49 research outputs found

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    I studien har implementeringen av miljökvalitetsmålet God bebyggd miljö varit huvudfokus. Hanteringen på nationell, regional och lokal nivå har studerats för att få en bred förståelse om utmaningar vid implementeringen av miljökvalitetsmålet. De områden som vi främst studerat inom God bebyggd miljö är trafikplanering och urban grönstruktur. En kvalitativ intervjustudie har genomförts med informanter på Naturvårdsverket, Boverket, Länsstyrelsen i Östergötland samt Linköpings kommun för att se likheter och skillnader i resonemang vad gäller implementeringen av miljökvalitetsmålet mellan de olika samhällsnivåerna. En stor del av analysen utgör de utmaningar som har framkommit i intervjustudien vilket är utmaningar som berör problematik och utmaningar för trafikplanering och urban grönstruktur, juridiska styrmedel och planinstrument, politisk drivkraft, ekonomi och resurser, samverkan samt uppföljning. Genom sitt fokus bidrar studien både till förståelsen för hur miljömålsarbetet hanteras och hur implementeringen skulle kunna förbättras. De mest omfattande utmaningarna vad gäller implementeringen är miljökvalitetsmålets bredd och komplexitet, bristen på långsiktigt hänsynstagande och förmågan att samverkan inom samhällsnivåerna.

    Phosphorus sorption, accumulation and leaching

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    Arable land is a major diffuse source of P loads to surface waters. The main processes for P losses from agricultural fields are erosion, surface runoff and subsurface leaching. To identify agricultural soils vulnerable to P losses, it is necessary to understand the processes behind these losses. This thesis mainly concerns processes influencing subsurface leaching. Phosphorus sorption and accumulation were studied in the laboratory to evaluate how these processes affect the release of P, which potentially can be leached. Furthermore, P leaching from undisturbed soil cores exposed to natural conditions was studied. All studies were performed on soils from the Swedish long-term fertility experiment, which includes soil types common in southern and central Sweden, each with four soil P levels. P sorption capacity in the soils studied ranged from 6.0 to 12.2 mmol kg-1 soil and was correlated with the amounts of oxalate extractable Fe and Al in the soils. Phosphorus release was correlated with soil test P values (STP) for individual soils, but STP could not explain P release when soils with different P sorption capacities were considered. Instead, estimates of P sorption saturation using a ratio of STP and P sorption capacity proved to be useful for assessing P release. Long-term inorganic P fertilization of 42 to 49 kg P ha-1yr-1 for more than 30 years caused P accumulation down to 40 cm depth in the soil profiles. Below this depth no differences in P properties were found between fertilized and non-fertilized soils. Total P losses from the lysimeters ranged from 0.03 to 1.09 kg ha-1yr-1 and were not correlated with either STP or P sorption saturation. Total P leaching was greatest from a soil in which macropore flow dominated water transport, irrespective of STP. In another soil, with low P sorption capacity, P sorption saturation and P leaching were high from the highest fertilized treatment. In the remaining soils, P sorption and release processes in the subsoils influenced P losses. The subsoils seemed to act either as a source or a sink of P and reduced the differences between treatments

    En studie av tillit som en kritisk faktor i ERP-projekt

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system har genom historien setts som komplexa, problematiska och verksamhetskritiska. ERP-projekt kräver ofta nära samarbeten mellan många parter. I ett sådant projekt blir tillit till IT-konsultbolaget/leverantören en viktig faktor och kan vara avgörande för projektets utfall. Trots detta har relativt lite forskning problematiserat hur ERP-projekt påverkas av bristande tillit mellan leverantör och kund. Denna uppsats tar sitt avstamp i att undersöka hur relationen mellan kund och konsult påverkar utfallet av en ERP-implementation. Vi ställde oss frågan; “Hur kan tillit mellan kund och konsult påverka ett ERP-projekts utfall?” Vi genomförde en kvalitativ intervjustudie där vi undersökte ett mindre IT-konsultbolags kundrelationer. Slutsatsen stödjer tidigare forskning; tillit mellan kund och konsult bör ses som en viktig faktor vid implementationsprojekt. Det vi däremot också kunde se i vår studie var att det finns en problematik i att anförskaffa sig tillit som IT-konsult. Tilliten riskerar att övergå till en mer personlig relation, där tilliten från kunden blir personanknuten och många gånger då problematisk för projektet. Konsulten riskerar att börja agera annorlunda och skapar orealistiska förväntningar hos konsulten. Detta resulterar inte sällan i ett projekt där man hamnar i en låst situation där det är svårt att vidareutveckla affärsrelationen

    Fastighetsbolags acceptans av digitala innovationer : - En studie inriktad mot digitala brevlådors påverkan och effekt på fastighetsbolag

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    Title: Real estate companies' acceptance of digital innovations - A study focused on the impact and effect of digital mailboxes on real estate companies. Subject: Bachelor's thesis in business administration- specialization real estate company acceptance of digital innovations, 15 HP. Problem statements: What does the acceptance of digital innovations look like in real estate companies with a main focus on apartment buildings? What impact and effect does the implementation of digital mailboxes in apartment buildings have from the perspective of real estate companies? Purpose: The aim of the thesis is to examine from a broad perspective real estate companies' views on the implementation of digital innovations in apartment buildings. More specifically, the implementation of digital mailboxes and opportunities in the development of postal market. The goal is to spread the knowledge and hopefully form the basis for future decisions in the area. Method: This study uses an abductive research approach, with an inductive core. The studybegan by identifying a current research area. The researchers collected empirical material and examined scientific articles to identify a research gap and create a problem formulation. To answer the research question, the researchers collected primary data through qualitative interviews with seven selected stakeholders at seven different companies. The survey is limited to five different respondents at different real estate companies. These five were supplemented with interviews with the Swedish post and telecom agency, as well as interviews with the authority for digital administration. Conclusion: The real estate companies place great focus and a lot of resources on digitization and digital innovations. However, it appears that the real estate companies have difficulty predicting the results of the projects. A clear understanding needs to be created about how the implementation affects the staff, why the system is implemented and all about the implementation benefits. It turns out that the area around digital mailboxes and digitization of letters is something that has not been discussed whether externally or internally within the real estate companies. The study shows clear incentives and motivation from the real estate companies to be part of the future development. The study shows that increased cooperation between the postal sector and the real estate companies, increases the opportunity to take advantage of benefits and reduce shortcomings caused by  the digital structural transformation that the postal market is facingtoday

    Potential phosphorus leaching from sandy topsoils with different fertilizer histories before and after application of pig slurry

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    This study investigated the effects of historical long-term and recent single applications of pig slurry on P leaching from intact columns of two sandy topsoils (Mellby and Böslid). The soils had similar physical properties, but different soil P status (ammonium lactate-extractable P; P-AL) and degree of P saturation (DPS-AL). Mellby had P-AL of 220-280 mg kg-1 and DPS-AL of 32-42%, which was higher than for Böslid (P-AL 140 mg kg-1 and DPS 21%). The study investigated the effects since 1983 of four treatments with different fertilizer histories, in summary high (HighSlurryMellby) and low (LowSlurryMellby) rates of pig slurry and mineral P (MinMellby) applications at Mellby and mineral P application at Böslid (MinBöslid). The columns were irrigated in the laboratory five times before and five times after a single application of pig slurry (22 kg P ha-1). Concentrations of dissolved reactive P (DRP), dissolved organic P and total-P (TP) in leachate and loads were significantly higher (p <0.005) from the treatments at Mellby than those at Böslid. TP concentrations followed the trend: HighSlurryMellby (0.57-0.59 mg L-1) > MinMellby (0.41-0.49 mg L-1) > LowSlurryMellby (0.31-0.36 mg L-1) > MinBöslid (0.14-0.15 mg L-1), both before and after the single slurry application. DRP concentrations in leachate were positively correlated with DPS-AL values in the topsoil (R2=0.95, p<0.0001), and increased with greater DPS-AL values after the single slurry application (R2=0.79, p<0.0001). Thus, DPS-AL can be an appropriate indicator of P leaching risk from sandy soils. Moreover, the build-up of soil P due to long-term repeated manure applications seems to be more important for potential P losses than a single manure application

    Upplevelser av kulturella aktiviteter i vårdandet : Patientens perspektiv

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    Minimize problems & conflicts in pipe coordination regarding cost allocation

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    Abstract Purpose: When the production of pipe transport occurs, the water supply system, television- and computer system (Opto), heating supplier and other pipe actors cooperates from the design phase to the production phase which entails a cost for each pipe actor. The current problem is the industry where there are no specific laws and rules regarding the cost allocations in the pipe coordination. It is known that the actors who skip some costs do not see it as a problem. Therefore, the investigations need to examine if and why the water supply organizations experience being responsible for the main costs in the design phase and if the other pipe actors have similar experiences. The other problem is management of pipe actors that join in at a later phase of the project. The goal of this report is to present suggestions of how to allocate the costs between each pipe actor, thus minimizing the risk for problem and conflicts in pipe coordination. Method: The used methods to answer the goal were; a qualitative research consisting of well-formulated questions in a semi-structured interview with relevant people. A quantitative research, constructed as a document analysis with calculations to account for costs in previous projects. Lastly, three fall studies were made to investigate the relation between water supply actors and other pipe actors. Findings: The final analyzed results and knowledge contribution shows how to allocate costs between actors as well as present the problems and conflicts that arise in pipe coordination. It is important to arrange pipe coordination at an early, as well as sustain and renewing the current data for pipe management as these are the main factors for misunderstanding. Implications: The final result of the report is a percentage of cost that mangers can take avenge of at pricing in projects. Also the possibilities to minimize the cost problems is development of a standard that everyone uses, explaining how pipes should locate in the trench. The project manager should become better at informing in earlier phases about pipe coordination. The pipe actors should update undocumented pipes so they are visible in a computer system. Limitations: The report opts to map problems in order to give suggestions on how to minimize complications in the pipe coordination between the water supply system, opto supplier and heating supplier in design and production phase. The report is relevant for every pipe actor and gives a better understanding to prevent problems and reduce costs. Interviews with engineers were conducted from different pipe actors and consult firms which gives a blanket results. Contact with more pipe actors for example electricity could have been consolidated with previous findings and thus make the conclusions more general. Keywords: Cost allocation, pipe actors, pipe coordination, problem and conflicts