9 research outputs found

    Monitoring der Arbeitsmarktauswirkung der Zuwanderung aus den neuen EU-Mitgliedsländern im Regime der Freizügigkeitn - begleitende Beratung und Analyse

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    Mit 1. Mai 2011 erhielten Staatsangehörige der 8 Mittel- und Osteuropäischen EU 8-Länder, die der europäischen Union am 1. Mai 2004 beitraten (die EU 8-Länder), uneingeschränkten Zugang zum österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt. Für Österreich war dies nach dem EWR-/EU-Beitritt eine weitere große Änderung im Zuwanderungsregime, da dadurch die Arbeitsaufnahme einer Zuwanderungsgruppe, die zuletzt laut Wanderungsstatistik rund 15 % der Gesamtzuwanderung nach Österreich ausmachte, vollkommen liberalisiert wurde. Ziel des vorliegenden Projektes ist es, das Ausmaß der Zuwanderung seit dem 1. Mai 2011 abzuschätzen und die dadurch möglicherweise verursachten Arbeitsmarktprobleme zu untersuchen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei – neben dem Niveau der Zuwanderung ausländischer Arbeitskräfte aus den EU 8-Ländern auf den österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt – der Veränderung ihrer Struktur gewidmet. Außerdem werden auch mögliche personengruppenspezifische sowie regional und sektoral differenzierte Auswirkungen der Zuwanderung untersucht

    Sorption of Ochratoxin A from Aqueous Solutions Using β-Cyclodextrin-Polyurethane Polymer

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    The ability of a cyclodextrin-polyurethane polymer to remove ochratoxin A from aqueous solutions was examined by batch rebinding assays. The results from the aqueous binding studies were fit to two parameter models to gain insight into the interaction of ochratoxin A with the nanosponge material. The ochratoxin A sorption data fit well to the heterogeneous Freundlich isotherm model. The polymer was less effective at binding ochratoxin A in high pH buffer (9.5) under conditions where ochratoxin A exists predominantly in the dianionic state. Batch rebinding assays in red wine indicate the polymer is able to remove significant levels of ochratoxin A from spiked solutions between 1–10 μg·L−1. These results suggest cyclodextrin nanosponge materials are suitable to reduce levels of ochratoxin A from spiked aqueous solutions and red wine samples

    Risks to human and animal health related to the presence of moniliformin in food and feed

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    The CONTAM Panel wishes to acknowledge all European competent authorities and other stakeholders that provided occurrence data on moniliformin in food and feed, and supported the consumption data collection for the Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database. Adopted: 21 November 2017Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The monophyly of island radiations: an evaluation of niche pre-emption and some alternative explanations

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    It has been argued that niche pre-emption is not the only possible explanation for monophyly among Macaronesian endemic plants because (i) interspecific competition is diffuse, not species-specific, (ii) the radiations in question may not in fact be monophyletic, and (iii) later colonists may have hybridized with earlier ones, making a small and undetected contribution to the gene pool of lineages that appear to be monophyletic. The niche pre-emption mechanism does not, however, require species-specific competitive interactions. It merely proposes that the clade created by adaptive radiation will occupy more niche space than the original colonist could on its own. Members of the clade will then collectively inhibit establishment by new colonists more effectively than can a colonist that has not radiated. The monophyly of many larger radiations in the Macaronesian flora is well established and new studies tend to confirm this pattern. A few later-arriving colonists may have undetectably hybridized with earlier arrivals, but this is only a genetic interpretation of the essential idea behind pre-emption, i.e. that early arrivals so outnumber later colonists that the latter cannot establish. We do not therefore believe that hybridization provides an alternative explanation of why groups with multiple colonization failed to radiate in Macaronesia