11 research outputs found

    Environmental analysis in building energetics sector from aspect of micro- and smallenterprises

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    Based on a model approach regarding the structural, relational and environmental features of the building energetics sector the article at first gives a concise and general view on the main conditions influencing the consumer market segment. After that, research results will be presented and commented concerning how Hungarian micro- and smallenterprises (MSEs) realize and evaluate these conditions from the point of view of their position, competitiveness and opportunities


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    Purpose – For Generation Z (born after 1995) tourism during the summer usually means visiting festivals (especially music festivals) or seeking for extraordinary experiences. For them, the classical tourist attractions are not satisfying and interesting anymore. The aim of the paper is to examine experience factors based on models from the literature review and understand the internal connections among the experience dimensions in the case of music festivals in Hungary. Design / Methodology / Approach – For testing the suggested model based on the literature review and previous researches, a quantitative primary research was conducted. A structured questionnaire was used focusing on five factors of experience economy in case of Hungarian music festivals. The data was collected by an online survey via LimeSurvey, and PLS-SEM path analysis was used to interpret the acquired data. Findings – As a result of the quantitative research significant connection appear among the five experience factors in the field of festivals like other previous researches suggested in other fields. Education, entertainment and escapism experience can be built on aesthetics and economic value – the fifth experience factor – can be built on these four factors. Originality of the research – Knowing how experience factors are based on each other and how they can influence each other is an important factor for festival managers to create an optimal and balanced mix of experience for visitors. By achieving this memorable experience and long lasting memories of the event can be reached

    Applying technology roadmapping for the energy saving industry

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    This paper discusses some issues of residential energy saving technologies in Hungary, applying a relatively new method. Coordination of public and industry investments - compling with sustainability criteria - has come up against several difficulties up to now. These problems originate mostly in the long-standing lack of the comprehensive strategic plans containing concrete objectives and state´s guidelines for the household market of building energetics products and services. The authors´ purpose is to analyse this market from a strategic point of view, and to process the available information using technology roadmapping, as well as to draw conclusions about the practical fruition

    A Stakeholders’ Approach of building energy saving projects in Hungary - Sustainability orientation versus cost saving

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    The paper focuses on projects aimed at energy saving on the residential / housing segment of the building energy / energetic market where SMEs and microenterprises are predominant in Hungary and expect finding individual business opportunities. The first part of this paper refers to the imperatives and indices related to energy consumption and saving. In the second section three models of a stakeholders’s approach are presented regarding their motivations, resources and relations

    Smart City: Studying Smartphone Application Functions with City Marketing Goals Based on Consumer Behavior of Generation Z in Hungary

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    Many cities in Hungary have an application specially developed for smartphones that try to satisfy both the needs of tourists and local residents. These "products" are based on different objectives of city marketing and destination marketing: their goal is to make shorter or longer stays more comfortable, provide faster and more personalized information, help consumers to turn their offline experiences into online experience sharing and to provide a platform for two-way communication between local and touristic consumers. In addition to the marketing literature review related to smartphones and local tourism experiences, this paper presents the results of a quantitative questionnaire focusing on the needs of Generation Z concerning application functions. Based on the quantitative results, the members of Generation Z are classified into three main groups with the k-means cluster analysis. Among the groups, there are significant differences between the functional requirements of city marketing applications, and according to the size of the groups three main application types and two main ways of software development can be distinguished. The results also show that there are four main group of functions and connected to the different clusters application functions appear together in the needs of consumers. However, the analysis and comparison of the related data together show also that there are only small differences concerning demographic and device-usage variables between the groups defined by the k-means cluster analysis, and this requires more research methods to be conducted in the future based on the results of this exploratory survey research

    Examination of the Brand Archetypes of the Hungarian Retail Banking Sector and Their Correlations with Consumer Preferences Regarding Banking Products

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    The primary goal of this research is to explore the preferences of domestic consumers in relation to the brand archetypes of banks. The chosen topic fits into broader research that examines the elements of brand building in the Hungarian retail banking sector and their impact on consumer preference and behaviour. Besides defining and manufacturing products brand building includes the development of a brand personality. The basic conceptual framework examined in the present research was determined based on the Mark and Pearson brand archetype framework to enable a comparison with the findings in the USA. In the research, we were also seeking an answer to the question as to whether the consumer preference regarding the banking services, payment methods and banking marketing channels examined in research has an impact on the consumer preference regarding brand archetypes, as the exploration of such effects expands the scope for interpretation and usage of the obtained results. Knowledge of preferred brand archetypes supports the management of banks' branding tools, can help banks in their innovation activities and the results can be used to develop new products and services. It is identifiable that the most preferred archetypes by consumers among the 12 possible brand archetypes are the Sage and Caregiver archetypes. There is only a slight correlation between the consumer preference regarding the various banking services, payment methods and forms of information examined in the research and the choice of the brand archetype; however, a strong relationship can be established between the choices of brand archetypes

    A technológiai úttérképezés első hazai tapasztalatai

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    A technológiaiút-térképezés (TRM) egy nagyhatású módszer, amely lehetővé teszi a piacok, termékek és technológiák evolúciójának kiaknázását, a különböző perspektívák közötti kapcsolatokkal együtt. Első hazai TRM-alkalmazási tapasztalataink szerint igen fontos a világos üzleti igény, a felső szintű „tulajdonlás”, a jól működő kommunikáció, információ- és tudásmegosztás, a kezdeti komoly időráfordítás, az inkább ritkább, de hosszabb műhelymunkák, minden érintett funkcionális terület bevonása, a felső szintű menedzserek aktív részvétele, egy TRM-„bajnok” a vállalaton belül, először egy esettanulmány-alapú tréning a módszer megismertetésére, valamint a módszer más, pl. piaci-, termék-, techonológiai-, stratégiai- vagy üzletiút-térképezés néven történő bevezetése

    Hol van szükség technológiamenedzsmentre? = Where is technology management needed?

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    A technológiamenedzsmentnek számos különböző meghatározása van. Két típusuk különböztethető meg, egy szűkebb és egy tágabb jelentésű, amelyek a szervezetek szűkebb és tágabb körére értelmezhetők. Rámutatunk e különbség gyökerére magának a technológia fogalmának a szűkebb és tágabb értelmezésében. Ez a különbség meghatározza, ki mit tekint a technológiamenedzsment alkalmazási területének, azaz hogy kinek a számára lehet érdekes és hasznos az oktatásban, kutatásban, tanácsadásban és a szervezetek mindennapi gyakorlatában. Az üzleti vállalkozásokra leszűkítő felfogással szemben a mindenfajta szervezetre vonatkozó, tág értelmezést részesítjük előnyben. = There are several different definitions of technology management. They can be classified into two types, with narrower and broader meaning, which are relevant to a narrower and a broader set of organizations. We point at the root of this difference in the narrower and a broader definitions of technology itself. This difference determines what one considers the scope of technology management, i.e. to whom it can be interesting and useful in education, research, consultancy and in the everyday practice of organizations. We prefer the broader concept, referring to every kind of organizations, in contrast with the narrower interpretation, referring only to business enterprises

    Technológiai úttérképezés. Tapasztalatok, további kutatási és fejlesztési irányok

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    A cikk röviden ismerteti a technológiai úttérképezés kifejlődésének okát és fő vonalát, valamint a módszercsalád alapvető jellemzőit. Bemutatja a szerzők néhány fontos tapasztalatát és módszertani fejlesztését, amelyek a vállalati léptékű úttérképezési tanácsadásaik során jöttek létre, összehasonlítva más szerzők hasonló tapasztalataival és fejlesztéseivel. A cikk a vállalati szintű úttérképezésen belül kiemelten foglalkozik a speciális marketingstratégiai fókuszú alkalmazás lehetőségével, amely irányban a szerzők már megtették a kezdeti lépéseket. A szerzők bemutatják az iparági szintű technológiai úttérképezés területén eddig elért eredményeiket is, konkrétan a lakossági háztartási energiatakarékosság, azon belül elsősorban az épületenergetika témájában. Végül két perspektivikus új fejlesztési irányt vázolnak fel: egyrészt az üzleti szférán kívüli szervezetekre, másrészt a több szervezeten átívelő folyamatokra irányuló technológiai úttérképezés lehetőségét