35 research outputs found

    Distinct ubiquitin binding modes exhibited by SH3 domains: Molecular determinants and functional implications

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    SH3 domains constitute a new type of ubiquitin-binding domains. We previously showed that the third SH3 domain (SH3-C) of CD2AP binds ubiquitin in an alternative orientation. We have determined the structure of the complex between first CD2AP SH3 domain and ubiquitin and performed a structural and mutational analysis to decipher the determinants of the SH3-C binding mode to ubiquitin. We found that the Phe-to-Tyr mutation in CD2AP and in the homologous CIN85 SH3-C domain does not abrogate ubiquitin binding, in contrast to previous hypothesis and our findings for the first two CD2AP SH3 domains. The similar alternative binding mode of the SH3-C domains of these related adaptor proteins is characterised by a higher affinity to C-terminal extended ubiquitin molecules. We conclude that CD2AP/CIN85 SH3-C domain interaction with ubiquitin constitutes a new ubiquitin-binding mode involved in a different cellular function and thus changes the previously established mechanism of EGF-dependent CD2AP/CIN85 mono-ubiquitination. © 2013 Ortega Roldan et al

    Accurate characterization of weak macromolecular interactions by titration of NMR residual dipolar couplings: application to the CD2AP SH3-C:ubiquitin complex

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    The description of the interactome represents one of key challenges remaining for structural biology. Physiologically important weak interactions, with dissociation constants above 100 μM, are remarkably common, but remain beyond the reach of most of structural biology. NMR spectroscopy, and in particular, residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) provide crucial conformational constraints on intermolecular orientation in molecular complexes, but the combination of free and bound contributions to the measured RDC seriously complicates their exploitation for weakly interacting partners. We develop a robust approach for the determination of weak complexes based on: (i) differential isotopic labeling of the partner proteins facilitating RDC measurement in both partners; (ii) measurement of RDC changes upon titration into different equilibrium mixtures of partially aligned free and complex forms of the proteins; (iii) novel analytical approaches to determine the effective alignment in all equilibrium mixtures; and (iv) extraction of precise RDCs for bound forms of both partner proteins. The approach is demonstrated for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of the weakly interacting CD2AP SH3-C:Ubiquitin complex (Kd = 132 ± 13 μM) and is shown, using cross-validation, to be highly precise. We expect this methodology to extend the remarkable and unique ability of NMR to study weak protein–protein complexes

    Characterization of Oligomers of Heterogeneous Size as Precursors of Amyloid Fibril Nucleation of an SH3 Domain: An Experimental Kinetics Study

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    Correction: Characterization of Oligomers of Heterogeneous Size as Precursors of Amyloid Fibril Nucleation of an SH3 Domain: An Experimental Kinetics Study. PLoS ONE 9(1): 10.1371/annotation/dbb84118-9ada-43e4-8734-8f8322be1a59. doi: 10.1371/annotation/dbb84118-9ada-43e4-8734-8f8322be1a59Understanding the earliest molecular events during nucleation of the amyloid aggregation cascade is of fundamental significance to prevent amyloid related disorders. We report here an experimental kinetic analysis of the amyloid aggregation of the N47A mutant of the α-spectrin SH3 domain (N47A Spc-SH3) under mild acid conditions, where it is governed by rapid formation of amyloid nuclei. The initial rates of formation of amyloid structures, monitored by thioflavine T fluorescence at different protein concentrations, agree quantitatively with high-order kinetics, suggesting an oligomerization pre-equilibrium preceding the rate-limiting step of amyloid nucleation. The curves of native state depletion also follow high-order irreversible kinetics. The analysis is consistent with the existence of low-populated and heterogeneous oligomeric precursors of fibrillation that form by association of partially unfolded protein monomers. An increase in NaCl concentration accelerates fibrillation but reduces the apparent order of the nucleation kinetics; and a double mutant (K43A, N47A) Spc-SH3 domain, largely unfolded under native conditions and prone to oligomerize, fibrillates with apparent first order kinetics. On the light of these observations, we propose a simple kinetic model for the nucleation event, in which the monomer conformational unfolding and the oligomerization of an amyloidogenic intermediate are rapidly pre-equilibrated. A conformational change of the polypeptide chains within any of the oligomers, irrespective of their size, is the rate-limiting step leading to the amyloid nuclei. This model is able to explain quantitatively the initial rates of aggregation and the observed variations in the apparent order of the kinetics and, more importantly, provides crucial thermodynamic magnitudes of the processes preceding the nucleation. This kinetic approach is simple to use and may be of general applicability to characterize the amyloidogenic intermediates and oligomeric precursors of other disease-related proteins.This work was financed by the Andalucía Government (grant FQM-02838), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant BIO2009-07317), and the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union. D. Ruzafa is recipient of a research fellowship from the F.P.U. program of the Spanish Ministry of Education. L. Varela is financed by the G.R.E.I.B. program of the University of Granada

    Scanning Calorimetry and Fourier-Transform Infrared Studies into the Thermal Stability of Cleaved Bacteriorhodopsin Systems †

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    ABSTRACT: Differential scanning calorimetry and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy have been used to characterize the thermal stability of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) cleaved within different loops connecting the helical rods. The results are compared to those of the native protein. We show that the denaturation temperature and enthalpy of BR cleaved at peptide bond 71-72 or 155-156 are lower than those of the intact protein, and that these values become even lower for the BR cleaved at both peptide bonds. The effect of cleavage on the denaturation temperature and enthalpy values seems to be additive as has been previously suggested [Khan, T. W., Sturtevant, J. M., & Engelman, D. M. (1992) Biochemistry 31, 8829]. The thermal denaturation of all the samples was irreversible and scan-rate dependent. When cleaved at the 71-72 bond BR follows quantitatively the predictions of the two-state kinetic model at pH 9.5, with an activation energy of 374 kJ/mol, similar to that of native BR. Calorimetry experiments with different populations of intact and cleaved BR provide direct evidence for some intermolecular cooperativity upon denaturation. The denatured samples maintain a large proportion of R helices and β structure, a fact which seems to be related to their low denaturation enthalpy as compared to that of water-soluble, globular proteins. Thermodynamic-data analysis and energetic characterizatio

    A single mutation in an SH3 domain increases amyloid aggregation by accelerating nucleation, but not by destabilizing thermodynamically the native state

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    AbstractWe investigated the relationship between thermodynamic stability and amyloid aggregation propensity for a set of single mutants of the alpha-spectrin SH3 domain (Spc-SH3). Whilst mutations destabilizing the domain at position 56 did not enhance fibrillation, the N47A mutation increased the rate of amyloid fibril formation by 10-fold. Even under conditions of identical thermodynamic stability, the aggregation rate was much higher for the N47A mutant than for the WT domain. We conclude that the N47A mutation does not change the apparent mechanism of fibrillation or the morphology of the amyloid fibrils, and that its amyloidogenic property is due to its effect upon the rate of the conformational events leading to nucleation and not to its overall destabilizing effect