52 research outputs found

    Redes de colaboración en educación. Evidencias recogidas en escuelas de Southampton

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    El objetivo de este artículo es conocer cómo opera una red de escuelas orientada a la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la ciudad de Southampton (al sur de Inglaterra). Con esta finalidad, se presenta un estudio de caso que incluye la realización de entrevistas al personal directivo y docente de las cinco escuelas participantes, y la revisión de documentos de carácter institucional que comparte la alianza. Esto ha permitido al equipo investigador ahondar en: 1) las aspiraciones que tiene la red, 2) las áreas de interés mutuo que predominan, y 3) el tipo de organización estructural que sustenta la colaboración. Los resultados apuntan al intercambio de experiencias e información; la gestión eficaz de recursos; y la mejora escolar como las principales aspiraciones. Por otro lado, algunos de los intereses de trabajo común a este respecto son el liderazgo, la inclusión y el apoyo entre iguales. En relación con la estructura que adopta este entramado, la red dispone de grupos interconectados que abordan diversos aspectos. Las conclusiones destacan la necesidad de abrir fronteras para que cada vez sean más las escuelas que trabajen en red.This paper seeks to ascertain how a network of schools aimed at enhancing the teaching-learning process in the city of Southampton (south England) operates. A case study is presented which includes interviews with leadership teams and teachers from the five schools participating along with a review of the institutional documents shared by the alliance in question. The research team was able to delve into: 1) the aspirations of the network; 2) the main areas of common interest; and 3) the type of structural organization underpinning the collaboration. The findings reveal that the main aspirations are sharing experiences and information, effective management of resources and school improvement. Other common issues of interest include leadership, inclusion and peer support. In terms of the structure of the network, there are interconnected groups that address a variety of aspects. The conclusions underline the need to open up so that more and more schools begin to network.

    Valoración eco-pastoral de los pastos del Monte Lakora (Navarra, Pirineo occidental)

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    7 páginasSe aplica el método del índice eco-pastoral, desarrollado en trabajos previos, a los pastos del monte Lakora (Navarra) situado en el Pirineo occidental. Se ha utilizado un mapa de vegetación digitalizado (escala 1/5.000). Las comunidades de Primulion intricatae, Nardion strictae, brezales subalpinos de Vaccinium uliginosum y pastos de Festuca eskia son los que tienen un mayor valor ecológico. Las comunidades de Bromion erecti y Primulion intricatae son las que tienen un mayor valor pastoral potencial. El monte Lakora presenta un valor ecológico mayor que el pastoral, por lo que se justifica su inclusión dentro del Lugar de Importancia Comunitaria (LIC) “ES2200001 Larra-Aztaparreta” así como la priorización de su conservación mediante el adecuado manejo ganadero.Peer reviewe

    Efficiency in the estimation of technical coefficients and interregional multipliers: the Jahn methodology versus the GRAS and Gravity-RAS methodologie

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    The use of location quotients for the estimation of regional input-output tables has been found to be a useful and efficient tool to estimate intra-regional production multipliers. Building on this tool, more complex procedures have been developed that simultaneously estimate inter-regional coefficients. This paper assesses the capacity of this extended methodology (called the Jahn methodology) to obtain both intra-regional and inter-regional multipliers for the Spanish case, using the Input-Output Table (IOT) of Spain 2015 to estimate those corresponding to the Spanish regions of Andalusia, the Basque Country and Navarra for the same year and whose results are available via survey. In order to contrast their reliability, efficiency and accuracy, the results obtained with this procedure are then compared with other methodologies widely used for their recognised efficiency, the GRAS and Gravity-RAS methodologies.El uso de cocientes de localización para la estimación de tablas input output regionales se ha considerado como una herramienta útil y eficiente en la estimación de multiplicadores de producción intrarregionales. A partir de esta herramienta, se han desarrollado procedimientos más complejos que estiman simultáneamente coeficientes interregionales. En este trabajo se evalúa la capacidad de esta metodología ampliada (que denominamos metodología Jahn) para la obtención de multiplicadores tanto intrarregionales como interregionales para el caso español, estimando a partir de la Tabla Input-Output (TIO) de España 2015 las correspondientes a las de las regiones españolas de Andalucía; País Vasco y Navarra para el mismo año y para las que disponemos de sus resultados mediante encuesta. Para contrastar su fiabilidad, eficiencia y precisión, los resultados obtenidos con el procedimiento anterior se comparan con otras metodologías ampliamente utilizadas por su reconocida eficiencia, las metodologías GRAS y Gravity-RAS

    Predicción económica regional: experiencias en la red Hispalink

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    La elaboración de predicciones de crecimiento sectorial regional es el principal objetivo de la red Hispalink desde hace más de dos décadas. En este trabajo, realizado en colaboración, se combinan las aportaciones de varios equipos regionales y el equipo central para describir el método de trabajo y algunas de nuestras experiencias en el ámbito de Hispalink

    Cx43 and Associated Cell Signaling Pathways Regulate Tunneling Nanotubes in Breast Cancer Cells

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    Altres ajuts: A. acknowledges funding from Fundación Científica Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (IDEAS SEMILLA AECC 2020/IDEAS20033PUIG) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) . The APC was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). H.G is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Operational Program for Competitiveness Factors (COMPETE; under the projects PAC "NETDIAMOND" POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016385; HealthyAging2020 CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000012-N2323; POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007440, CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-032179, CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-032414, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022122, FCTUID/NEU/04539/2013, UID/NEU/04539/2019, UIDB/04539/2020 and UIDP/04539/2020.Connexin 43 (Cx43) forms gap junctions that mediate the direct intercellular diffusion of ions and small molecules between adjacent cells. Cx43 displays both pro- and anti-tumorigenic properties, but the mechanisms underlying these characteristics are not fully understood. Tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) are long and thin membrane projections that connect cells, facilitating the exchange of not only small molecules, but also larger proteins, organelles, bacteria, and viruses. Typically, TNTs exhibit increased formation under conditions of cellular stress and are more prominent in cancer cells, where they are generally thought to be pro-metastatic and to provide growth and survival advantages. Cx43 has been described in TNTs, where it is thought to regulate small molecule diffusion through gap junctions. Here, we developed a high-fidelity CRISPR/Cas9 system to knockout (KO) Cx43. We found that the loss of Cx43 expression was associated with significantly reduced TNT length and number in breast cancer cell lines. Notably, secreted factors present in conditioned medium stimulated TNTs more potently when derived from Cx43-expressing cells than from KO cells. Moreover, TNT formation was significantly induced by the inhibition of several key cancer signaling pathways that both regulate Cx43 and are regulated by Cx43, including RhoA kinase (ROCK), protein kinase A (PKA), focal adhesion kinase (FAK), and p38. Intriguingly, the drug-induced stimulation of TNTs was more potent in Cx43 KO cells than in wild-type (WT) cells. In conclusion, this work describes a novel non-canonical role for Cx43 in regulating TNTs, identifies key cancer signaling pathways that regulate TNTs in this setting, and provides mechanistic insight into a pro-tumorigenic role of Cx43 in cancer

    The Hoard of the Rings. "Odd" annular bread-like objects as a case study for cereal-product diversity at the Late Bronze Age hillfort site of Stillfried (Lower Austria)

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    Cereals, in addition to being a major ingredient in daily meals, also play a role in the preparation of foodstuffs for ritual purposes. This paper deals with finds that may correspond to such ritual preparations retrieved from the hillfort site of Stillfried an der March. The site, spreading across an area of ca. 23 ha, held a very important position among settlements of Late Urnfield period (particularly during the 10th– 9 th c. BCE), acting as a central place where large scale storage of grain as well as textile and metal production took place under the control of local elites. Three incomplete ring-shaped charred organic objects, found together with 14 rings and ring frag- ments made of clay were discovered in a secondary filled silo pit, excavated among a total of about 100 pits of this kind at the site. The overall good state of preservati on of the organic ring fragments suggests that they were deposited intact on the bottom of the pit and covered well so that no re-deposition or damage occurred. This could be indicate their intentional placement in this position. Light and scanning electron microscop y revealed that the charred organic rings are cereal products containing hulled barley and a wheat species. Indications that the objects were shaped from a wet cereal mixture and had been subsequently dried without baking are discussed, as well as the possible significance of the find assemblage. The annular objects are put in context with the contemporary cereal spectrum as well as other cereal preparation s from Stillfried, outlining their different chaıˆnes opératoires for handling cereal food

    Imaging-based drug development targeting tumor microtube networks in glioblastoma

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    Glioblastomas are primary brain tumors that aggressively invade the brain and resist current therapies as multicellular networks. Tumor Microtubes (TMs) play a crucial role in both hallmarks of malignancy. Targeting these malignant networks should therefore increase brain tumor response to therapy and improve patient outcomes. However, the development of drugs that interfere with TM and network formation suffers from the lack of established drug screening pipelines that study their specific anti-TM/network activity. Therefore, to identify anti- TM drugs, I developed and validated a combined, comprehensive in vitro/in vivo drug screening approach, including novel AI-based analysis tools of TM parameters. I found that of 87 tested compounds, two Protein Kinase C (PKC) activators, PMA and TPPB, exhibited robust inhibition of TM formation and TM-mediated, Connexin 43-dependent glioblastoma cell network communication in cell-based assays. Since unconnected tumor cells display increased sensitivity to cytotoxic therapy, brain tumor-bearing mice received radiotherapy, and long-term intravital 2-photon microscopy confirmed the first anti-TM and anti-tumor effects of TPPB administration. Mechanistically, RNA sequencing revealed that TPPB treatment caused a robust decrease of Tweety-homolog 1 (TTYH1) expression, a key TM driver. Additionally, immuno- histochemistry of patient-derived tumor organoids showed tumor cell network disruption and downregulation of TTYH1 after TPPB. This study establishes a novel screening pipeline for anti-TM drug development in glioblastoma and underlines the therapeutic potential of disrupting TMs and their networks

    La estimación de las tablas input-output de la Región de Murcia en 1987 por métodos indirectos : análisis de la estructura productiva / José Daniel Buendía Azorín ; director Santiago Fernández Valbuena.

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    Tesis-Universidad de Murcia.Consulte la tesis en: BCA. GENERAL. ARCHIVO UNIVERSITARIO. TM 890

    Estrategias de las plantas frente al consumo por los herbívoros

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    15 páginas, 9 figurasPeer reviewe

    Collaboration Networks in Education: Evidences from Schools in Southampton

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    El objetivo de este artículo es conocer cómo opera una red de escuelas orientada a la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la ciudad de Southampton (al sur de Inglaterra). Con esta finalidad, se presenta un estudio de caso que incluye la realización de entrevistas al personal directivo y docente de las cinco escuelas participantes, y la revisión de documentos de carácter institucional que comparte la alianza. Esto ha permitido al equipo investigador ahondar en: 1) las aspiraciones que tiene la red, 2) las áreas de interés mutuo que predominan, y 3) el tipo de organización estructural que sustenta la colaboración. Los resultados apuntan al intercambio de experiencias e información; la gestión eficaz de recursos; y la mejora escolar como las principales aspiraciones. Por otro lado, algunos de los intereses de trabajo común a este respecto son el liderazgo, la inclusión y el apoyo entre iguales. En relación con la estructura que adopta este entramado, la red dispone de grupos interconectados que abordan diversos aspectos. Las conclusiones destacan la necesidad de abrir fronteras para que cada vez sean más las escuelas que trabajen en red.This paper seeks to ascertain how a network of schools aimed at enhancing the teaching-learning process in the city of Southampton (south England) operates. A case study is presented which includes interviews with leadership teams and teachers from the five schools participating along with a review of the institutional documents shared by the alliance in question. The research team was able to delve into: 1) the aspirations of the network; 2) the main areas of common interest; and 3) the type of structural organization underpinning the collaboration. The findings reveal that the main aspirations are sharing experiences and information, effective management of resources and school improvement. Other common issues of interest include leadership, inclusion and peer support. In terms of the structure of the network, there are interconnected groups that address a variety of aspects. The conclusions underline the need to open up so that more and more schools begin to network