203 research outputs found

    Strategi Kerjasama Sekolah Dengan Dunia USAha Dan Dunia Industri (Du/di) Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Lulusan Pada Smk Negeri 3 Banda Aceh

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    : Strategy is an art to manage resources in order to achieve the goals effectively and efficiently. This study aimed to find out the capability of principal in establishing cooperation, including cooperation program between vocational high school (SMK) and business and industrial organization (DU/DI), mechanism of cooperation between SMK and DU/DI to improve the competence of graduates, and factors that influenced the cooperation between SMK and DU/DI. This study used qualitative approach with descriptive method. Techniques of data collection used were interview, observation, and documentation study. Subjects of this study were DU/DI, principal, vice principal for public relations, and school counselors in State SMK 3 of Banda Aceh. It was found from the results of the study that the cooperation programs between SMK and DU/DI were shown from the school's vision and mission, the formulation of curriculum, the implementation of cooperation and the assessment report of cooperation. The mechanism of cooperation was shown from the agreement of both parties in the form of MOU in the implementation of industrial practice and other cooperation, which were guest speaker, the implementation of competency test, and other seminars. Factors that influenced the cooperation between SMK and DU/DI in improving the competence of graduates were shown from the involvement and the commitment of school personnel in formulating school's regulation and profile. It is hoped that the principal and vice principal for public relations can foster the cooperation continuously. The cooperation that bases on the MOU should be socialized, so that both parties can exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations effectively. It is also hoped that State SMK 3 of Banda Aceh and the stakeholder can be more communicative in establishing cooperation in improving the competence of graduates of State SMKN 3 of Banda Aceh

    Pengalaman Istri Yang Tidak Memiliki Anak Dan Menjalani Pernikahan Commuter

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    Pernikahan commuter adalah pasangan suami istri yang secara sukarela tinggal di lokasi geografis yang berbeda dan dipisahkan setidaknya tiga malam dalam satu minggu untuk menjalankan pekerjaan masing-masing. Salah satu tujuan seseorang melangsungkan pernikahan adalah untuk memiliki anak. Pengalaman istri yang tidak memiliki anak dan menjalani pernikahan commuter adalah peristiwa-peristiwa yang dialami oleh istri terkait dengan keadaan tidak dimilikinya anak dan menjalani pernikahan commuter. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengalaman istri yang tidak memiliki anak dan menjalani pernikahan commuter serta alasan istri mempertahankan menjalani pernikahan commuter. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Subjek penelitian berjumlah dua orang dengan usia pernikahan yang berbeda. Teknik pengambilan subjek menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan pengambilan data menggunakan metode wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa menjalani pernikahan commuter menyebabkan kedua subjek mengalami kekhawatiran akan kesehatan suami dan datangnya gangguan dari pihak lain, selain itu pada subjek pertama mengalami kesedihan, kesepian, dan kurangnya hubungan seksual, sedangkan subjek kedua mengalami peningkatan biaya komunikasi dan suami tidak selalu ada menemani, meski demikian kedua subjek mengalami peningkatan kemandirian, posisi kerja, dan penghasilan. Tidak dimilikinya anak diyakini sebagai kehendak Tuhan. Subjek pertama yang berusia 32 tahun masih berusaha memiliki anak dan memiliki rencana untuk mengadopsi anak, sedangkan subjek kedua berusia 43 tahun lebih pasrah menerima kondisi tidak memiliki anak. Kedua subjek tidak rela meninggalkan pekerjaan, selain itu subjek pertama memiliki kinginan untuk merawat ibu yang sakit, sedangkan subjek kedua mempertimbangkan anak yang di asuh bersekolah di Semarang sehingga kedua subjek memilih mempertahankan menjalani pernikahan commuter

    The Effects of Granting Students Scholarships on the Learning Motivation of the Students of the Economics Faculty of YOGYAKARTA State University in 2012

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    In nature. Questionnaires were distributed to the studentsawarded scholarships in the Economics Faculty of Yogyakarta State University in2012. The students of the Economics Faculty awarded scholarships served as thesample of the research. The students of the Economics Faculty of Yogyakarta StateUniversity were the population of the research. The proportional random samplingwas the sampling technique used and the result were 32 respondents who were thestudents awarded the Bidik Misi scholarship, 1 respondent who was awarded theSupersemar scholarship, 21 respondents who were awarded PPA scholarship, 21respondents who were awarded the BBM scholarship, 1 respondent who wasawarded the BI scholarship, and 1 respondent who was awarded the BNI scholarship.The findings showed that granting scholarships affected the students' learningmotivation as much as 7.4%. Meanwhile, 92.6% of the students' learning motivationdepended on other variables not studied by the researcher. The significance level ofthe students awarded the Bidik Misi scholarship was 0.000 < 0.005, whereas that ofthe students awarded other scholarships was 0.000 < 0.005. It means there is adifference between the tow of them. There was a difference in the learning motivationbetween the students awarded the Bidik Misi scholarship and those who wereawarded other scholarships


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    Social networking sites (SNSs), such as Facebook and Twitter, are gaining more popularity and use among students in higher education institutions. Based on the design principles, feature usability and interactivity and affordability, these sites offer a variety of opportunities to support student engagement and student learning. Despite the potential pedagogical advantages of SNSs, and the widespread usage among students and considerable time spent daily on SNSs, the results of many studies indicate that the use of SNSs for academic purposes is still significantly limited. In the present study, individual interviews and focus group discussions were conducted based on a purposeful sampling strategy in order to explore in depth the factors that might motivate students to devote more time and efforts for academic purposes on SNSs; accordingly, a Framework for Student Engagement in SNSs (FSESNS) is proposed

    Tingkat Kepuasan Bimbingan Klinik Mahasiswa Keperawatan

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    Clinical supervision plays a significant role in professional nursing education. The quality of clinical supervision is affected by the students' satisfaction level towards its process. A qualitative research about satisfaction level of clinical supervision showed that nursing students who was dissatisfied with their clinical field did not brave to give nursing assessment in the clinical setting. This research's purpose is to identify clinical supervision's satisfaction level of nursing students. This research represented qualitative design with cross sectional approach and was done at Nursing Science Program Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University with 57 respondents. The result of the students' satisfaction level showed that 34 respondents (59,6%) were satisfied with the clinical supervision and 23 respondents (40,4%) were dissatisfied. To sum up, the research showed that most of nursing students were satisfaied with clinical supervision. The quality of clinical supervision will be increased if professional nursing institution and clinical institution collaborate to make a legal role about its process, besides they have to evaluate the growth of clinical supervision continuousl

    Efektifitas Kombinasi Terapi Musik dan Slow Deep Breathing terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Pasien Hipertensi

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    Hypertension is an increasing of blood pressure that does not cause symptoms for many years until there is asigniicant organ damage and the cause of the increasing of morbidity and mortality in Indonesia. The combination of music therapy and slow deep breathing help controlling blood pressure gradually. This condition will maintain the patient to not experience complications. The purpose of this research is to determine the efects of music therapy combined with slow deep breathing to decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension. This research is quasy-experiment with pretest- posttest control group design. Samples in this study are 56 respondents who are the patients with primary hypertension in Alak Public Health Centerwhich are divided into 28 people for treatment group and 28 people for control group by simple random sampling. The irst stage iscarrying out the measurements of blood pressure and giving intervention in the treatment group for 20 minutes, then measuring blood pressure. Meanwhile, the blood pressureof control group is measured. The second stage is 4 times monitoring visits in the group treated for 2 weeks and the post data in the control group at the end of the second week. The dataof average changes in per-post are analyzed using the Wilcoxon test and comparison of two groups using the Mann-Whitney test. The result shows the average change in blood pressure treatment group is higher than the control group. The statistic analysis of p value of systolic and diastolic blood pressure is&lt;0.05. There is a decrease in changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p value = 0.000) of treatment group and the control group. It can be concluded that the combination of music therapy with slow deep breathing is efective in lowering the blood pressure of patients with primary hypertension and there is a change in blood pressure of treatment group and control group

    Yield and Curcumin Content Stability of Five Ub Clones of Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorriza Rox.)

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    Interactions between genotype and environment is affect yield and curcumine content of temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rox). The aims of the study was to determine stability of yield and curcumine content in diffrent enviromental condition. Field experiment was conducted during 12 month of year 2010, and Randomized block design with three replications was applied at four locations : Sragen, Malang, Pasuruan and Sumenep. The materials tested consists of five clones : UB1, UB2, UB3, UB4, UB5 included control ( Balitro clone). The results showed that the stability of the rhizome yield in each locations , achieved by UB3 and UB4 clones. The highest rhizome weight was obtained by UB2 at 34,63 t/ha, while the constant high curcumin content was obtained by UB4. Clones UB1 and UB5 suitable to be developed on marginal lands and clone UB2 adaptive on high fertility environment

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Pembagian Pencapaian Kelompok Berbantuan Diagram Alir terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Teks Eksplanasi Kompleks Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 2 Malang

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the influence learning model KDP-Media on the ability to write a text explanation of complex class XI SMA based on four aspects, namely (1) the organization of content, (2) development paragraph general statements, (3) development of paragraph series of explanatory, and (4) the formulation of the title. This study uses a quantitative research approach with quasi-experimental research design or quasi experimental. The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences scores post-test students' experimental class and control class on the organization of the content of the text (p = 0.027), paragraph development general statement (p =0.010), paragraph development series of explanatory (p = 0.021), and the formulation of the title text (p = 0.027).Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan pengaruh model pembelajaran PPK-Media terhadap kemampuan menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks siswa kelas XI SMA berdasarkan empat aspek, yakni (1) pengorganisasian isi, (2) pengembangan paragraf pernyataan umum, (3) pengembangan paragraf deret penjelas, dan (4) Perumusan judul. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan penelitian eksperimen semu atau quasi eksperimental. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan skor pascates siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol mengenai pengorganisasian isi teks (p = 0,027), pengembangan paragraf pernyataan umum (p = 0,010), pengembangan paragraf deret penjelas (p = 0,021), dan Perumusan judul teks (p = 0,027)
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