13 research outputs found

    Diagnosis and management of colon cancer patients presenting in advanced stages of complications

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    Colorectal cancer is an important health problem with a significant impact on the individual and society. Malignancy (including colorectal cancer) is usually slightly symptomatic in its initial stages. This causes cancer to be discovered in some patients accidentally (either through screening tests in predisposed individuals or during routine investigations for other diseases), while in other patients the colorectal cancer is discovered in late stages, when the symptoms are much more intense due to complications. Unfortunately, such advanced cases of the disease have high rates of morbidity and mortality even with treatment. Current treatment methods are usually complex, interdisciplinary, causing significant suffering (physical, mental) to the individual, while the cost of treatment per patient seems to be extremely high. Until finding therapeutic methods that are effective and accessible to most patients with advanced colorectal cancer, several methods of prophylaxis and early diagnosis should be considered, to reduce as much as possible the devastating impact of this disease. The purpose of this review is to present literature data regarding the current methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients presenting to the doctor with colorectal cancer in advanced stages of complications

    Management of systemic lupus erythematosus in pregnancy

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus is one of the most common autoimmune disorders affecting young women. Pregnant women with lupus are generally at higher risk for certain pregnancy complications than women without comorbidities. Even so, a pregnancy with lupus can be carried to term in optimal conditions if it is properly managed by a doctor. Monitoring is generally recommended six months after the onset of lupus symptoms, and ideally there should be no active lupus symptoms prior to conception. General screening tests should include the anti-phospholipid, anti-Ro and anti-La antibodies. Women who are positive for these antibodies have an increased risk of congenital heart block in the fetus. In addition, pregnant women with lupus have an increased risk of spontaneous abortion, intrauterine fetal growth restriction, pre-term birth, while neonatal lupus syndrome is a major fetal condition. The maternal risks are faced with disease flares, pre-eclampsia and other complications. Treatment options during pregnancy are limited to a few safe medications. For example, prednisone is unlikely to cause fetal malformations, but it increases the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure in the mother. Consequently, a careful multidisciplinary monitoring is essential for optimal results in pregnancy with lupus

    Upper gastrointestinal bleeding during the COVID-19 pandemic; particularities of diagnosis and therapy

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    SARS-COV 2 recently caused a global pandemic, with the first case being reported in Romania in February 2020. Important restrictive measures were imposed, so that the addressability of patients to medical services decreased. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding had more severe forms of evolution at the time of presentation, which required additional methods of diagnosis and treatment. This is a retrospective study performed on 268 patients, which aims to evaluate the type and effectiveness of different treatment methods for upper gastrointestinal bleeding during the COVID 19 pandemic. Severity assessment was performed by measuring the Rockall score and additional methods of diagnosis. The association of COVID-19 with upper gastrointestinal bleeding can lead to much more severe outcomes for the patient, so treatment must be sustained and fast established. If the initial therapeutic methods fail, the other available therapeutic measures should be introduced progressively and without delay to achieve the best possible outcomes

    Diabetic patients and postoperative complications in colorectal surgery

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    Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common comorbidities of patients undergoing surgery. Colorectal surgery is frequently associated with postoperative complications, and diabetic patients represent a population that presents a high risk of developing such complications. Understanding the interrelationships between neoplastic disease and diabetes, as well as the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying postoperative complications, are essential for effective therapeutic management. Genetic predispositions, alterations in the gut microbiota, inflammatory response, ischemic, thrombotic and infectious processes contribute significantly to the development of severe surgical complications, such as anastomotic fistulas. Postoperative ileus, characterized by gastrointestinal dysmotility, is common in diabetic patients due to neuropathic dysfunction and altered intestinal metabolism. In addition, diabetic patients are at increased risk of intestinal ischemia, requiring specific perioperative care. The strategies to avoid these complications assume an adequate surgical technique, a personalized anesthesia management, and last but not least, the best possible glycemic control. This article highlights the importance of a better understanding of the interaction between diabetes and postoperative complications, in order to obtain good results with an important impact on the patient\u27s health and well-being. This article highlights the importance of a better understanding of the interplay between diabetes and postoperative complications informs targeted interventions aimed at reducing morbidity and improving patient well-being

    Management of pelvic pain caused by endometriosis

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    Endometriosis is a disorder of the epithelium and/or endometrial-like stroma outside the endometrium and myometrium, usually with an associated inflammatory process. It mainly affects young women of reproductive age, the prevalence being estimated at approximately 10%. Due to the varied clinical symptoms marked by chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, infertility, dyspareunia, dysuria, endometriosis requires a complex treatment. Endometriosis is a major health problem with socioeconomic impact, which is why many gynecological societies have published different guidelines to assist clinicians in the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. The variety of available treatments combined with the complexity of this disease leads to significant discrepancies between recommendations. The most used is the ESHRE guidelines published in 2022, which represents an update of the ESHRE guidelines on endometriosis published in 2013 and 2005 regarding the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of endometriosis treatment methods after comparing several widely used guidelines in endometriosis management

    Genetic and serological markers in colorectal cancer surgery

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    Colon cancer is relatively asymptomatic in the early stages, the manifestations appearing and intensifying with the evolution of the disease, especially when associated with local and/or systemic complications. In such cases, surgical interventions are often emergency and involve more extensive operations (on metabolically and immune-stressed organisms), so that an early diagnosis (endoscopy, tumor markers, etc.) remains not only desirable but even a priority, especially in predisposed patients (genetic factors, lifestyle, etc.). As a consequence, the involvement of tumor markers in colon neoplasms has become more and more investigated in recent times. This review investigates the roles of serological and genetic markers in the management of patients with colon cancer, focusing on carcinoembryonic antigen, mismatch repair deficiency (dMMR), as well as KRAS and BRAF mutations. As a preliminary conclusion, tumor biomarkers seem to have a significant contribution to the diagnosis, decisions related to operative management, prognosis and postoperative follow-up of colon cancer, both in the categories of patients from high-risk groups and those without a clear predisposition to this condition

    Surgery of the colon; the impact of colostomy and postoperative complications on patients' quality of life

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    Introduction. This study aims to evaluate the impact of stoma formation on the quality of life of patients undergoing colonic surgery, considering both emergency and elective procedures. Several factors (demographic data, Charlson comorbidity score, type of surgical intervention, duration of hospitalization, postoperative outcomes and complications, etc.) were analyzed to understand their influence on patients' well-being. Materials and Methods. A retrospective analysis was performed on patients who underwent colorectal surgery that required stoma formation. A total of 270 patients were included in the study, with 69.25% undergoing emergency surgery and 30.74% undergoing elective procedures. Results. The Charlson comorbidity score was significantly higher in the emergency surgery group compared to the elective group, 8.51 vs 7.67, respectively (p < 0.05). Patients who underwent emergency surgery experienced more postoperative (including stoma-related) complications, leading to a lower quality of life score compared to those undergoing elective procedures. Conclusions. Especially in emergency cases, colostomy involves difficulties related to patient compliance and quality of life, a fact supported by higher scores regarding comorbidities and postoperative complications. Thus, presenting patients at early stages of disease, customized surgical techniques, and appropriate preoperative counseling can help improve both patient outcomes and overall well-being


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    The aim of the study was to asses the primary teeth integrity from the Korkhaus zone in a sample of patients aged between 6 and 9 years old (72-108 months, mean age 88.43), attending the Paedodontics Department from Carol Davila University, Bucharest. Material and methods. The retrospective study was conducted on 140 patients (70 girls). Dental status of the Korkhaus teeth was evaluated: sound, decayed, filled, physiological rizalise and early extraction. The carious experience indices were also calculated for each sex: dmft, dmfs, DMFT, DMFS. Data were analysed using Microsoft Excel 2010 software. Results. Korkhaus zone. Sounds (58.81%): c- 28.21%; m1-15.11%; m2-15.48%. Decayed (34.23%): c-3.33%; m1- 15%; m2-16%. Filled (2.26%): c-0%; m1-1.07%; m2- 1.2%. Physiological rizalise (2.32%): c-0.65%; m1- 1.37%; m2-0.3%. Early extraction (2.38%): c-1%; m1-0.77%; m2-0.5%. Carious experience. Girls: dmft 5.28±3.72; dmfs 11.62±10.64; DMFT 0.9±1.49; DMFS 1.07±1.76. Boys: dmft 4.98±3.92; dmfs 11.49±12.82; DMFT 0.67 ±1.13; DMFS 0.74±1.3. Conclusions. Only 60% from the Korkhaus teeth were sound. Girls were more affected by caries than boys. Immediate preventive local methods and the treatment of incipient carious lesions are important goals for the primary teeth from the Korkhaus zon


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    This study presents statistically processed morphometric data on maxillary and mandibular keratinised mucosa height and some clinical considerations. Measurements were performed at incisive, premolar and molar levels, in the maxillary and the mandibular jaws, in 31 patients (21 women and 10 men). The results obtained were centralised and the mean values of the keratinised mucosa height were determined, which were graphically presented. These results were then discussed by comparing with the findings in other studies

    An Overview on the Anticancer Activity of <i>Azadirachta indica</i> (Neem) in Gynecological Cancers

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    In recent years, a wide range of studies have pointed out the importance of nutraceuticals as reservoirs of therapeutic compounds for several diseases, including cancer. This study is centered on the role of some nutraceuticals as anticancer agents and on their efficiency in the oncological gynecological field. Gynecological cancers include cervical, ovarian, and breast neoplasia and these are the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the female population. Cervical neoplasia affects sexually active women aged between 30 and 40 years and is considered the second leading cause of death for women worldwide. Epidemiological studies have shown a strong association of this cancer with human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, independent of any others risk factors. Ovarian cancer represents about 4% of all women&#8217;s cancers and breast neoplasia registers 52.8 new cases per 100,000 women annually. Since ancient times, herbal therapies have shown a wide range of beneficial effects and a high potential for safeguarding human health. Azadirachta indica (Neem) is a medicinal plant of Indian origin, a tree with more of 140 isolated compounds and at least 35 biologically active principles that have shown an important influence as tumor suppressors by interfering with the carcinogenesis process. Used for centuries in Asia as a natural remedy for cancer, neem compounds present in bark, leaves, flowers, and seed oil have been shown to possess properties such as chemopreventive capacity, apoptotic activities, immunomodulatory effects, and induction of p53-independent apoptosis. The current study is a systematic literature review based on the anticarcinogenic potential of neem compounds in gynecological cancers