8 research outputs found

    Loupe: Driving the Development of OS Compatibility Layers

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    Supporting mainstream applications is fundamental for a new OS to have impact. It is generally achieved by developing a layer of compatibility allowing applications developed for a mainstream OS like Linux to run unmodified on the new OS. Building such a layer, as we show, results in large engineering inefficiencies due to the lack of efficient methods to precisely measure the OS features required by a set of applications. We propose Loupe, a novel method based on dynamic analysis that determines the OS features that need to be implemented in a prototype OS to bring support for a target set of applications and workloads. Loupe guides and boosts OS developers as they build compatibility layers, prioritizing which features to implement in order to quickly support many applications as early as possible. We apply our methodology to 100+ applications and several OSes currently under development, demonstrating high engineering effort savings vs. existing approaches: for example, for the 62 applications supported by the OSv kernel, we show that using Loupe, would have required implementing only 37 system calls vs. 92 for the non-systematic process followed by OSv developers. We study our measurements and extract novel key insights. Overall, we show that the burden of building compatibility layers is significantly less than what previous works suggest: in some cases, only as few as 20% of system calls reported by static analysis, and 50% of those reported by naive dynamic analysis need an implementation for an application to successfully run standard benchmarks.Comment: Accepted to appear at ASPLOS'24 (https://www.asplos-conference.org/asplos2024/

    FlexOS: Towards Flexible OS Isolation

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    At design time, modern operating systems are locked in a specific safety and isolation strategy that mixes one or more hardware/software protection mechanisms (e.g. user/kernel separation); revisiting these choices after deployment requires a major refactoring effort. This rigid approach shows its limits given the wide variety of modern applications' safety/performance requirements, when new hardware isolation mechanisms are rolled out, or when existing ones break. We present FlexOS, a novel OS allowing users to easily specialize the safety and isolation strategy of an OS at compilation/deployment time instead of design time. This modular LibOS is composed of fine-grained components that can be isolated via a range of hardware protection mechanisms with various data sharing strategies and additional software hardening. The OS ships with an exploration technique helping the user navigate the vast safety/performance design space it unlocks. We implement a prototype of the system and demonstrate, for several applications (Redis/Nginx/SQLite), FlexOS' vast configuration space as well as the efficiency of the exploration technique: we evaluate 80 FlexOS configurations for Redis and show how that space can be probabilistically subset to the 5 safest ones under a given performance budget. We also show that, under equivalent configurations, FlexOS performs similarly or better than several baselines/competitors.Comment: Artifact Evaluation Repository: https://github.com/project-flexos/asplos22-a

    Unikraft:Fast, Specialized Unikernels the Easy Way

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    Unikernels are famous for providing excellent performance in terms of boot times, throughput and memory consumption, to name a few metrics. However, they are infamous for making it hard and extremely time consuming to extract such performance, and for needing significant engineering effort in order to port applications to them. We introduce Unikraft, a novel micro-library OS that (1) fully modularizes OS primitives so that it is easy to customize the unikernel and include only relevant components and (2) exposes a set of composable, performance-oriented APIs in order to make it easy for developers to obtain high performance. Our evaluation using off-the-shelf applications such as nginx, SQLite, and Redis shows that running them on Unikraft results in a 1.7x-2.7x performance improvement compared to Linux guests. In addition, Unikraft images for these apps are around 1MB, require less than 10MB of RAM to run, and boot in around 1ms on top of the VMM time (total boot time 3ms-40ms). Unikraft is a Linux Foundation open source project and can be found at www.unikraft.or

    Assessing the Impact of Interface Vulnerabilities in Compartmentalized Software

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    This artifact contains the source code of ConfFuzz, the proof of-concept of our CIV fuzzer presented at NDSS'23 ("Assessing the Impact of Interface Vulnerabilities in Compartmentalized Software"), along with the full CIV data set and processing scripts. The goal of this artifact is to allow readers to access the CIV data set, and build new research on top of ConfFuzz. Abstract of the paper: Least-privilege separation decomposes applications into compartments limited to accessing only what they need. When compartmentalizing existing software, many approaches neglect securing the new inter-compartment interfaces, although what used to be a function call from/to a trusted component is now potentially a targeted attack from a malicious compartment. This results in an entire class of security bugs: Compartment Interface Vulnerabilities (CIVs). This paper provides an in-depth study of CIVs. We taxonomize these issues and show that they affect all known compartmentalization approaches. We propose ConfFuzz, an in-memory fuzzer specialized to detect CIVs at possible compartment boundaries. We apply ConfFuzz to a set of 25 popular applications and 36 possible compartment APIs, to uncover a wide data-set of 629 vulnerabilities. We systematically study these issues, and extract numerous insights on the prevalence of CIVs, their causes, impact, and the complexity to address them. We stress the critical importance of CIVs in compartmentalization approaches, demonstrating an attack to extract isolated keys in OpenSSL and uncovering a decade-old vulnerability in sudo. We show, among others, that not all interfaces are affected in the same way, that API size is uncorrelated with CIV prevalence, and that addressing interface vulnerabilities goes beyond writing simple checks. We conclude the paper with guidelines for CIV-aware compartment interface design, and appeal for more research towards systematic CIV detection and mitigation.Paper on arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.12904. Other funding sources: NSF CNS #2008867, #2146537, and ONR N00014-22-1-2057

    FlexOS:towards flexible OS isolation

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    At design time, modern operating systems are locked in a specific safety and isolation strategy that mixes one or more hardware/software protection mechanisms (e.g. user/kernel separation); revisiting these choices after deployment requires a major refactoring effort. This rigid approach shows its limits given the wide variety of modern applications' safety/performance requirements, when new hardware isolation mechanisms are rolled out, or when existing ones break. We present FlexOS, a novel OS allowing users to easily specialize the safety and isolation strategy of an OS at compilation/deployment time instead of design time. This modular LibOS is composed of fine-grained components that can be isolated via a range of hardware protection mechanisms with various data sharing strategies and additional software hardening. The OS ships with an exploration technique helping the user navigate the vast safety/performance design space it unlocks. We implement a prototype of the system and demonstrate, for several applications (Redis/Nginx/SQLite), FlexOS' vast configuration space as well as the efficiency of the exploration technique: we evaluate 80 FlexOS configurations for Redis and show how that space can be probabilistically subset to the 5 safest ones under a given performance budget. We also show that, under equivalent configurations, FlexOS performs similarly or better than existing solutions which use fixed safety configurations

    Unikraft and the Coming of Age of Unikernels

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    Thanks to their excellent performance, unikernels have always had a great deal of potential for revolutionizing the efficiency of virtualization and cloud deployments. However, after many years and several projects, unikernels, for the most part, have not seen significant, real-world deployment. In this article we argue that several factors contributed to this in the past, including lack of POSIX compatibility and the resulting lack of support for applications and languages, difficult or not widely adopted tooling ecosystems, lack of basic security features, and sometimes less-than-stellar performance. After many years of work on the Linux Foundation's Unikraft project, whose explicit goal is to tackle these issues directly, we believe that the time for unikernels to finally enter the main stage is now