304 research outputs found

    Influence of experimental parameters using the dip-coating method on the barrier performance of hybrid sol-gel coatings in strong alkaline environments

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    Previous studies have shown that the barrier effect and the performance of organic-inorganic hybrid (OIH) sol-gel coatings are highly dependent on the coating deposition method as well as on the processing conditions. However, studies on how the coating deposition method influences the barrier properties in alkaline environments are scarce. The aim of this experimental research was to study the influence of experimental parameters using the dip-coating method on the barrier performance of an OIH sol-gel coating in contact with simulated concrete pore solutions (SCPS). The influence of residence time (Rt), a curing step between each dip step and the number of layers of sol-gel OIH films deposited on hot-dip galvanized steel to prevent corrosion in highly alkaline environments was studied. The barrier performance of these OIH sol-gel coatings, named U(400), was assessed in the first instants of contact with SCPS, using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potentiodynamic methods. The durability and stability of the OIH coatings in SCPS was monitored during eight days by macrocell current density. The morphological characterization of the surface was performed by Scanning Electronic Microscopy before and after exposure to SCPS. Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy was used to investigate the thickness of the U(400) sol-gel coatings as a function of the number of layers deposited with and without Rt in the coatings thickness.The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge to Victoria Smith for assisting in the revision of the manuscript, to Ana Paula Melo for assisting in AFM analysis, the financial support from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) for the PhD grant SFRH/BD/62601/2009 and to EU COST action MP1202: HINT-"Rational design of hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces: the next step towards functional materials"

    Mitochondrial Protein Import

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    The role of nucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) in mitochondrial protein import was investigated with the precursors of N. crassa ADP/ATP carrier, F1-ATPase subunit β, F0-ATPase subunit 9, and fusion proteins between subunit 9 and mouse dihydrofolate reductase. NTPs were necessary for the initial interaction of precursors with the mitochondria and for the completion of translocation of precursors from the mitochondrial surface into the mitochondria. Higher levels of NTPs were required for the latter reactions as compared with the early stages of import. Import of precursors having identical presequences but different mature protein parts required different levels of NTPs. The sensitivity of precursors in reticulocyte lysate to proteases was decreased by removal of NTPs and increased by their readdition. We suggest that the hydrolysis of NTPs is involved in modulating the folding state of precursors in the cytosol, thereby conferring import competence

    Pharmacokinetics of Sodium and Calcium Salts of (6S)-5-Methyltetrahydrofolic Acid Compared to Folic Acid and Indirect Comparison of the Two Salts

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    (6S)-5-Methyltetrahydrofolic acid ((6S)-5-Methyl-THF) salts and folic acid may differ in their abilities to raise plasma (6S)-5-Methyl-THF levels. We compared the area under the curve (AUC), Cmax, and Tmax of plasma (6S)-5-Methyl-THF after intakes of (6S)-5-Methyl-THF-Na salt (Arcofolin®) and folic acid. Moreover, we compared the AUCs after intakes of (6S)-5-Methyl-THF-Na and the calcium salt, (6S)-5-Methyl-THF-Ca, that were tested against folic acid in two independent studies. The study was randomized, double blind, and cross over. Twenty-four adults (12 men and 12 women) received a single oral dose of 436 µg (6S)-5-Methyl-THF-Na and an equimolar dose of folic acid (400 µg) on two kinetic days with two weeks washout period in between. The plasma concentrations of (6S)-5-Methyl-THF were measured at 9 time points between 0 and 8 h. We found that the AUC0–8 h of plasma (6S)-5-Methyl-THF (mean (SD) = 126.0 (33.6) vs. 56.0 (25.3) nmol/L*h) and Cmax (36.8 (10.8) vs. 11.1 (4.1) nmol/L) were higher after administration of (6S)-5-Methyl-THF-Na than after the administration of folic acid (p < 0.001 for both). These differences were present in men and women. Only administration of folic acid resulted in a transient increase in plasma unmetabolized folic acid (2.5 (2.0) nmol/L after 0.5 h and 4.7 (2.9) nmol/L after 1 h). Intake of (6S)-5-Methyl-THF-Na was safe. The ratios of the AUC0–8 h for (6S)-5-Methyl-THF-Na and (6S)-5-Methyl-THF-Ca to the corresponding folic acid reference group and the delta of these AUC0–8 h did not differ between the studies. In conclusion, a single oral dose of (6S)-5-Methyl-THF-Na caused higher AUC0–8 h and Cmax of plasma (6S)-5-Methyl-THF compared to folic acid. The Na- and Ca- salts of (6S)-5-Methyl-THF are not likely to differ in their pharmacokinetics. Further studies may investigate whether supplementation of the compounds for a longer time will lead to differences in circulating or intracellular/tissue folate concentrations

    Hybrid coatings enriched with tetraethoxysilane for corrosion mitigation of hot-dip galvanized steel in chloride contaminated simulated concrete pore solutions

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    Hybrid sol-gel coatings, named U(X):TEOS, based on ureasilicate matrices (U(X)) enriched with tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), were synthesized. The influence of TEOS addition was studied on both the structure of the hybrid sol-gel films as well as on the electrochemical properties. The effect of TEOS on the structure of the hybrid sol-gel films was investigated by solid state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The dielectric properties of the different materials were investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The corrosion behavior of the hybrid coatings on HDGS was studied in chloride-contaminated simulated concrete pore solutions (SCPS) by polarization resistance measurements. The roughness of the HDGS coated with hybrids was also characterized by atomic force microscopy. The structural characterization of the hybrid materials proved the effective reaction between Jeffamine® and 3-isocyanate propyltriethoxysilane (ICPTES) and indicated that the addition of TEOS does not seem to affect the organic structure or to increase the degree of condensation of the hybrid materials. Despite the apparent lack of influence on the hybrids architecture, the polarization resistance measurements confirmed that TEOS addition improves the corrosion resistance of the hybrid coatings (U(X):TEOS) in chloride-contaminated SCPS when compared to samples prepared without any TEOS (U(X)). This behavior could be related to the decrease in roughness of the hybrid coatings (due TEOS addition) and to the different metal coating interaction resulting from the increase of the inorganic component in the hybrid matrix.COST Action MP1202 (HINT) “Rational design of hybrid organic/inorganic interfaces: the next step towards advanced functional materials”The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) for the PhD grant SFRH/BD/62601/2009 and to Hugo Gomes for assisting in the execution of Figures 2 and 3. The research was performed within the frame of COST Action MP1202 (HINT) “Rational design of hybrid organic/inorganic interfaces: the next step towards advanced functional materials”. The COST action MP1202 (HINT) is acknowledged for providing funding for COST-STSM-MP1202-32076 grant that contributed to this research project.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transport into mitochondria and intramitochondrial sorting of the Fe/S protein of ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase

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    The Fe/S protein of complex III is encoded by a nuclear gene, synthesized in the cytoplasm as a precursor with a 32 residue amino-terminal extension, and transported to the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Our data suggest the following transport pathway. First, the precursor is translocated via translocation contact sites into the matrix. There, cleavage to an intermediate containing an eight residue extension occurs. The intermediate is then redirected across the inner membrane, processed to the mature subunit, and assembled into complex III. We suggest that the folding and membrane-translocation pathway in the endosymbiotic ancestor of mitochondria has been conserved during evolution of eukaryotic cells; transfer of the gene for Fe/S protein to the nucleus has led to addition of the presequence, which routes the precursor back to its “ancestral” assembly pathway

    Apocytochrome c

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    The cytochrome c import pathway differs markedly from the general route taken by the majority of other imported proteins, which is characterized by the import involvement of namely, surface receptors, the general insertion protein (GIP), contact sites and by the requirement of a membrane potential (Δψ). Unique features of both the cytochrome c precursor (apocytochrome c) and of the mechanism that transports it into mitochondria, have contributed to the evolution of a distinct import pathway that is not shared by any other mitochondrial protein analysed thus far. The cytochrome c pathway is particularly unique because i) apocytochrome c appears to have spontaneous membrane insertion-activity; ii) cytochrome c heme lyase seems to act as a specific binding site in lieu of a surface receptor and; iii) covalent heme addition and the associated refolding of the polypeptide appears to provide the free energy for the translocation of the cytochrome c polypeptide across the outer mitochondrial membrane

    Successive translocation into and out of the mitochondrial matrix

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    We investigated the import and sorting pathways of cytochrome b2 and cytochrome c1, which are functionally located in the intermembrane space of mitochondria. Both proteins are synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes as larger precursors and are processed in mitochondria in two steps upon import. The precursors are first translocated across both mitochondrial membranes via contact sites into the matrix. Processing by the matrix peptidase leads to intermediate-sized forms, which are subsequently redirected across the inner membrane. The second proteolytic processing occurs in the intermembrane space. We conclude that the hydrophobic stretches in the presequences of the intermediate-sized forms do not stop transfer across the inner membrane, but rather act as transport signals to direct export from the matrix into the intermembrane space