15 research outputs found

    Fractional optimal control analysis of Covid-19 and dengue fever co-infection model with Atangana-Baleanu derivative

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    A co-infection with Covid-19 and dengue fever has had worse outcomes due to high mortality rates and longer stays either in isolation or at hospitals. This poses a great threat to a country's economy. To effectively deal with these threats, comprehensive approaches to prevent and control Covid-19/dengue fever co-infections are desperately needed. Thus, our focus is to formulate a new co-infection fractional model with the Atangana-Baleanu derivative to suggest effective and feasible approaches to restrict the spread of co-infection. In the first part of this paper, we present Covid-19 and dengue fever sub-models, as well as the co-infection model that is locally asymptotically stable when the respective reproduction numbers are less than unity. We establish the existence and uniqueness results for the solutions of the co-infection model. We extend the model to include a vaccination compartment for the Covid-19 vaccine to susceptible individuals and a treatment compartment to treat dengue-infected individuals as optimal control strategies for disease control. We outline the fundamental requirements for the fractional optimal control problem and illustrate the optimality system for the co-infection model using Pontraygin's principle. We implement the Toufik-Atangana approximating scheme to simulate the optimality system. The simulations show the effectiveness of the implemented strategy in determining optimal vaccination and treatment rates that decrease the cost functional to a minimum, thus significantly decreasing the number of infected humans and vectors. Additionally, we visualize a meaningful decrease in infection cases with an increase in the memory index. The findings of this study will provide reasonable disease control suggestions to regions facing Covid-19 and dengue fever co-infection

    Optimal Control of Tube Drawing Processes

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    This study deals with the optimal control problems of the glass tube drawing processes where the aim is to control the cross-sectional area (circular) of the tube by using the adjoint variable approach. The process of tube drawing is modeled by four coupled nonlinear partial differential equations. These equations are derived by the axisymmetric Stokes equations and the energy equation by using the approach based on asymptotic expansions with inverse aspect ratio as small parameter. Existence and uniqueness of the solutions of stationary isothermal model is also proved. By defining the cost functional, we formulated the optimal control problem. Then Lagrange functional associated with minimization problem is introduced and the first and the second order optimality conditions are derived. We also proved the existence and uniqueness of the solutions of the stationary isothermal model. We implemented the optimization algorithms based on the steepest descent, nonlinear conjugate gradient, BFGS, and Newton approaches. In the Newton method, CG iterations are introduced to solve the Newton equation. Numerical results are obtained for two different cases. In the first case, the cross-sectional area for the entire time domain is controlled and in the second case, the area at the final time is controlled. We also compared the performance of the optimization algorithms in terms of the solution iterations, functional evaluations and the computation time.Optimale Steuerung bei der Herstellung von Glasröhre

    Optimal Control of Tube Drawing Processes

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    This study deals with the optimal control problems of the glass tube drawing processes where the aim is to control the cross-sectional area (circular) of the tube by using the adjoint variable approach. The process of tube drawing is modeled by four coupled nonlinear partial differential equations. These equations are derived by the axisymmetric Stokes equations and the energy equation by using the approach based on asymptotic expansions with inverse aspect ratio as small parameter. Existence and uniqueness of the solutions of stationary isothermal model is also proved. By defining the cost functional, we formulated the optimal control problem. Then Lagrange functional associated with minimization problem is introduced and the first and the second order optimality conditions are derived. We also proved the existence and uniqueness of the solutions of the stationary isothermal model. We implemented the optimization algorithms based on the steepest descent, nonlinear conjugate gradient, BFGS, and Newton approaches. In the Newton method, CG iterations are introduced to solve the Newton equation. Numerical results are obtained for two different cases. In the first case, the cross-sectional area for the entire time domain is controlled and in the second case, the area at the final time is controlled. We also compared the performance of the optimization algorithms in terms of the solution iterations, functional evaluations and the computation time.Optimale Steuerung bei der Herstellung von Glasröhre

    Atangana-Baleanu Fractional Dynamics of Predictive Whooping Cough Model with Optimal Control Analysis

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    Whooping cough, or pertussis, is an infectious disease that causes serious threats to people of all ages, specifically to infant and young children, all over the world. Due to the severe impact on health, it is necessary to construct a mathematical model that can be used to predict future dynamics of the disease, as well as to suggest strategies to eliminate the disease in an optimal way. For this, we constructed a new Atangana–Baleanu fractional model for whooping cough disease to predict the future dynamics of the disease, as well as to suggest strategies to eliminate the disease in an optimal way. We prove that the proposed model has a unique solution that is positive and bounded. To measure the contagiousness of the disease, we determined the reproduction number R0 and used it to examine the local and global stability at equilibrium points that have symmetry. Through sensitivity analysis, we determined parameters of the model that are most sensitive to R0. The ultimate aim of this research was to analyze different disease prevention approaches in order to find the most suitable one. For this, we included the vaccination and quarantine compartments in the proposed model and formulated an optimal control problem to assess the effect of vaccination and quarantine rates on disease control in three distinct scenarios. Firstly, we study the impact of vaccination strategy and conclude the findings with a graphical presentation of the results. Secondly, we examine the impact of quarantine strategy on whooping cough infection and its possible elimination from society. Lastly, we implement vaccination and quarantine strategies together to visualize their combined effect on infection control. In addition to the study of the optimal control problem, we examine the effect of the fractional order on disease dynamics, as well as the impact of constant vaccination and quarantine rates on disease transmission and control. The numerical results reveal that the optimal control strategy with vaccination and quarantine together would be more effective in reducing the spread of whooping cough infection. The implementation of the Toufik–Atangana-type numerical scheme for the solution of the fractional optimal control problem is another contribution of this article

    Atangana-Baleanu fractional dynamics of dengue fever with optimal control strategies

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    Dengue fever, a vector-borne disease, has affected the whole world in general and the Indian subcontinent in particular for the last three decades. Dengue fever has a significant economic and health impact worldwide; it is essential to develop new mathematical models to study not only the dynamics of the disease but also to suggest cost-effective mechanisms to control disease. In this paper, we design modified facts about the dynamics of this disease more realistically by formulating a new basic ShEhIhRh S_hE_hI_hR_h host population and SvIv S_vI_v vector population integer order model, later converting it into a fractional-order model with the help of the well-known Atangana-Baleanu derivative. In this design, we introduce two more compartments, such as the treatment compartment Th T_h , and the protected traveler compartment Ph P_h in the host population to produce ShEhIhThRhPh S_hE_hI_hT_hR_hP_h . We present some observational results by investigating the model for the existence of a unique solution as well as by proving the positivity and boundedness of the solution. We compute reproduction number R0 \mathcal{R}_{0} by using a next-generation matrix method to estimate the contagious behavior of the infected humans by the disease. In addition, we prove that disease free and endemic equilibrium points are locally and globally stable with restriction to reproduction number R0 \mathcal{R}_{0} . The second goal of this article is to formulate an optimal control problem to study the effect of the control strategy. We implement the Toufik-Atangana scheme for the first time to solve both of the state and adjoint fractional differential equations with the ABC derivative operator. The numerical results show that the fractional order and the different constant treatment rates affect the dynamics of the disease. With an increase in the fractional order and the treatment rate, exposed and infected humans, as well as the infected mosquitoes, decrease. However, the optimal control analysis reveals that the implemented optimal control strategy is very effective for disease control

    Implementation of computationally efficient numerical approach to analyze a Covid-19 pandemic model

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    Corona virus disease (Covid-19) which has caused frustration in the human community remains the concern of the globe as every government struggles to defeat the pandemic. To deal with the situation, we have extensively studied a deadly Covid-19 model to provide a deep insight into the disease dynamics. A mathematical analysis of the model utilizing preventive measures is performed with the aim to reduce the disease burden. Some comprehensive mathematical techniques are employed to demonstrate several essential properties of solutions. To start with, we proved the existence and uniqueness of solutions. Equilibrium points are stated both in the absence and presence of the pandemic. Biologically important quantity known as threshold parameter is computed to handle the future disease dynamics and analyzed for its sensitivity. We proved the stability of the proposed model at equilibrium points by employing necessary conditions on threshold parameter. A reliable and competitive numerical analysis is conducted to observe the effectiveness of implemented strategies and to verify obtained analytical results. The most sensitive parameters are determined through sensitivity analysis. An important feature of this study is to employ Non-Standard Finite Difference (NSFD) numerical scheme to solve the system instead of other standard methods like Runge–Kutta method of order 4 (RK4). Finally, several numerical simulations are performed to validate our former theoretical analysis. Numerical results exhibiting dynamical behavior of Covid-19 system under the influence of involved parameters suggest that both the implemented strategies, especially quarantine of exposed individuals, are effective for the substantial reduction in the diseased population and to achieve the herd immunity

    Mathematical study of lumpy skin disease with optimal control analysis through vaccination

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    In this study, we develop a new mathematical model with vaccination to properly comprehend dynamics of the Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) ailment. We analyze the model for the existence of a unique positive and bounded solution. To assess the contagiousness of the disease and to test the proposed model for local and global stability at the disease-free and endemic equilibrium points, we determine the reproduction number R0. We also investigate the influence of model parameters on reproduction number R0 by performing sensitivity analysis. The main objective of this study is to carry out different disease control techniques to determine the optimal one. As a first strategy, we analyze the effect of different constant vaccination rates and constant exposure rates on disease control. Secondly, we construct an optimal control problem to investigate the influence of vaccination on disease control with possible elimination from society. The numerical findings reveal that the proposed optimal control strategy for control of LSD is more effective in lowering the number of infected animals

    Investigating the Dynamics of Bayoud Disease in Date Palm Trees and Optimal Control Analysis

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    The fungus Fusarium oxysporum (f.sp. albedinis) causes Bayoud disease. It is one of the epiphytotic diseases that affects a wide range of palm species and has no known cure at present. However, preventive measures can be taken to reduce the effects of the disease. Bayoud disease has caused enormous economic losses due to decreased crop yield and quality. Therefore, it is essential to develop a mathematical model for the dynamics of the disease to propose some affordable methods for disease management. In this study, we propose a novel mathematical model that describes the transmission dynamics of the disease in date palm trees. The model incorporates various factors such as the contact rate of the fungi with date palm trees, the utilization of fungicides, and the introduction of a quarantine compartment to prevent disease dissemination. We first prove a few key properties of the proposed model to ensure that the model is well-posed and suitable for numerical investigations. We establish that the model has a unique positive solution that is bounded and stable over time. We use sensitivity analysis to identify the parameters that have the greatest effect on the reproduction number R0 and illustrate this effect graphically. We then formulate an optimal control problem to identify the most suitable and cost-effective disease control approaches. As a first approach, we solely focus on the application of fungicide to susceptible trees and determine the best spray rates for a greater decrease in exposed and infected trees. Secondly, we emphasize quarantining exposed and infected trees at optimal quarantine rates. Finally, we explore the combined effect of fungicide spraying and isolating infected trees on disease control. The findings of the last approach turn out to be the most rewarding and cost-effective for minimizing infections in date palm trees

    Theoretical Analysis of a COVID-19 CF-Fractional Model to Optimally Control the Spread of Pandemic

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    In this manuscript, we formulate a mathematical model of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic to understand the dynamic behavior of COVID-19. For the dynamic study, a new SEIAPHR fractional model was purposed in which infectious individuals were divided into three sub-compartments. The purpose is to construct a more reliable and realistic model for a complete mathematical and computational analysis and design of different control strategies for the proposed Caputo–Fabrizio fractional model. We prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions by employing well-known theorems of fractional calculus and functional analyses. The positivity and boundedness of the solutions are proved using the fractional-order properties of the Laplace transformation. The basic reproduction number for the model is computed using a next-generation technique to handle the future dynamics of the pandemic. The local–global stability of the model was also investigated at each equilibrium point. We propose basic fixed controls through manipulation of quarantine rates and formulate an optimal control problem to find the best controls (quarantine rates) employed on infected, asymptomatic, and “superspreader” humans, respectively, to restrict the spread of the disease. For the numerical solution of the fractional model, a computationally efficient Adams–Bashforth method is presented. A fractional-order optimal control problem and the associated optimality conditions of Pontryagin maximum principle are discussed in order to optimally reduce the number of infected, asymptomatic, and superspreader humans. The obtained numerical results are discussed and shown through graphs

    Theoretical Analysis of a COVID-19 CF-Fractional Model to Optimally Control the Spread of Pandemic

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    In this manuscript, we formulate a mathematical model of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic to understand the dynamic behavior of COVID-19. For the dynamic study, a new SEIAPHR fractional model was purposed in which infectious individuals were divided into three sub-compartments. The purpose is to construct a more reliable and realistic model for a complete mathematical and computational analysis and design of different control strategies for the proposed Caputo–Fabrizio fractional model. We prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions by employing well-known theorems of fractional calculus and functional analyses. The positivity and boundedness of the solutions are proved using the fractional-order properties of the Laplace transformation. The basic reproduction number for the model is computed using a next-generation technique to handle the future dynamics of the pandemic. The local–global stability of the model was also investigated at each equilibrium point. We propose basic fixed controls through manipulation of quarantine rates and formulate an optimal control problem to find the best controls (quarantine rates) employed on infected, asymptomatic, and “superspreader” humans, respectively, to restrict the spread of the disease. For the numerical solution of the fractional model, a computationally efficient Adams–Bashforth method is presented. A fractional-order optimal control problem and the associated optimality conditions of Pontryagin maximum principle are discussed in order to optimally reduce the number of infected, asymptomatic, and superspreader humans. The obtained numerical results are discussed and shown through graphs