923 research outputs found

    A Search for Wolf-Rayet Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We conducted an extensive search for Wolf-Rayet stars (W-Rs) in the SMC, using the same interference filter imaging techniques that have proved successful in finding W-Rs in more distant members of the Local Group. Photometry of some 1.6 million stellar images resulted in some 20 good candidates, which we then examined spectroscopically. Two of these indeed proved to be newly found W-Rs, bringing the total known in the SMC from 9 to 11. Other finds included previously unknown Of-type stars (one as early as O5f?p)),the recovery of the Luminous Blue Variable S18, and the discovery of a previously unknown SMC symbiotic star. More important, however, is the fact that there does not exist a significant number of W-Rs waiting to be discovered in the SMC. The number of W-Rs in the SMC is a factor of 3 lower than in the LMC (per unit luminosity), and we argue this is the result of the SMC's low metallicity on the evolution of the most massive stars.Comment: Accepted by Astrophysical Journal. Postscript version available via ftp.lowell.edu/pub/massey/smcwr.ps.gz Revised version contains slightly revised spectral types for the Of stars but is otherwise unchange

    Detection of curved lines with B-COSFIRE filters: A case study on crack delineation

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    The detection of curvilinear structures is an important step for various computer vision applications, ranging from medical image analysis for segmentation of blood vessels, to remote sensing for the identification of roads and rivers, and to biometrics and robotics, among others. %The visual system of the brain has remarkable abilities to detect curvilinear structures in noisy images. This is a nontrivial task especially for the detection of thin or incomplete curvilinear structures surrounded with noise. We propose a general purpose curvilinear structure detector that uses the brain-inspired trainable B-COSFIRE filters. It consists of four main steps, namely nonlinear filtering with B-COSFIRE, thinning with non-maximum suppression, hysteresis thresholding and morphological closing. We demonstrate its effectiveness on a data set of noisy images with cracked pavements, where we achieve state-of-the-art results (F-measure=0.865). The proposed method can be employed in any computer vision methodology that requires the delineation of curvilinear and elongated structures.Comment: Accepted at Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP) 201

    Laminar flow of two miscible fluids in a simple network

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    When a fluid comprised of multiple phases or constituents flows through a network, non-linear phenomena such as multiple stable equilibrium states and spontaneous oscillations can occur. Such behavior has been observed or predicted in a number of networks including the flow of blood through the microcirculation, the flow of picoliter droplets through microfluidic devices, the flow of magma through lava tubes, and two-phase flow in refrigeration systems. While the existence of non-linear phenomena in a network with many inter-connections containing fluids with complex rheology may seem unsurprising, this paper demonstrates that even simple networks containing Newtonian fluids in laminar flow can demonstrate multiple equilibria. The paper describes a theoretical and experimental investigation of the laminar flow of two miscible Newtonian fluids of different density and viscosity through a simple network. The fluids stratify due to gravity and remain as nearly distinct phases with some mixing occurring only by diffusion. This fluid system has the advantage that it is easily controlled and modeled, yet contains the key ingredients for network non-linearities. Experiments and 3D simulations are first used to explore how phases distribute at a single T-junction. Once the phase separation at a single junction is known, a network model is developed which predicts multiple equilibria in the simplest of networks. The existence of multiple stable equilibria is confirmed experimentally and a criteria for their existence is developed. The network results are generic and could be applied to or found in different physical systems

    Study of the impacts of droplets deposited from the gas core onto a gas-sheared liquid film

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    The results of an experimental study on droplet impactions in the flow of a gas-sheared liquid film are presented. In contrast to most similar studies, the impacting droplets were entrained from film surface by the gas stream. The measurements provide film thickness data, resolved in both longitudinal and transverse coordinates and in time together with the images of droplets above the interface and images of gas bubbles entrapped by liquid film. The parameters of impacting droplets were measured together with the local liquid film thickness. Two main scenarios of droplet-film interaction, based on type of film perturbation, are identified; the parameter identifying which scenario occurs is identified as the angle of impingement. At large angles an asymmetric crater appears on film surface; at shallow angles a long, narrow furrow appears. The most significant difference between the two scenarios is related to possible impact outcome: craters may lead to creation secondary droplets, whereas furrows are accompanied by entrapment of gas bubbles into the liquid film. In addition, occurrence of partial survival of impacting droplet is reported

    HST observations of the Local Group dwarf galaxy Leo I

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    We present deep HST F555W (V) and F814W (I) observations of a central field in the Local Group dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy Leo I. The resulting color-magnitude diagram (CMD) reaches I \simeq 26 and reveals the oldest ~10-15 Gyr old turnoffs. Nevertheless, a horizontal branch is not obvious in the CMD. Given the low metallicity of the galaxy, this likely indicates that the first substantial star formation in the galaxy may have been somehow delayed in Leo I in comparison with the other dSph satellites of the Milky Way. The subgiant region is well and uniformly populated from the oldest turnoffs up to the 1 Gyr old turnoff, indicating that star formation has proceeded in a continuous way, with possible variations in intensity but no big gaps between successive bursts, over the galaxy's lifetime. The structure of the red-clump of core He-burning stars is consistent with the large amount of intermediate-age population inferred from the main sequence and the subgiant region. In spite of the lack of gas in Leo I, the CMD clearly shows star formation continuing until 1 Gyr ago and possibly until a few hundred Myrs ago in the central part of the galaxy.Comment: 26 pages with 8 figures (fig 2 not available electronically). To be published in ApJ, April 1 1999 (vol.514, #2

    Moderate hypothermia within 6 h of birth plus inhaled xenon versus moderate hypothermia alone after birth asphyxia (TOBY-Xe): a proof-of-concept, open-label, randomised controlled trial

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    Background Moderate cooling after birth asphyxia is associated with substantial reductions in death and disability, but additional therapies might provide further benefit. We assessed whether the addition of xenon gas, a promising novel therapy, after the initiation of hypothermia for birth asphyxia would result in further improvement. Methods Total Body hypothermia plus Xenon (TOBY-Xe) was a proof-of-concept, randomised, open-label, parallel-group trial done at four intensive-care neonatal units in the UK. Eligible infants were 36–43 weeks of gestational age, had signs of moderate to severe encephalopathy and moderately or severely abnormal background activity for at least 30 min or seizures as shown by amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG), and had one of the following: Apgar score of 5 or less 10 min after birth, continued need for resuscitation 10 min after birth, or acidosis within 1 h of birth. Participants were allocated in a 1:1 ratio by use of a secure web-based computer-generated randomisation sequence within 12 h of birth to cooling to a rectal temperature of 33·5°C for 72 h (standard treatment) or to cooling in combination with 30% inhaled xenon for 24 h started immediately after randomisation. The primary outcomes were reduction in lactate to N-acetyl aspartate ratio in the thalamus and in preserved fractional anisotropy in the posterior limb of the internal capsule, measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy and MRI, respectively, within 15 days of birth. The investigator assessing these outcomes was masked to allocation. Analysis was by intention to treat. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00934700, and with ISRCTN, as ISRCTN08886155. Findings The study was done from Jan 31, 2012, to Sept 30, 2014. We enrolled 92 infants, 46 of whom were randomly assigned to cooling only and 46 to xenon plus cooling. 37 infants in the cooling only group and 41 in the cooling plus xenon group underwent magnetic resonance assessments and were included in the analysis of the primary outcomes. We noted no significant differences in lactate to N-acetyl aspartate ratio in the thalamus (geometric mean ratio 1·09, 95% CI 0·90 to 1·32) or fractional anisotropy (mean difference −0·01, 95% CI −0·03 to 0·02) in the posterior limb of the internal capsule between the two groups. Nine infants died in the cooling group and 11 in the xenon group. Two adverse events were reported in the xenon group: subcutaneous fat necrosis and transient desaturation during the MRI. No serious adverse events were recorded. Interpretation Administration of xenon within the delayed timeframe used in this trial is feasible and apparently safe, but is unlikely to enhance the neuroprotective effect of cooling after birth asphyxia

    Reddening law and interstellar dust properties along Magellanic sight-lines

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    This study establishes that SMC, LMC and Milky Way extinction curves obey the same extinction law which depends on the 2200A bump size and one parameter, and generalizes the Cardelli, Clayton and Mathis (1989) relationship. This suggests that extinction in all three galaxies is of the same nature. The role of linear reddening laws over all the visible/UV wavelength range, particularly important in the SMC but also present in the LMC and in the Milky Way, is also highlighted and discussed.Comment: accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science. 16 pages, 12 figures. Some figures are colour plot

    Spitzer SAGE-SMC Infrared Photometry of Massive Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We present a catalog of 5324 massive stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), with accurate spectral types compiled from the literature, and a photometric catalog for a subset of 3654 of these stars, with the goal of exploring their infrared properties. The photometric catalog consists of stars with infrared counterparts in the Spitzer, SAGE-SMC survey database, for which we present uniform photometry from 0.3-24 um in the UBVIJHKs+IRAC+MIPS24 bands. We compare the color magnitude diagrams and color-color diagrams to those of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), finding that the brightest infrared sources in the SMC are also the red supergiants, supergiant B[e] (sgB[e]) stars, luminous blue variables, and Wolf-Rayet stars, with the latter exhibiting less infrared excess, the red supergiants being less dusty and the sgB[e] stars being on average less luminous. Among the objects detected at 24 um are a few very luminous hypergiants, 4 B-type stars with peculiar, flat spectral energy distributions, and all 3 known luminous blue variables. We detect a distinct Be star sequence, displaced to the red, and suggest a novel method of confirming Be star candidates photometrically. We find a higher fraction of Oe and Be stars among O and early-B stars in the SMC, respectively, when compared to the LMC, and that the SMC Be stars occur at higher luminosities. We estimate mass-loss rates for the red supergiants, confirming the correlation with luminosity even at the metallicity of the SMC. Finally, we confirm the new class of stars displaying composite A & F type spectra, the sgB[e] nature of 2dFS1804 and find the F0 supergiant 2dFS3528 to be a candidate luminous blue variable with cold dust.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Implementation and Conduct of Therapeutic Hypothermia for Perinatal Asphyxial Encephalopathy in the UK – Analysis of National Data

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    BACKGROUND: Delay in implementing new treatments into clinical practice results in considerable health and economic opportunity costs. Data from the UK TOBY Cooling Register provides the opportunity to examine how one new effective therapy for newborn infants suspected of suffering asphyxial encephalopathy--therapeutic hypothermia- was implemented in the UK. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We analysed returned data forms from inception of the Register in December 2006 to the end of July 2011. Data forms were received for 1384 (67%) of the 2069 infants registered. The monthly rate of notifications increased from median {IQR} 18 {15-31} to 33 {30-39} after the announcement of the results of the recent TOBY trial, and to 50 {36-55} after their publication. This rate further increased to 70 {64-83} following official endorsement of the therapy, and is now close to the expected numbers of eligible infants. Cooling was started at 3.3 {1.5-5.5} hours after birth and the time taken to achieve the target 33-34 °C rectal temperature was 1 {0-3} hours. The rectal temperature was in the target range in 83% of measurements. From 2006 to 2011 there was evidence of extension of treatment to slightly less severely affected infants. 278 of 1362 (20%) infants died at 2.9 {1.4-4.1} days of age. The rates of death fell slightly over the period of the Register and, at two years of age cerebral palsy was diagnosed in 22% of infants; half of these were spastic bilateral. Factors independently associated with adverse outcome were clinical seizures prior to cooling (p<0.001) and severely abnormal amplitude integrated EEG (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Therapeutic hypothermia was implemented appropriately within the UK, with significant benefit to patients and the health economy. This may be due in part to participation by neonatal units in clinical trials, the establishment of the national Register, and its endorsement by advisory bodies

    Study of gas-sheared liquid film in horizontal rectangular duct using high-speed LIF technique: Three-dimensional wavy structure and its relation to liquid entrainment

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    © 2014 The Authors. The flow of a liquid film sheared by high velocity gas stream in a horizontal rectangular duct was investigated using a high-speed laser-induced fluorescence technique. Measurements of local film thickness were resolved in both longitudinal and transverse coordinates with high spatial and temporal resolution. It was found that the generation of fast and slow ripples by the disturbance waves was qualitatively the same as it was observed earlier in completely different conditions. The transverse size and curvature of the disturbance waves and ripples were measured. A relationship between the three-dimensional structure of ripples on top of disturbance waves and the two mechanisms of liquid entrainment, known as 'bag break-up' and 'ligament break-up', is proposed
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