions. Despite the noise contributions from various parts of the dynamic SIMS process, its overall character agrees very well with the Poissonian rather than the Gaussian distribution in all circumstances. The Poissonian relation between the measured mean-square error (MSE) and mean can be used to describe our data in the range of four orders. The departure from this relation at high counts is analyzed and found to be due to the saturation of the channeltron used. Once saturated, the detector was found to exhibit hysteresis between rising and falling input flux and output counts.Comment: 14 pages, 4 postscript figures, to appear on J. Appl. Phy

    Ionizing radiation fluctuations and large-scale structure in the Lyman-alpha forest

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    We investigate the large-scale inhomogeneities of the hydrogen ionizing radiation field in the Universe at redshift z=3. Using a raytracing algorithm, we simulate a model in which quasars are the dominant sources of radiation. We make use of large scale N-body simulations of a LambdaCDM universe, and include such effects as finite quasar lifetimes and output on the lightcone, which affects the shape of quasar light echoes. We create Lya forest spectra that would be generated in the presence of such a fluctuating radiation field, finding that the power spectrum of the Lya forest can be suppressed by as much as 15 % for modes with k=0.05-1 Mpc/h. This relatively small effect may have consequences for high precision measurements of the Lya power spectrum on larger scales than have yet been published. We also investigate another radiation field probe, the cross-correlation of quasar positions and the Lya forest. For both quasar lifetimes which we simulate (10^7 yr and 10^8 yr), we expect to see a strong decrease in the Lya absorption close to other quasars (the ``foreground'' proximity effect). We then use data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey First Data Release to make an observational determination of this statistic. We find no sign of our predicted lack of absorption, but instead increased absorption close to quasars. If the bursts of radiation from quasars last on average < 10^6 yr, then we would not expect to be able to see the foreground effect. However, the strength of the absorption itself seems to be indicative of rare objects, and hence much longer total times of emission per quasar. Variability of quasars in bursts with timescales > 10^4yr and < 10^6 yr could reconcile these two facts.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 21 pages, 17 postscript figures, emulateapj.st

    Obtaining Stiffness Exponents from Bond-diluted Lattice Spin Glasses

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    Recently, a method has been proposed to obtain accurate predictions for low-temperature properties of lattice spin glasses that is practical even above the upper critical dimension, dc=6d_c=6. This method is based on the observation that bond-dilution enables the numerical treatment of larger lattices, and that the subsequent combination of such data at various bond densities into a finite-size scaling Ansatz produces more robust scaling behavior. In the present study we test the potential of such a procedure, in particular, to obtain the stiffness exponent for the hierarchical Migdal-Kadanoff lattice. Critical exponents for this model are known with great accuracy and any simulations can be executed to very large lattice sizes at almost any bond density, effecting a insightful comparison that highlights the advantages -- as well as the weaknesses -- of this method. These insights are applied to the Edwards-Anderson model in d=3d=3 with Gaussian bonds.Comment: corrected version, 10 pages, RevTex4, 12 ps-figures included; related papers available a http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/boettcher

    Correlated radial velocity and X-ray variations in HD 154791/4U 1700+24

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    We present evidence for approximately 400-d variations in the radial velocity of HD 154791 (V934 Her), the suggested optical counterpart of 4U 1700+24. The variations are correlated with the previously reported approximately 400 d variations in the X-ray flux of 4U 1700+24, which supports the association of these two objects, as well as the identification of this system as the second known X-ray binary in which a neutron star accretes from the wind of a red giant. The HD 154791 radial velocity variations can be fit with an eccentric orbit with period 404 +/- 3 d, amplitude K=0.75 +/- 0.12 km/s and eccentricity e=0.26 +/- 0.15. There are also indications of variations on longer time scales >~ 2000 d. We have re-examined all available ASM data following an unusually large X-ray outburst in 1997-98, and confirm that the 1-d averaged 2-10 keV X-ray flux from 4U 1700+24 is modulated with a period of 400 +/- 20 d. The mean profile of the persistent X-ray variations was approximately sinusoidal, with an amplitude of 0.108 +/- 0.012 ASM count/s (corresponding to 31% rms). The epoch of X-ray maximum was approximately 40 d after the time of periastron according to the eccentric orbital fit. If the 400 d oscillations from HD 154791/4U 1700+24 are due to orbital motion, then the system parameters are probably close to those of the only other neutron-star symbiotic-like binary, GX 1+4. We discuss the similarities and differences between these two systems.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; accepted by Ap

    Minimum target prices for production of direct acting antivirals and associated diagnostics to combat Hepatitis C Virus

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    Combinations of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) can cure hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the majority of treatment-naïve patients. Mass treatment programs to cure HCV in developing countries are only feasible if the costs of treatment and laboratory diagnostics are very low. This analysis aimed to estimate minimum costs of DAA treatment and associated diagnostic monitoring. Clinical trials of HCV DAAs were reviewed to identify combinations with consistently high rates of sustained virological response across hepatitis C genotypes. For each DAA, molecular structures, doses, treatment duration, and components of retrosynthesis were used to estimate costs of large-scale, generic production. Manufacturing costs per gram of DAA were based upon treating at least 5 million patients per year and a 40% margin for formulation. Costs of diagnostic support were estimated based on published minimum prices of genotyping, HCV antigen tests plus full blood count/clinical chemistry tests. Predicted minimum costs for 12-week courses of combination DAAs with the most consistent efficacy results were: US122perpersonforsofosbuvir+daclatasvir;US122 per person for sofosbuvir+daclatasvir; US152 for sofosbuvir+ribavirin; US192forsofosbuvir+ledipasvir;andUS192 for sofosbuvir+ledipasvir; and US115 for MK-8742+MK-5172. Diagnostic testing costs were estimated at US90forgenotypingUS90 for genotyping US34 for two HCV antigen tests and US22fortwofullbloodcount/clinicalchemistrytests.Conclusions:MinimumcostsoftreatmentanddiagnosticstocurehepatitisCvirusinfectionwereestimatedatUS22 for two full blood count/clinical chemistry tests. Conclusions: Minimum costs of treatment and diagnostics to cure hepatitis C virus infection were estimated at US171-360 per person without genotyping or US$261-450 per person with genotyping. These cost estimates assume that existing large-scale treatment programs can be established. (Hepatology 2015;61:1174–1182

    Electrostatic protection of the Solar Power Satellite and rectenna

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    Several features of the interactions of the solar power satellite (SPS) with its space environment were examined theoretically. The voltages produced at various surfaces due to space plasmas and the plasma leakage currents through the kapton and sapphire solar cell blankets were calculated. At geosynchronous orbit, this parasitic power loss is only 0.7%, and is easily compensated by oversizing. At low-Earth orbit, the power loss is potentially much larger (3%), and anomalous arcing is expected for the EOTV high voltage negative surfaces. Preliminary results of a three dimensional self-consistent plasma and electric field computer program are presented, confirming the validity of the predictions made from the one dimensional models. Magnetic shielding of the satellite, to reduce the power drain and to protect the solar cells from energetic electron and plasma ion bombardment is considered. It is concluded that minor modifications can allow the SPS to operate safely and efficiently in its space environment. The SPS design employed in this study is the 1978 MSFC baseline design utilizing GaAs solar cells at CR-2 and an aluminum structure

    Correlated X-ray and Optical Variability in Mkn 509

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    We present results of a 3 year monitoring campaign of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Markarian 509, using X-ray data from the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) and optical data taken by the SMARTS consortium. Both light curves show significant variations, and are strongly correlated with the optical flux leading the X-ray flux by 15 days. The X-ray power spectrum shows a steep high-frequency slope of -2.0, breaking to a slope of -1.0 at at timescale of 34 days. The lag from optical to X-ray emission is most likely caused by variations in the accretion disk propagating inward.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Interstellar medium disruption in the Centaurus A group

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    We present the results of a 21 cm neutral hydrogen (HI) line detection experiment in the direction of 18 low luminosity dwarf galaxies of the Centaurus A group, using the Australia Telescope National Facility 64m Parkes Radio Telescope and the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Five dwarfs have HI masses between M_HI=4x10^5 to M_HI=2.1x10^7 Msol and 0.04<M_HI/L_B<1.81 Msol L_{sol, B}^-1. The other 13 have upper-limits between M_HI<5x10^5 and M_HI<4x10^6 Msol (M_HI}/L_B<0.24 Msol L_{sol, B}^-1). Two of the mixed-morphology dwarfs remain undetected in HI, a situation that is in contrast to that of similar Local Group and Sculptor group objects where all contain significant amounts of neutral gas. There is a discontinuity in the HI properties of Centaurus A group low luminosity dwarfs that is unobserved amongst Sculptor group dwarfs. All objects fainter than M_B=-13 have either M_HI>10^7 Msol or M_HI<10^6 Msol. This gap may be explained by the ram pressure stripping mechanism at work in this dense environment where all galaxies with M_HI<10^7 Msol have been stripped of their gas. The required intergalactic medium density to achieve this is ~10^-3 cm^-3.Comment: 7 figures, 2 table