66 research outputs found

    Medvirkning i planlegging og gjennomføring av vegprosjekter – barrierer og muligheter

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    Rapporten belyser utfordringer ved å integrere reindriftskompetanse, og sikre reindriftens medvirkning å planlegging av vegprosjekter, med utgangspunkt i to to workshoper med repr. For reinbeitedistrikter og vegvesenet. Strukturelle utfordringer inkluderer reindriftens knappe kapasitet til gå dypt inn i alle inngrepsplaner som rammer hvert enkelt beitedistrikt. Her har næringen behov for støttefunksjoner. Det er også behov for styrket reindriftsfaglig kompetanse, hos utbyggere og blant utredere. Prosessuelle utfordringer inkluderer vanskeligheter med å møte reindriftens repr. i forbindelse med planarbeid, og svikt i kommunikasjon med reindriften mellom plan og anleggsfase. Rapporten foreslår mulige tiltak for å styrke samarbeidet mellom reindrift og utbyggere i forbindelse med vegprosjekter - og andre arealinngrep.publishedVersio

    Characterization of mitochondrial mRNAs in codfish reveals unique features compared to mammals

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    Expression and processing of mitochondrial gene transcripts are fundamental to mitochondrial function, but information from early vertebrates like teleost fishes is essentially lacking. We have analyzed mitogenome sequences of ten codfishes (family Gadidae), and provide complete sequences from three new species (Saithe, Pollack and Blue whiting). Characterization of the mitochondrial mRNAs in Saithe and Atlantic cod identified a set of ten poly(A) transcripts, and six UAA stop codons are generated by posttranscriptional polyadenylation. Structural assessment of poly(A) sites is consistent with an RNaseP cleavage activity 5′ of tRNA acceptor-like stems. COI, ND5 and ND6 mRNAs were found to harbor 3′ UTRs with antisense potential extending into neighboring gene regions. While the 3′ UTR of COI mRNA is complementary to the tRNASer (UCN) and highly similar to that detected in human mitochondria, the ND5 and ND6 3′ UTRs appear more heterogenic. Deep sequencing confirms expression of all mitochondrial mRNAs and rRNAs, and provides information about the precise 5′ ends in mature transcripts. Our study supports an overall evolutionary conservation in mitochondrial RNA processing events among vertebrates, but reveals some unique 5′ and 3′ end characteristics in codfish mRNAs with implications to antisense regulation of gene expression

    Elucidating the small regulatory RNA repertoire of the sea anemone Anemonia viridis based on whole genome and small RNA sequencing

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    Cnidarians harbor a variety of small regulatory RNAs that include microRNAs (miRNAs) and PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), but detailed information is limited. Here, we report the identification and expression of novel miRNAs and putative piRNAs, as well as their genomic loci, in the symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis. We generated a draft assembly of the A. viridis genome with putative size of 313 Mb that appeared to be composed of about 36% repeats, including known transposable elements. We detected approximately equal fractions of DNA transposons and retrotransposons. Deep sequencing of small RNA libraries constructed from A. viridis adults sampled at a natural CO2 gradient off Vulcano Island, Italy, identified 70 distinct miRNAs. Eight were homologous to previously reported miRNAs in cnidarians, whereas 62 appeared novel. Nine miRNAs were recognized as differentially expressed along the natural seawater pH gradient. We found a highly abundant and diverse population of piRNAs, with a substantial fraction showing ping–pong signatures. We identified nearly 22% putative piRNAs potentially targeting transposable elements within the A. viridis genome. The A. viridis genome appeared similar in size to that of other hexacorals with a very high divergence of transposable elements resembling that of the sea anemone genus Exaiptasia. The genome encodes and expresses a high number of small regulatory RNAs, which include novel miRNAs and piRNAs. Differentially expressed small RNAs along the seawater pH gradient indicated regulatory gene responses to environmental stressors

    Globally exponentially stable wind estimation for small fixed-wing UAVs using standard sensors

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    This paper considers the estimation of the steady wind component around small fixedwing unmanned aerial vehicles using measurements from a Pitot-static tube and velocity over ground information. A three-stage filter is proposed, which yields globally exponentially stable estimation of the wind velocity and a correction factor on the dynamic pressure measurements from the Pitot-static tube. The suggested filter is compared with an extended Kalman filter and shown to yield identical steady state performance in both simulations and experiments. Additionally, the improved stability with respect to the extended Kalman filter is demonstrated with a choice of suboptimal tuning, for which the extended Kalman filter failed to converge whereas the suggested filter did not